Isaiah:Chapter 16


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依撒意亞 Isaiah
1那地的主宰從曠野的磐石,應傳達一言,至熙雍女兒的山嶺! 1Like bewildered birds cast out of their nests, the daughters of Moab stay at the fords of Arnon.
2當時摩阿布女兒在阿爾農渡口,猶如逃遁的小鳥,傾巢的幼雛。 2From Sela, across the wilderness, they send lambs to the mount of Zion: are they not the rulers of the land?
3「請給我們出個主意,快下決斷!使你的蔭影在日中有如黑夜,遮蔽被驅逐的人,不要暴露出逃的人! 3They say: "Take counsel, render decision with justice. Even at high noon let your shade be like the night to hide the fugitives. Do not betray the refugees.
4讓被驅逐的摩阿布人僑居在你處,做他們的藏身地,以逃避劫掠者的面。」當壓迫終止,劫掠停止,蹂躪大地的人消滅時, 4Let the outcasts from Moab sojourn among you; be a refuge to them against the destroyer." and the destruction is over and those who trample the land underfoot have gone,
5必有一個寶座建立在慈惠中,在達味的帳幕內,必有一位尋求公義,急行正義的判官,憑真實坐於寶座之上。 5a throne will be established steadfast in love. One from the House of David, for the sake of truth will sit on it; he will administer justice swiftly and judge the people righteously.)
6我們曾聽到摩阿布的驕傲,極其傲慢;聽到她的驕矜,她的傲慢,她的自負,她狂妄的矜誇。 6We have heard of the pride of Moab, of her arrogance and insolence, of her empty pretensions.
7為此,摩阿布必將哀哭,人人都要為摩阿布哀哭:為克爾哈勒色特的葡萄乾餅,人人只有傷心歎息! 7Let her wail then, and let everyone wail for her. Mourn for the raisin-cakes of Kirhareseth.
8因為赫市朋的田園已零落,息貝瑪的葡萄已凋謝!枝蔓為列國的君王所斬斷;那些枝蔓曾蔓延到雅則爾,漫遊至曠野;那些枝條曾向外伸展,越過了海洋! 8The fields of Heshbon languish, the vines of Sibmah wither. The tyrants of the nations have trampled down the choicest vines, those that once reached Jazer, spreading towards the desert, stretching out as far as the sea.
9為此我要參與雅則爾的痛哭,來痛哭息貝瑪的葡萄;赫市朋啊!厄肋阿肋啊!我要用我的眼淚來灌溉你!因為在你夏收和秋收時,戰爭的呼聲驟然降臨! 9Therefore I weep as Jazer weeps for the vines of Sibmah. I drench you, O Heshbon, O Elealeh, with my tears! For over your fruit and your vintage have been heard loud battle cheers.
10田園中的喜樂與歡欣已歛跡,葡萄園中再也沒有歌聲與歡呼;搾酒的人不再在搾酒池上搾酒,歡呼的歌聲已斷絕! 10But they are gone: joy and gladness have now vanished from your orchards. In the vineyards no more singing is heard, no more shout of joy is raised. In the winepresses no foot treads out wine, no voice shouts in exultation, no heart sings a vintage song.
11為此,我的肝腸為摩阿布哀鳴,有如琴瑟;我的五內為克爾哈勒斯嗚咽,有如蕭笙。 11Like a lyre, therefore, my soul moans for Moab; my heart pines for Kir-areseth.
12摩阿布在高丘上縱然現得疲勞,縱然到廟宇裏去祈禱,盡屬枉然! 12When Moab appears on the high places, she will only grow weary; when she goes to pray at the sanctuary, it will be to no avail.
13這是上主以前反對摩阿布所說的話。 13This is the word which Yahweh spoke against Moab in the past. But
14但是現在,上主聲明說:「照僱工的年限計,三年之內,摩阿布的光榮將變為羞辱;縱然她的人數眾多,剩下來的甚是稀少,毫無勢力」。 14now Yahweh says, "Within three years, like the years of a servant bound by contract, the glorious power of Moab will have ceased to command respect, her survivors will be very few and feeble."




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