John:Chapter 5


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若望福音 John
1這些事後,正是猶太人的慶節,耶穌便上了耶路撒冷。 1After this there was a feast of the Jews and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
2在耶路撒冷靠近羊門有一個水池,希伯來語叫作貝特匝達,周圍有五個走廊。 2Now, by the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem, there is a pool (called Bethzatha in Hebrew) surrounded by five galleries.
3在這些走廊內,躺着許多患病的,瞎眼的,瘸腿的,痳痺的,都在等候水動, 3In these galleries lay a multitude of sick people - blind, lame and paralyzed.
4因為有天使按時下到水池中,攪動池水;水動後,第一個下去的,無論他患什麼病,必會痊癒。 4All were waiting for the water to move, for at times an angel of the Lord would descend into the pool and stir up the water; and the first person to enter after this movement of the water would be healed of whatever disease that person had.)
5在那裏有一個人,患病已三十八年。 5There was a man who had been sick for thirty-eight years.
6耶穌看見這人躺在那裏,知道他已病了多時,就向他說:「你願意痊癒嗎?」 6Jesus saw him, and since he knew how long this man had been lying there, he said to him, "Do you want to be healed?"
7那病人回答說:「主,我沒有人在水動的時候,把我放到水池中;我正到的時候,別人在我以前已經下去了。」 7And the sick man answered, "Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is disturbed; so while I am still on my way, another steps down before me."
8耶穌向他說:「起來,拿起你的床,行走罷!」 8Jesus then said to him, "Stand up, take your mat and walk."
9那人便立刻痊癒了,拿起自己的床,行走起來;那一天正是安息日。 9And at once the man was healed, and he took up his mat and walked. Now that day happened to be the sabbath.
10於是猶太人對那痊癒的人說:「今天是安息日,不許你拿床。」 10So the Jews said to the man who had just been healed, "It is the sabbath and the Law doesn't allow you to carry your mat."
11他回答他們說:「叫我痊癒了的那一位給我說:拿起你的床,行走罷!」 11He answered them, "The one who healed me said to me: Take up your mat and walk."
12他們就問他:「給你說拿起床來,而行走的那人是誰?」 12They asked him, "Who is the one who said to you: Take up your mat and walk?"
13那痊癒的人卻不知道他是誰,因為那地方人多,耶穌已躲開了。 13But the sick man had no idea who it was who had cured him, for Jesus had slipped away among the crowd that filled the place.
14事後,耶穌在聖殿裏遇見了他,便向他說:「看,你已痊癒了,不要再犯罪,免得你遭遇更不幸的事。」 14Afterwards Jesus met him in the Temple court and told him, "Now you are well; don't sin again, lest something worse happen to you."
15那人就去告訴猶太人:使他痊癒的就是耶穌。 15And the man went back and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him.
16為此猶太人便開始迫害耶穌,因為他在安息日作這樣的事。 16So the Jews persecuted Jesus because he performed healings like that on the sabbath.
17耶穌遂向他們說:「我父到現在一直工作,我也應該工作。」 17Jesus replied, "My Father goes on working and so do I."
18為此猶太人越發想要殺害他,因為他不但犯了安息日,而且又稱天主是自己的父,使自己與天主平等。 18And the Jews tried all the harder to kill him, for Jesus not only broke the sabbath observance, but also made himself equal with God, calling him his own Father.
19耶穌於是回答他們說:「我實實在在告訴你們:子不能由自己作什麼,他看見父作什麼,纔能作什麼;凡父所作的,子也照樣作, 19Jesus said to them, "Truly, I assure you, the Son cannot do anything by himself, but only what he sees the Father do. And whatever he does, the Son also does.
20因為父愛子,凡自己所作的都指示給他;並且還要把比這些更大的工程指示給他,為叫你們驚奇。 20The Father loves the Son and shows him everything he does; and he will show him even greater things than these, so that you will be amazed.
21就如父喚起死者,使他們復生,照樣子也使他所願意的人復生。 21As the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so the Son gives life to whom he wills.
22父不審判任何人,但他把審判的全權交給了子, 22In the same way the Father judges no one, for he has entrusted all judgment to the Son,
23為叫眾人尊敬子如同尊敬父;不尊敬子的,就是不尊敬派遣他來的父。 23and he wants all to honor the Son as they honor the Father. Whoever ignores the Son, ignores as well the Father who sent him.
24我實實在在告訴你們:聽我的話,相信派遣我來者的,便有永生,不受審判,而已出死入生。 24Truly, I say to you, anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me, has eternal life; and there is no judgment for him because he has passed from death to life.
25我實實在在告訴你們:時候要到,且現在就是,死者要聽見天主子的聲音,凡聽從的,就必生存。 25Truly, the hour is coming and has indeed come, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and, on hearing it, will live.
26就如父是生命之源,照樣他也使子成為生命之源; 26For the Father has life in himself and he has given to the Son also to have life in himself.
27並且賜給他行審判的權柄,因為他是人子。 27And he has empowered him as well to carry out Judgment, for he is a son of man.
28你們不要驚奇這事,因為時候要到,那時,凡在墳墓裏的,都要聽見他的聲音, 28Do not be surprised at this: the hour is coming when all those lying in tombs will hear my voice
29而出來:行過善的,復活進入生命;作過惡的,復活而受審判。 29and come out; those who have done good shall rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.
30我由我自己什麼也不能作;父怎樣告訴我,我就怎樣審判,所以我的審判是正義的,因為我不尋求我的旨意,而只尋求那派遣我來者的旨意。」 30I can do nothing of myself, and I need to hear Another One to judge; and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will, but the will of him who sent me.
31「如果我為我自己作證,我的證據不足憑信; 31If I bore witness to myself, my testimony would be worthless.
32但另有一位為我作證,我知道他為我作的證足以憑信。 32But Another One is bearing witness to me and I know that his testimony is true when he bears witness to me.
33你們曾派人到若翰那裏去,他就為真理作過證。 33John also bore witness to the truth when you sent messengers to him,
34其實我並不需要人的證據,我提及這事,只是為叫你們得救。 34but I do not seek such human testimony; I recall this for you, so that you may be saved.
35若翰好比是一盞點着而發亮的燈,你們只一時高興享受了他的光明。 35John was a burning and shining lamp, and for a while you were willing to enjoy his light.
36但我有比若翰更大的證據,即父所托付我要我完成的工程,就是我所行的這些工程,為我作證:證明是父派遣了我。 36But I have greater evidence than that of John - the works which the Father entrusted to me to carry out. The very works I do bear witness: the Father has sent me.
37派遣我來的父,親自為我作證;你們從未聽見過他的聲音,也從未看見過他的儀容, 37Thus he who bears witness to me is the Father who sent me. You have never heard his voice and have never seen his likeness;
38並且你們也沒有把他的話存留在心中,因為你們不相信他所派遣的那位。 38then, as long as you do not believe his messenger, his word is not in you.
39你們查考經典,因你們認為其中有永生,正是這些經典為我作 證; 39You search in the Scriptures thinking that in them you will find life; yet Scripture bears witness to me.
40但你們不願意到我這裏來,為獲得生命。」 40But you refuse to come to me, that you may live.
41「我不求人的光榮; 41I am not seeking human praise;
42而且我認得你們,知道在你們內沒有天主的愛情。 42but I have known that love of God is not within you,
43我因我父的名而來,你們卻不接納我;如果有人因自己的名而來,你們反而接納他。 43for I have come in my Father's name and you do not accept me. If another comes in his own name, you will accept him.
44你們既然彼此尋求光榮,而不尋求出於惟一天主的光榮,你們怎麼能相信我呢? 44As long as you seek praise from one another instead of seeking the glory coming from the only God, how can you believe?
45不要想我要在父面前控告你們;有一位控告你們的,就是你們所寄望的梅瑟。 45Do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father. Moses himself in whom you placed your hope, accuses you.
46若是你們相信梅瑟,必會相信我,因為他是指着我而寫的。 46If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote of me.
47如果你們不相信他所寫的,怎麼會相信我的話呢?」 47But if you do not believe what he wrote, how will you believe what I say?




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