Hosea:Chapter 13


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歐瑟亞 Hosea
1從前厄弗辣因一發言,令人害怕,他原是以色列中的首領;但後來他因巴耳而犯罪,至於滅亡。 1When Ephraim spoke all trembled; he was powerful in Israel but became guilty of Baal worship and ruined himself.
2如今他們仍舊犯罪,用銀子為自己鑄神像,按照他們的幻想製造偶像;這一切只是匠人的作品,他們反說:應向它們獻祭!各人就口親牛犢。 2They now continue to sin and make images from molten metal, fashioning idols from silver, the work of craftsmen. And they call them God! They offer sacrifices to them and humans adore calves!
3因此,他們將如黎明的雲霧,如易逝的朝露,如禾場上被風捲去的糠秕,如由窗戶冒出的煙氣。 3That is why they will be like morning mist and like dew which does not last, like the straw swept away on the threshing floor, like smoke escaping through a window.
4從在埃及地時,我就是上主,你的天主;除我以外,你不可認識其他的神;除我以外,別無拯救者。 4But I am Yahweh, your God who brought you out of Egypt; you have no God other than me and no savior but me.
5我在曠野中──在乾旱之地──牧放了你。 5I knew you in the desert, in a land of scorching heat.
6我牧養了他們,使他們得以飽食;但飽食之後,他們便心高氣傲,反而忘卻了我。 6When they had food they were satisfied and when they were satisfied they became proud and no longer remembered me.
7所以我對他們將像一隻獅子,像一頭豹子,伏在路旁,窺伺他們; 7So I became for them like a leopard, like a tiger I watched out for them,
8像一頭失掉幼子的母熊衝向他們,撕破他們胸內的心,好叫野狗在那裏吞食他們,野獸撕裂他們。 8and attacked them with the fury of a bear that has lost its cubs. I tore out their heart and like a lion I devoured them; like a savage beast I tore them apart.
9以色列!我要摧毀你,有誰能援助你? 9Israel, you had in me a helper, will I be now your destroyer?
10你的君王在那裏?讓他來拯救你!你所有的首領在那裏?叫他們來保護你!因為你曾說:「請你賜給我君王和首領!」 10Where is your king that he may rescue your cities? Where are your rulers about whom you said, "Give us a king and commanders."
11我在忿怒中給了你君王,我也要在盛怒中,再將他除去。 11So in my anger I gave you a king and in my fury I took him away.
12厄弗辣因的邪惡已被封存,他的罪孽已被貯藏。 12The wickedness of Ephraim is deep-set; his sin is stored up.
13分娩的劇痛將臨到他身上,可是胎兒是一個愚蠢的孩子,雖然時候到了,他仍不願脫離母胎。 13The pangs of woman in labor come upon him. But the child is capricious. When it is time he does not leave the womb.
14我要解救他們脫離死亡嗎?死亡啊!你的災害在那裏?陰府啊!你的毀滅在那裏?憐憫已由我的眼前隱蔽了。 14Will I ransom them from the power of the netherworld? Will I rescue them from death? Not at all! Where, O death, are your plagues? Where, O netherworld, is your venom? Yet my eyes will not look with compassion
15他在蘆葦中雖然長的茂盛,但必有東風吹來:上主的風必由曠野吹來,使他的泉源枯竭,使他的湧泉乾涸。他必掠去他所貯藏的一切寶物。 15on the one who excelled among his brothers. Yahweh will send the east wind from the desert to dry up his sources of water and parch his fountains, to strip him of all his treasures.




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