Job:Chapter 31
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約伯傳 | Job |
1我同我的眼立了約,決不注視處女。 | 1I have made a covenant with my eyes not even to gaze at a virgin. |
2天主由上所註定的一分是什麼?全能者由高處所給的產業是什麼? | 2For what is man's lot from God on high, his heritage from the Almighty above? |
3豈不是為惡人註定了喪亡,為作孽的人註定了災殃? | 3Is it not ruin for the wicked, disaster for the wrongdoer? |
4他豈不監視我的行徑,計算我的腳步? | 4Does he not see my ways and number all my steps? |
5我若與虛偽同行,我的腳若趨向詭詐, | 5Have I walked in falsehood? Have my feet hastened towards deceit? |
6願天主以公正的天平秤量我,他必知道我的純正。 | 6Let me be weighed in honest scales, that God may know I am guiltless. |
7我的腳步如果離開了正道,我的心如果隨從了眼目之所見,我的手若持有不潔, | 7If my steps have turned from the way and my heart's desire has gone astray, if my hands have been stained, |
8那麼,我種的,情願讓別人來吃;我栽的,情願讓別人拔出。 | 8then may others eat what I have sown, or may my crops be stricken down. |
9我的心如果為婦女所迷,我如果曾在鄰人門口等候婦女, | 9If I have been enticed by a woman, if I have lurked at my neighbor's door, |
10就讓我的妻子給人推磨,讓別人與她同寢。 | 10then may my wife grind for another, and may other men sleep with her. |
11因為這是淫行,是應受嚴刑的罪惡; | 11(For that is enough to make one ashamed, a crime that should be utterly condemned.) |
12是一種焚燒至毀滅的火,燒盡我全部產業的火。 | 12For it is a fire that burns to destruction; it would have consumed all my possessions. |
13當我的僕婢與我爭執時,我若輕視他們的權利, | 13If I have denied justice to my servants when they had a grievance against me, |
14天主起來時,我可怎麼辦呢?他若追問,我可怎樣回答? | 14what would I do when confronted by God? What would I answer when called to account? |
15在母胎造成我的,不是也造了他們?在母胎形成我們的,不是只有他一個? | 15No less than I, they too were formed in the womb by the same God who formed us all within our mothers. |
16我何時曾拒絕了窮苦人的渴望,我何時曾使寡婦的眼目頹喪? | 16Have I denied anything to the poor, or allowed the widow's eyes to languish? |
17我何時獨自吃食物,而沒有與孤兒共用? | 17Have I eaten my food alone, not sharing it with the fatherless? |
18因為天主自我幼年,就像父親教養了我;自我出了母胎,就引導了我。 | 18No! since youth I have fostered him, and from my mother's womb, I have guided the widow. |
19如果我見了無衣蔽體的乞丐,無遮蓋的窮人, | 19Have I seen a man cold and shivering, destitute, in need of clothing, |
20如果他的心沒有向我道謝,沒有以我的羊毛獲得溫暖, | 20who did not bless me from his heart for giving him the warmth of my fleece? |
21如果我在城門口見有支持我者,就舉手攻擊無罪者, | 21If I have raised my hand against the orphan, trusting in my power and influence, |
22那麼,讓我的肩由胛骨脫落,我的胳膊由肘處折斷! | 22then let my shoulder fall from its socket, let my arm be broken at the joint. |
23因為天主的懲罰使我驚駭,因他的威嚴,我站立不住。 | 23For I feared God-sent calamity, and how could I stand in his presence? |
24我何嘗以黃金為依靠,對純金說過:「你是我的靠山?」 | 24If I have put my trust in gold or have sought my security from it, |
25我何嘗因財產豐富,手賺的多而喜樂過? | 25if I have gloated over my wealth, my fortune and accomplishments, |
26我何時見太陽照耀,月亮皎潔徐行, | 26if I have regarded the sun in its radiance or the moon in its splendor, |
27我的心遂暗中受到迷惑,我的口遂親手送吻? | 27and having been enticed offered them a kiss of my hand in homage, |
28這也是應受嚴罰的罪過,因為我背棄了至高的天主。 | 28then these also would be sins to judge for I would have been unfaithful to God. |
29我何時慶幸恨我者遭殃,見他遭遇不幸而得意? | 29Have I rejoiced at my enemy's misfortune or gloated over disaster that came his way? |
30其實,我沒有容我的口犯罪,詛咒過他的性命。 | 30I have not even allowed my mouth to sin by invoking a curse against him. |
31我帳幕內的人是否有人說過:「某人沒有吃飽主人給的肉?」 | 31Those of my household used to say, "Who has not been fed with Job's meat?" |
32外方人沒有睡在露天地裏,我的門常為旅客敞開。 | 32No sojourner ever spent the night in the street, for my door was always open to wayfarers. |
33我的田地若控告我,犁溝若一同哀訴, | 33Have I, out of human weakness, hidden my sins and concealed guilt in my heart, |
34我若吃田中的產物而不付代價,或叫地主心靈悲傷, | 34keeping silent by myself, because I feared the crowd and their contempt? |
35願此地不再長小麥而長荊棘,不長大麥而長惡草。 | 35Oh, that I had someone to hear me! Let the Almighty answer! This is my plea. Let my accuser write his indictment |
36我豈像凡人一樣,掩飾過我的過犯,把邪惡隱藏在胸中? | 36and I will wear it on my shoulder, or bind it round my head like a turban. |
37我豈怕群眾的吵鬧?親族的謾罵豈能嚇住我,使我不敢作聲,杜門不出? | 37I would give him an account of my every step, and go as boldly as a prince to meet him. This is the end of the words of Job. |
38惟願天主俯聽我,這是我最後的要求:願全能者答覆我!我的對方所寫的狀詞, | 38If my land has cried against me and its furrows wept |
39我把它背在肩上,編成我的冠冕。 | 39because I have eaten its fruits unjustly after getting rid of its owners, |
40我將像王侯一樣走向他面前,向他一一陳述我的行為。──約伯的話至此為止。 | 40let thorns grow instead of wheat and weeds in the place of barley. |
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