Joshua:Chapter 8


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若蘇厄書 Joshua
1以後上主對若蘇厄說:「你不要害怕,不要膽怯,只管率領所有的軍民,前去進攻哈依城。看,我已將哈依王,他的百姓、城池和土地,都交在你手中。 1Then Yahweh said to Joshua: "Do not fear or be discouraged. March with all your warriors against the city of Ai. I will give into your hands its king and its people, the city and its territory.
2你要對待哈依城和哈依王,如同對待耶里哥和耶里哥王一樣;只有城中的戰利品和牲畜,你們可據為己有。你應在城後面,設下攻城的伏兵。」 2You shall deal with Ai as you have dealt with Jericho and its king. But you may take possession of the plunder and all the animals. So now, prepare an ambush behind the city."
3若蘇厄於是與所有的軍民起身前去進攻哈依城。若蘇厄選了三萬精兵,派他們黑夜出發, 3So Joshua left with all his warriors and went up to Ai. Then he chose thirty thousand valiant warriors, and sent them out by night.
4吩咐他們說:「你們要注意,在城那邊,即在城後面埋伏下,不可離城太遠,個個都要戒備; 4And he commanded them: "Lie in ambush behind the city. Do not go very far and be ready.
5我和我率領的人,向城推進;當他們像前次一樣出來迎擊我們時,我們就由他們面前逃走, 5I and all the people who are with me shall close in on the city. But when they come out against us, as they did before, we shall flee from them.
6他們一定出來追趕我們。我們將他們誘出城來,他們必說:這些人像前次一樣,又由我們面前逃走了。我們就由他們面前逃走。 6Then they shall pursue us and go out far from the city, thinking that we are fleeing from them as before.
7那時你們應從埋伏的地方出來,佔領城市,上主你們的天主必將這城交在你們手中。 7But then you shall rise from where you are hiding and occupy the city. Yahweh, our God, will give it to us.
8你們一佔領了城,就放火燒城,全照上主的話執行。你們應注意我吩咐你們的事。」 8After taking the city, you shall burn it according to what Yahweh has commanded. These are my orders."
9若蘇厄就打發他們去了。他們便開到埋伏的地方,停在貝特耳和哈依之間,在哈依西面。那一夜若蘇厄便在百姓中間過了夜。 9So Joshua sent them out and they went to the place of ambush, between Bethel and Ai, to the west of the city, while Joshua slept that night in the midst of his people.
10若蘇厄清早起來,點齊軍民;然後和以色列的長老,在軍人前頭向哈依城進發。 10Very early in the morning, Joshua rose and mustered his army, and then marched at the head of the people, accompanied by the leaders.
11跟隨他的所有軍人也都一齊進發,迫近城下,在哈依北面紮了營。原來在他和哈依中間隔着一個山谷。 11All the warriors who were with him went up and marched until they reached the front of the city. Then they encamped opposite the northern side of the city. The valley separated them from the city.
12若蘇厄調了約五千人,令他們埋伏在貝特耳與哈依之間,即在哈依西面。 12(Then he took five thousand men whom he set in ambush between Bethel and Ai, to the west of the city.)
13這樣城北的軍民和城西的伏兵,都嚴陣以待。當夜若蘇厄就在谷中過了夜。 13The people then set up their camp to the north of the city and their rearguard to the west. That night Joshua was in the valley.
14哈依王一見這情形,便和全城的人急忙起來,到了面對阿辣巴的山坡,要和以色列人交戰,但他沒有料到城後面還有伏兵。 14When the king of Ai saw the situation, he made haste with all his people to attack Israel on the slope opposite the valley of Jordan, without knowing that the Israelites had prepared an ambush behind the city.
15若蘇厄和以色列人在他們面前詐敗,沿着往曠野的路奔逃, 15Joshua and the Israelites pretended that they were being defeated, and so fled to the road leading to the wilderness.
16城中的人盡被徵調,在後追趕。當他們追趕若蘇厄時,都被誘出城來; 16Then all the people of the city began to shout and left to pursue them.
17在哈依和貝特耳沒有留下一個人不出來追趕以色列人的。他們拋下敞開的城門,都去追趕以色列人。 17No one remained to defend the city, and they left the city open.
18這時上主對若蘇厄說:「將你手中的短劍指向哈依城,因為我即將這城交於你手中。」若蘇厄便將手中的短劍指向哈依城。 18Then Yahweh said to Joshua: "Stretch out toward Ai the javelin you have in your hand because I have given you this city."
19他一伸手,伏兵即由埋伏的地方奮起,衝進城中,將城佔領,急速放火燒城。 19So Joshua did this, and at this sign the warriors rose out of their places in the ambush and ran to the city. They entered and seized the city, and set it on fire.
20哈依人回頭,看見城內濃煙沖天,都沒有了往前後逃跑的力量,因為此時向曠野奔逃的以色列人,忽轉過身來還擊追趕自己的哈依人。 20The men of Ai looked back and saw the smoke of the city rising up to heaven, and at the same time, the Israelites who were fleeing turned back upon them.
21若蘇厄和全以色列人見伏兵已奪了城,城內煙氣上騰,便轉身回來擊殺哈依人。 21They lost their courage as they were trapped by the Israelites:
22伏兵也由城中出來夾擊,哈依人便被包圍在以色列人中間,前後受敵;以色列人將他們完全殺盡,沒有留下一個,也沒有逃走一個。 22for on one side were Joshua and all the people of Israel, and on the other, those who had just set the city on fire. The Israelites killed them until none were left to survive or to escape.
23他們生擒了哈依王,把他解到若蘇厄面前。以色列人在曠野的平原上,殺盡了追趕自己的一切哈依居民,哈依人全都死於刀下; 23Only the king of Ai was taken alive and they brought him to Joshua.
24以後,全以色列人又回到哈依,殺盡城中的人。 24The Israelites killed the inhabitants of Ai who went into the fields or who fled to the wilderness; they killed them all. Then they returned to the city and killed all by the sword.
25那天被殺的人,男女共計一萬二千,都是哈依人。 25The total of those who fell that day was twelve thousand.
26若蘇厄在沒有殺盡哈依的一切居民前,一直沒有收回自己手中所持的短劍。 26Joshua did not give the order to stop the war until all the inhabitants of Ai had been killed in accordance with anathema.
27惟有城中的牲畜和財物,以色列人依照上主吩咐若蘇厄的話,據為己有。 27But the Israelites took for themselves the livestock and plunder as Yahweh had commanded.
28然後若蘇厄焚毀哈依城,使之永遠成為廢墟,時至今日,仍是一片荒涼; 28Joshua burned the city and left it in ruins. That place has remained as it was to this day.
29又將哈依王懸在樹上,直到黃昏;日落時,若蘇厄令人將他的死屍從樹上卸下,丟在城門口,在他身上又堆了一大堆石頭,直存到今日。 29As for the king of Ai, Joshua had him hanged on a tree until the sun set. Then he had his body taken down; they cast it at the entrance of the city and raised over it a great heap of stones which can be seen to this day.
30那時,若蘇厄在厄巴耳山,為上主以色列的天主,築了一座祭壇; 30Joshua then built an altar to Yahweh, the God of Israel, on Mount Ebal.
31全照上主的僕人梅瑟向以色列子民所吩咐的,全照梅瑟法律書上所記載的,用沒有動過鐵器的整塊石頭,築了一座祭壇,在上面向上主獻了全燔祭,祭殺了和平祭犧牲。 31He fulfilled what Moses had commanded the children of Israel. And according to what is written in the book of the Law of Moses, the altar was made of uncut stones and was built without the use of an iron tool. On this altar, he offered burnt offerings and peace offerings to Yahweh.
32若蘇厄又在那裏將梅瑟當着以色列子民的面所寫的法律,刻在石頭上。 32There in the presence of the Israelites he wrote upon the stones a copy of the Law which Moses had written.
33以色列全體民眾和他們的長老、領袖、判官,連僑居的人和土生的人,一半向着革黎斤山,一半向着厄巴耳山,正如上主的僕人梅瑟,當初為祝福以色列百姓所命令的。 33All the people stood on both sides of the Ark, with their leaders, secretaries and judges. Opposite it were the priests and the Levites who carried the Ark of Yahweh. Israelites by birth and aliens were together. Half the people were in front of Mount Gerizim and the other half were near Mount Ebal according to Moses' commandment for the blessing of Israel.
34以後若蘇厄將法律上祝福和詛咒的一切話,全照法律書上所記載的,宣讀了一遍。 34Joshua proceeded to read the words of blessing and curse, and all that is written in the book of the Law.
35凡梅瑟所吩咐的一切話,若蘇厄在以色列全會眾前,連婦孺和寄居在他們中的外僑在內,沒有一句不向他們宣讀的。 35He did not omit any word from all that was written by Moses. He read it with a loud voice before the assembly of all Israel, including women, children and foreigners who lived among them.




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