Judges:Chapter 19


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民長紀 Judges
1當以色列尚沒有君王時,有一個肋未人寄居在厄弗辣因山地邊境;他由猶大白冷娶了一個女子為妾。 1At that time there was still no king in Israel. A Levite who lived deep in the mountains of Ephraim took a woman from Bethlehem in Judah as concubine.
2那妾對他發怒,就離開他回了猶大白冷的父家,在那裏住了四個月。 2This woman left him and returned to her father's house in Bethlehem of Judah. She remained there for about four months.
3她的丈夫起來,帶着一個僕人,牽了兩匹驢去找她,想去慰問她,勸她回來;當他來到那女子的父家時,那少女的父親一望見他,就喜喜歡歡地來迎接他。 3Her husband set out to visit her and speak to her heart to make her return to his home. He brought with him a servant and two asses. She welcomed him in the house of her father who was glad to see him.
4他的岳父,即那少女的父親,留他在家裏住了三日,他們在那裏一齊喫喝居住。 4His father-in-law, the father of the girl, made him stay so he remained with him for three days. They ate, drank and spent the night there.
5第四天他們一早起來,肋未人起身要走,那少女的父親就對女婿說:「你們先用些餅,吃點點心,然後再走。」 5On the fourth day, they rose early in the morning and the Levite prepared to leave. But the father of the young maiden said to his son-in-law, "Eat some bread first so you can regain your strength, then you can go."
6於是他們二人坐下一起喫喝;少女的父親對那人說:「請你賞面,再住一夜,再高興高興!」 6The two sat and began to eat and drink together. Then the father-in-law said, "Please spend the night here and have a good time."
7那人起身要走,但他的岳父挽留了他,他又在那裏過了一夜。 7When the Levite got up to leave, his father-in-law insisted, so he stayed that night.
8第五天他一早起來要走,但那少女的父親又說:「請先吃些點心!」於是二人又一同吃東西,直到日已西斜, 8On the fifth day, he again rose early in the morning to go, but the father of the young maiden said to him, "Have more patience and stay until evening." So they ate together.
9那人和他的妾連他的僕人起身要走,他的岳父,即那少女的父親,對他說:「你看,天已晚了,今天在這裏再過一夜,再高興高興,明天清早起來,上路回家去罷!」 9But when the husband, his concubine and his servant stood up to leave, the father-in-law said to his son-in-law, "Look, it's already getting dark. Spend the night here and enjoy yourself. You can leave early tomorrow morning and be on your way home."
10但是,那人不願再過一夜,就帶着他的妾和僕人,以及備好的兩匹驢起身走了,來到耶步斯,即耶路撒冷的對面。 10But the Levite refused to spend the night there, so he got up, left and arrived opposite Jebush, or Jerusalem. He brought with him the two saddled asses, his concubine and his servant.
11當他們臨近耶步斯時,日已西垂,僕人就對主人說:「來,讓我們轉去,到這座耶步斯人城裏去投宿!」 11It was very late when they came near Jebush. So the servant said to his master, "Let us not go any farther but go into the city of the Jebusites and spend the night there."
12主人回答他說:「我們不可進入這座不屬以色列子民的外方人的城,我們往基貝亞去罷! 12His master answered him, "Let us not go to a foreign city where there are no Israelites; we will go to Gibeah." And he added to his servant,
13他又對僕人說:「來!我們到一個地方去投宿,或在基貝亞,或在辣瑪。」 13"Come and let us go near one of those towns. We will spend the night in Gibeah or in Ramah."
14於是他們又上路前行,當來近本雅明的基貝亞時,太陽已經落了。 14So they went their way, and at sunset they arrived opposite Gibeah of Benjamin.
15他們遂進了基貝亞,在那裏投宿;他們進城後,就坐在城內街市上,因為沒有人收留他們在家中過宿。 15They turned aside and went there to spend the night.
16有一個老人晚上由田間工作回來,他原是厄弗辣因山地的人,寄居在基貝亞;本地人卻是本雅明人。 16Then, an old man came in from his work in the fields. He was a man from the mountains of Ephraim and lived as a visitor in Gibeah, for the people of that place were of the tribe of Benjamin.
17那老人舉目,看見在城中街市上有個過路的人,就問說:「你往那裏去?從那裏來?」 17Looking to one side, the old man noticed the visitor in the city square and said to him, "Where do you come from and where are you going?"
18肋未人回答他說:「我們是從猶大白冷來,往厄弗辣因山地的邊境去。我本是那地方的人,我去過猶大白冷,現在要回家去,但沒有人收留我到自己家裏去。 18And he answered, "We are passing through, for we come from Bethlehem of Judah, and we are going up to the borders of the mountains of Ephraim where I come from. I went to Bethlehem of Judah and now I am returning home. But here no one has offered me his house.
19其實我有糧草餵驢,為我和你的婢女以及跟隨你僕人的這個青年人,都有食糧和酒,一無所缺。」 19We have, however, straw and green fodder for our asses, and bread and wine for me, my wife and the young man who accompanies us. We don't lack anything."
20那老人對他說:「你放心罷!你所需要的都由我供給,只不可在街上過夜。」 20The old man said to him, "Peace be with you. I shall provide you with all that you need. Just don't spend the night in the square."
21他遂領他到自己家裏,餵上驢,他們洗了腳,以後就吃喝起來。 21He brought them to his house and gave fodder to the asses. The travelers washed their feet, then ate and drank.
22他們正滿懷高興的時候,看,本城的一些無賴之徒,圍住房屋敲門,對作家主的老人說:「把剛才到你家的那個人領出來,我們要認識他。」 22As they were relaxing, the wicked men of the city went round the house, pounded on the door and said to the old man who owned the house, "Bring out the man you have welcomed into your house so we may amuse ourselves with him."
23家主出來見他們,對他們說:「兄弟們,不要如此!請你不要行這樣的惡事!這人既進了我的家,你們決不能行這醜事! 23The owner of the house went out to them and said, "No, my brothers, do not treat him badly. This man has come into my house, so do not do him evil.
24這裏有我的女兒還是處女,我領她出來,你們可任意污辱她,任憑你們待她;但是對於這人,你們決不可作這種醜事!」 24Here is my daughter, a virgin, and my companion's concubine. I can give her to you if you want. Ravish her and do with her what seems good to you, but not with this man."
25但是那些人不願聽他;客人就抓住自己的妾,把她交給了他們,他們就認識了她,整夜污辱她,直到早晨,在破曉的時候纔放了她。 25But those men would not listen to him. So the man took his concubine and brought her outside. They violated and maltreated her the whole night until morning. At dawn, they left her.
26天快亮的時候,那女子回到留她主人住宿的那人屋前,跌倒在那裏,直到天亮。 26At early morning, the woman came and fell at the entrance of the man's house where her husband was. She lay there until it was day.
27早晨,當她的主人起來開門,出去要動身起程時,看見那女人,即他的妾,伏在門口,她的手扶在門限上, 27When her husband rose up in the morning, opened the door of the house and went out to go on his way, he saw the woman, his concubine, lying at the entrance of the house, her hands on the threshold.
28就對她說:「起來!我們走罷!」然而沒有人回答他;那人便把她馱在驢上,起身回了本地。 28He said to her, "Get up, and let us go." But there was no response. So the man put her on his ass and went home.
29到了家裏,拿起刀來,握住自己的妾,把她的肢體切成十二塊,送到以色列全境, 29When he arrived home, he took a knife and taking hold of his concubine, he divided her, limb by limb, into twelve pieces and sent them throughout the territory of Israel.
30吩咐他所派遣的人說:「你們要對以色列人這樣說:自從以色列子民由埃及地上來那一日,直到今日,是否發生過這樣的事?大家想一想,決定之後,請說出來。」凡看見的都說:「自從以色列子民由埃及地上來那一日,直到今日,從未發生過,也未見過這樣的事。」 30He gave his messengers, this order: "Say this to the Israelites: Until today, have you seen anything like this since the Israelites came up from the land of Egypt? Think about it. Seek counsel and decide." Everyone who saw it said: "Until today, never has this happened nor has a thing like this been seen since the Israelites came up from the land of Egypt."




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