Isaiah:Chapter 27


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依撒意亞 Isaiah
1到那一天,上主要用他那厲害、巨大、猛烈的劍,來懲罰「里外雅堂」飛龍,和「里外雅堂」蜿蛇;並要擊殺海中的蛟龍。 1On that day, with his fierce, strong, and powerful sword, Yahweh will punish Leviathan, the twisting serpent always fleeing; he will slay the dragon of the sea.
2到那一天,你們要唱「那可愛的葡萄園」歌: 2On that day, he will say, "Praise my fruitful vineyard!
3「我,上主,親自作它的護守者,時加灌溉;我要日夜護守,免得受人侵害。 3I, Yahweh, am its keeper; I water it every moment. So that no one will harm it, day and night I guard it."
4我再沒有怒氣;萬一有了荊棘和蒺藜,我必前去攻擊,將它完全焚毀; 4"I have no wall, who will cleanse me from thorns?" "I myself will march against them, I will burn them altogether.
5除非不求我保護,不與我講和,不與我和好……」 5Or if they come to me for refuge, let them make peace with me, yes, let them make peace with me."
6來日雅各伯將生根,以色列要發芽開花,她的果實要佈滿地面。 6In days to come Jacob will take root, Israel will blossom and bear many a shoot and fill the face of the earth with fruit.
7上主打擊以色列,那裏像他打擊那些打擊以色列的人呢?上主擊殺以色列,那裏像他擊殺那些擊殺以色列的人呢? 7Has Yahweh beaten them as he beat those who beat them? Has he slain them as he slew those who slew them?
8上主以離棄,以驅逐,懲罰了她;在吹東風的日子,藉巨風將她捲去。 8With expulsion and exile the city has been punished; with a blast as fierce as a storm from the east, she has been pursued and carried off.
9惟其如此,雅各伯的罪過方得消除;她的罪孽得以赦免的代價,即在於她將祭壇所有的石塊,打得粉碎有如石灰,不再豎立「阿舍辣」和太陽柱。 9By this, therefore, the guilt of Jacob will be expiated and he will atone for his sins when he pulverizes all the altar stones like chalkstones crushed to pieces. No more Asherah poles or incense altars!
10的確,設防的城市已荒涼,成了被撇下和放棄的住宅,有如荒野:牛犢在那裏牧放,在那裏偃臥,吃盡了那裏的枝葉。 10For the fortified city is abandoned: it lies deserted now, a forsaken habitation left like a wilderness. There the calves graze, there they lie down, and there they strip bare its branches.
11幾時樹枝枯萎,就自會斷落,婦女便來拿去燒火;她既不是個聰敏的民族,因此那創造她的,對她沒有憐惜;那形成她的,對她也不表恩情。 11Its dry boughs are broken; women come and make fire with them. This is a people without understanding; therefore their Maker will not spare them; he will not show compassion on them.
12到那一天,上主要從大河流域到埃及河畔收割果實,以色列子民啊!你們都要一個一個地被聚集起來。 12On that day, between the Euphrates and the Wadi of Egypt, Yahweh will thresh out the grain. One by one you will be gleaned, O people of Israel.
13到那一天,要吹起大號筒,凡是在亞述失迷的,在埃及地分散的,都要前來,在耶路撒冷聖山上,朝拜上主。 13On that day a great trumpet will blow, and those who were perishing in the land of Assyria and those who were driven out to the land of Egypt will return to worship the Lord on the mountain in Jerusalem.




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