Judges:Chapter 5
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民長紀 | Judges |
1那一天德波辣和阿彼諾罕的兒子巴辣克作歌說: | 1On that day, Deborah and Barak, the son of Abinoam, sang this song: |
2「為了以色列中間有指揮的元帥,為了百姓自願從軍,你們應祝頌上主! | 2In Israel the warriors let their hair loose, in Israel they presented voluntary offerings for the war. Blessed be Yahweh! |
3諸民,請聽!君王,請聽!諸侯,側耳!對上主,我要歌唱,要讚頌上主以色列的天主! | 3Listen, O kings; pay attention, O princes. To Yahweh will I sing. To Yahweh, the God of Israel, will I offer praise. |
4上主,當你由色依爾出征時,當你由厄東地前進時,天搖地動,密雲滴雨。 | 4When you went forth from Seir, O Yahweh, when you came from the camp of Edom, the earth trembled, the heavens reeled and the clouds poured down rain. |
5山岳搖搖欲墜,在上主前,在上主以色列的天主前。 | 5The mountains rocked before Yahweh, before Yahweh - the God of Israel. |
6阿納特之子沙默加爾年間,在為奴的當時,商隊歛跡,行人轉向彎曲的陌徑。 | 6In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Yael, caravans ceased and travelers wandered through the byways. |
7威力在以色列消逝了,消逝了!直到我德波辣崛起,直到以色列的母親興起。 | 7There were no leaders in Israel until I, Deborah, awoke and arose as a mother of Israel. |
8以色列選擇了新神,戰爭即臨門下。四萬以色列人中,不見一面盾牌,一支長矛。 | 8They went after new gods, and war was upon them. There was hardly a shield or a spear for forty thousand men in Israel! |
9我的心靈嚮往以色列的首領,嚮往百姓中自願從軍者。請你們祝頌上主! | 9My heart is with the leaders of Israel, among the people who came willingly. Blessed be Yahweh! |
10騎白驢的,坐華氈的,和過路行人,你們都要歌唱, | 10Those who go riding on white asses, those who walk by the way, meditate! |
11加入水泉間繚繞的歌聲!那裏正在歌頌上主的勝利,歌頌他統治以色列的勝利。上主的百姓,速下到城門口! | 11Hear the voice of those who divide the plunder near the watering place: they sing the favors God has done to Israel when the people of Yahweh march down to the gates. |
12奮發啊!奮發,德波辣!奮發啊!奮發,請歌唱!奮勇,起來,巴辣克!阿彼諾罕的兒子!擒住你的俘虜! | 12Wake up, Deborah, wake up! Wake up, wake up and begin to sing. Arise, Barak! And bring your songs, son of Abinoam. |
13英雄的後裔,請出征!上主的百姓,請隨勇士為我出征! | 13Let the survivors of the people rule over their oppressors! May Yahweh be with me, stronger than the valiant! |
14厄弗辣因盤據在山谷中,本雅明隨你加入了行列;領袖由瑪基爾進軍,手執權杖的由則步隆出發。 | 14Your roots, O Ephraim, are in Amalek; your brother Benjamin is behind you among your army. From Machir the commanders marched down; from Zebulun the leaders bearing the brass staff. |
15依撒加爾的首領與德波辣和巴辣克相偕;巴辣克在山谷中率領自己的步兵襲敵。勒烏本境內,大有運籌帷幄之士! | 15The leaders of Issachar are with Deborah, Issachar is with Barak; the people rushed forth following their footsteps into the plain. There were long talks among the clans of Reuben. |
16為什麼你坐在羊圈內,靜聽牧童的笛聲?勒烏本境內,都是猶豫滿懷的人。 | 16Why did you choose to remain in your folds listening to the flute among the flock? The clans of Reuben could not decide. |
17基肋阿得在約但河東安居;丹人為什麼寄居船上?阿協爾在海岸靜坐,在港口悠閑; | 17Galaad remained on the other side of the Jordan, and Dan, why did you remain in your ships? Asher has remained on the seacoasts; he is quiet in his ports. |
18則步隆是好冒死捨命的子民,納斐塔里在高原上奮不顧身。 | 18Zebulun, in turn, has scorned death; Naphtali went up to the battlefield, too. |
19君王齊來戰鬥,客納罕眾王鏖戰,在默基多水傍──塔納客,未曾掠去一個銀錢。 | 19The kings came to fight; the kings of Canaan fought at Taanach, near the waters of Megiddo, but they got no silver. |
20星辰由天上參戰,自其軌道與息色辣交鋒。 | 20From the heavens the stars fought, from their orbits they fought against Sisera. |
21克雄河的急流將仇敵沖沒。我的心靈,勇敢踐踏罷! | 21The torrent Kishon dragged them away, the cold torrent, the torrent Kishon. March on without fear, my soul! |
22勇士急奔飛騰,馬蹄撻撻作響。 | 22Hoofs of horses shake the ground: the galloping, galloping of his horses. |
23詛咒默洛次,詛咒其中的居民,因他未率領勇士來協助上主! | 23Cursed be Meroz, said the angel of Yahweh, cursed be it, cursed be its inhabitants, for it came not to the aid of Yahweh, not like the heroes. |
24雅厄耳,在女子中是可讚美的!在居於帳棚的女子中是可讚美的! | 24Blessed among women be Yael, wife of Heber the Kenite, among the women who dwell in tents, blessed may you be! |
25他求水,她給了奶,以珍貴的杯盤呈上了乳酪。 | 25He asked for water, she gave him milk; in the cup of honor she served him cream. |
26她左手拿着橛子,右手拿着匠人的鎚子,打擊了息色辣,打穿了他的頭顱,擊穿了他的太陽穴。 | 26She put her hand to the peg and with her right hand took the hammer of a workman. She struck Sisera, crushed his head, pierced and shattered his temple. |
27在她腳前屈身仆倒,深深入睡,昏迷至死;在她腳前屈身仆倒,蜷伏在那裏,僵臥在那裏。 | 27He collapsed at her feet, and there he fell, and lay still. |
28息色辣的母親自窗口探望,在鐵欞中長歎:戰車為什麼遲遲不來?車輪為什麼緩緩而行? | 28Sisera's mother looks out of the window, and she cries out behind the lattice: Why is his chariot late in coming? Why is his chariot delayed? |
29聰明的宮女作了回答,自己心中亦反複思想: | 29The wisest of her women answers and says: |
30或者獲得掠物而在分贓,每人分得一二少女;息色辣取得彩衣為掠物,為我的頸項,獲得錦鏽彩衣。 | 30Surely they are dividing the plunder - one captive, two captives for each warrior; colored cloths for Sisera as booty, colored cloths twice adorned with raised embroidery for a scarf. |
31上主!願你的敵人如此滅亡,願愛你的人像興起的旭日。」境內於是平安了四十年。 | 31So may all your enemies perish, O Yahweh, but may your friends be like the brilliant sun! |
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