Job:Chapter 8


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約伯傳 Job
1叔亞人彼耳達得發言說: 1Bildad the Shuhite spoke:
2這些話你要講到幾時?你口中的話像狂風要到何時? 2How long will you say such things? Your words are long-winded blusterings.
3天主豈能違背公道?全能者豈能屈枉正義? 3Does God pervert judgment? Does the Almighty distort justice?
4若你的子女得罪了他,他必將他們交於罪過的權勢下。 4If your children did him wrong, he has made them pay for their sins.
5你若急切尋覓天主,哀求全能者; 5But if you will have recourse to God and plead with the Almighty,
6你若純潔正直,他必親來守護你,恢復你正義的居所。 6if you are faultless and righteous, even now he will care for you and restore you to your rightful place.
7你起初雖然微小,今後必要興隆強大。 7And your prosperity will be such as to make you forget former times.
8請你查問上一代,細想祖先的經驗; 8Inquire of the past generations and learn from their fathers' experience;
9因為我們由昨日纔有,本來一無所知;我們在世上的日月,好似影子。 9for born but yesterday, we know nothing and our days on earth are but a shadow.
10他們必訓誡你,指教你,向你說出內心的話: 10They will correct and teach you with words that come from the heart.
11蒲草不在池沼內,怎能長大?蘆葦沒有水,怎會長起? 11Can papyrus thrive without marsh? Can reeds flourish without water?
12在茁壯中,尚未砍下,已先百草而枯萎。 12Even if still growing and uncut, they wither more quickly than any plant.
13凡忘記天主的,他的末路也是這樣:惡人的希望必化為泡影。 13Such is the end of him who forgets God; the hope of the godless man perishes.
14他的依靠好似游絲,他的憑藉有如蛛網。 14His trust is hanging by a thread; a spider's web is what he relies on.
15他倚恃自己的家,但它卻站立不住;他要依附自己的住所,住所卻不能久存。 15He leans on his house, but it does not stand; he clings to it, but it crumbles.
16它在日光下而青葱,枝蔓爬滿了園囿, 16He is sturdy under the sun, spreading its shoots in the garden,
17根盤據在石堆上,纏繞在石屋上。 17its roots entwined around the rocks, holding fast to each stone.
18若有人從原處把它拔除,那地必否認說:「我未曾見過它。」 18But when uprooted, the place rejects it: "I have never known you."
19看,它要腐爛在路上,必從地上生出另一棵。 19And there it lies rotting by the road, while other plants grow in its place.
20天主決不棄捨完善的人,也決不支持惡人的勢力。 20Indeed God does not reject the blameless, nor lend his hand to the evildoer.
21你的口角必再洋溢着喜悅,你的唇邊必再充滿歡笑。 21He will again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with joyful shouts.
22憎恨你的必蒙受羞辱,惡人的帳幕必化為烏有。 22Your enemies will be confused, and the tent of the wicked will disappear.




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