Job:Chapter 26


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約伯傳 Job
1約伯回答說: 1Job answered then:
2無能為力的人,你怎樣援助了他?無力的手臂,你怎樣支持了他? 2What help have you given to the powerless, what strength to the enfeebled arm?
3你給無知的人出過什麼主意,表現了你豐富的智慧? 3What advice have you offered to the foolish, and what great insight have you shown?
4你說這些話是指教誰?從你心裏發出的是什麼精神? 4Who has inspired in you these words? Whose spirit spoke from your mouth?
5幽魂在地下打顫,海底與居於海底的,驚恐不已。 5The shades of the deep are terrified, the waters and their inhabitants tremble.
6陰府在他前面顯露,死域也沒有遮掩。 6Sheol is naked before God; destruction lies uncovered.
7他將北極伸張到太虛,將大地懸於虛無之上。 7Over the void he spreads out the northern skies; over emptiness he suspends the earth.
8他將水包裹在濃雲中,托水的雲彩卻不破裂。 8He wraps up the waters in his clouds, yet the clouds do not burst their seams.
9他遮蔽了滿月的面貌,使雲彩散佈其上。 9He covers the face of the moon and spreads his clouds over it.
10在水面上劃了一圓圈,當作光明與黑暗的分界。 10On the face of the waters he draws the horizon as a boundary between light and darkness.
11支天的柱子震動,因他的呵叱而戰慄。 11The pillars of the heavens quake, stunned at his thunderous rebuke.
12他以威力使海洋動盪,以明智擊傷了海怪。 12By his power he stilled the sea; by his wisdom he smote Rahab.
13他一噓氣,天氣清朗;他親手戳穿了飛龍。 13By his wind the skies were cleared; his hand pierced the fleeing serpent.
14看啊!這只是他行動的一端,我們所聽到的語句,何其細微!他轟轟烈烈的作為,有誰能明瞭? 14These are but hints of his power; a whisper is all that we hear of him. But who can understand the thunder of his might?




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