Hebrews:Chapter 6
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希伯來書 | Hebrews |
1因此,讓我們擱下論基督的初級教理,而努力向成全的課程邁進;不必再樹立基礎,就是講論悔改、死亡的行為、信賴天主、 | 1Therefore let us leave the elementary teaching about Christ and move forward to a more advanced knowledge without laying again the foundation, that is: turning away from dead works, faith in God, |
2及各種洗禮、覆手、死者復活和永遠審判的道理。 | 2the teaching about baptisms and laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead and the final judgment. |
3如果天主准許,我們就這樣去作。 | 3This is what we shall do, God permitting. |
4的確,那些曾一次被光照,嘗過天上的恩賜,成了有分於聖神, | 4In any case, it would be impossible to renew again through penance those who have once been enlightened and have tasted the heavenly gift and received the Holy Spirit, |
5並嘗過天主甘美的言語,及未來世代德能的人, | 5tasted the beauty of the word of God and the wonders of the supernatural world. |
6如果背棄了正道,再叫他們自新悔改,是不可能的,因為他們親自又把天主子釘在十字架上,公開加以凌辱。 | 6If in spite of this they have ceased to believe and have fallen away, it is impossible to move them a second time to repentance when they are crucifying, on their own account, the Son of God, and spurning him publicly. |
7就如一塊田地,時有雨水降於其上,時受潤澤:若出產有益於那種植者的蔬菜,就必蒙受天主的祝福; | 7Soil that drinks the rain falling continually on it and produces profitable grass for those who till it, receives the blessings of God, |
8但若生出荊棘蒺藜來,就必被廢棄,必要受詛咒,它的結局就是焚燒。 | 8but the soil that produces thorns and bushes is poor soil and in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned. |
9可是,親愛的諸位!我們雖這樣說,但對你們,我們確信你們將有更好的表現,更近於救恩, | 9Yet even though we speak like this, we are more optimistic, dear friends, regarding you and your salvation. |
10因為天主不是不公義的,甚至於忘掉了你們的善工和愛德,即你們為了他的名,在過去和現在,在服事聖徒的事上所表現的愛德。 | 10God is not unjust and will not forget everything you have done for love of his name; you have helped and still help the believers. |
11我們只願你們每一位表現同樣的熱心,以達成你們的希望,一直到底。 | 11We desire each of you to have, until the end, the same zeal for reaching what you have hoped for. |
12這樣,你們不但不會懈怠,而且還會效法那些因信德和耐心而繼承恩許的人。 | 12Do not grow careless but imitate those who, by their faith and determination, inherit the promise. |
13當天主應許亞巴郎的時候,因為沒有一個比天主大而能指着起誓的,就指着自己起誓, | 13Remember God's promise to Abraham. God wanted to confirm it with an oath and, as no one is higher than God, |
14說:「我必多多祝福你,使你的後裔繁多。」 | 14he swore by himself: I shall bless you and give you many descendants. |
15這樣亞巴郎因耐心等待,而獲得了恩許。 | 15By just patiently waiting, Abraham obtained the promise. |
16人都是指着比自己大的起誓;以起誓作擔保,了結一切爭端。 | 16People are used to swearing by someone higher than themselves and their oath affirms everything that could be denied. |
17為此天主願意向繼承恩許的人,充分顯示自己不可更改的旨意,就以起誓來自作擔保, | 17So God committed himself with an oath in order to convince those who were to wait for his promise that he would never change his mind. |
18好叫我們這些尋求避難所的人,因這兩種不可更改的事──在這些事上天主決不會撒謊──得到一種強有力的鼓勵,去抓住那擺在目前的希望。 | 18Thus we have two certainties in which it is impossible that God be proved false: promise and oath. That is enough to encourage us strongly when we leave everything to hold to the hope set before us. |
19我們拿這希望,當作靈魂的安全而又堅固的錨,深深地拋入帳幔的內部。 | 19This hope is like a spiritual anchor, secure and firm, thrust beyond the curtain of the Temple into the sanctuary itself, |
20作前驅的耶穌已為我們進入了那帳幔內部,按照默基瑟德品位做了永遠的大司祭。 | 20where Jesus has entered ahead of us - Jesus, High Priest for ever in the order of Melchizedek. |
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