Judith:Chapter 13


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友弟德傳 Judith
1夜已深了,他的僕役都迅速離去,巴哥阿從外面把帳幕關好,又示意叫侍從離開主人面前;由於宴飲時間過長,人都感到疲乏,就各自上床睡了。 1When it was late, the servants hurried away. Bagoas dismissed from the presence of his master those who were standing around, and closed the tent from the outside. All the men hurried to bed for they were tired from having drunk too much.
2此時,在帳幕內只有友弟德,和泥醉橫臥在床上的敖羅斐乃。 2So Judith was left alone in the tent with Holofernes who, sodden with wine, had collapsed onto the bed.
3友弟德遂吩咐自己的婢女,要她像平日一樣,在寢室外等候她出來,因為她說自己要出去祈禱;且也對巴哥阿這樣說了。 3Judith told her servant to stand outside the room and watch for her coming out because she would go out to pray, as she did each day. She also spoke to Bagoas in much the same way.
4此時,所有的人都走了,不論大小,沒有一個留在寢室內。友弟德就站在他的床邊,心裏說:「上主,全能的天主!求你在此時,眷顧我手要行的工作,為顯揚耶路撒冷! 4Everyone left the tent of Holofernes, not one - small or great - remained in the room. Judith, then, stood by Holofernes' bed and prayed in her heart, "Lord God all-powerful, help me now in what I will do for the glory of Jerusalem.
5因為如今正是救助你家業的時候,請玉成我的計劃,消滅那起來攻擊我們的敵人!」 5For now is the time to support the cause of your people and to ensure that my undertaking brings about the ruin of the enemies who are drawn up against us."
6她走到靠敖羅斐乃頭部的床柱前,由上面取下了他的短劍, 6Then she moved towards the bedpost near Holofernes' head and took down the sword and,
7再走近床前,抓住他的頭髮說:「上主,以色列的天主,求你今天賜我力量!」 7approaching the bed, she seized the hair of his head saying, "O Lord God of Israel, give me strength, this very moment!"
8遂用盡氣力,在他頸上砍了兩下,割下他的頭顱, 8Then with all her strength she struck his neck twice and cut off his head.
9把他的屍首從床上滾下,由柱上卸下帳幔,即刻走出,將敖羅斐乃的頭,交給自己的使女; 9She then rolled his body from the bed and took off the hangings from the columns. Then she went out at once and gave the head of Holofernes to her servant
10使女把頭放進食袋裏。然後二人一起,照習慣出外祈禱去了。二人經過兵營,繞過山谷,爬上拜突里雅山,來到了自己的城門下。 10who put it in the bag in which she carried the food. Then they went out together as they used to do for prayer. After they had crossed the camp, they passed round the edge of the ravine, climbed the mountain to Bethulia and reached the gates of the town.
11友弟德從遠處向守門的人說:「開門!開門啊!天主,我們的天主,與我們同在,他今日所作的,再次證明他在以色列中的能力,和處置敵人的威力。」 11Judith called from a distance to those who were keeping guard at the gates, "Open, open the gates! God, our God, is with us! Today he has once again worked a miracle in Israel and exerted his power against our enemies."
12城裏的人,一聽見她的聲音,就趕快下來,到城門口,召集了城中的長老。 12As soon as the townsfolk heard her voice, they called the elders and hurried down to the gates of the town.
13於是老幼大小一齊都跑來,由於她回來實在出乎他們意料之外。遂開門迎接她們,點起明亮的火把,將二人圍起來。 13They all ran together, from the smallest to the greatest, for they were waiting for her return. They opened the gates and welcomed the two women; then, having lighted a fire so as to see them, they gathered around the two.
14友弟德大聲對他們說:「讚美天主!讚美,讚美天主!他不但沒有從以色列家收回他的仁慈,今夜反藉着我的手,粉碎了我們的敵人。」 14She said to them in a loud voice, "Praise God, praise him! Praise God who has not withheld his mercy from the House of Israel. This very night he has crushed our enemies by my hand."
15遂由袋裏取出一個人頭來,指着對他們說:「看,這就是亞述軍隊的總司令敖羅斐乃的頭。看!這就是他醉後睡的帳幔!上主藉着一個婦人的手,擊殺了他。 15And, taking out the head of Holofernes from the bag, she showed it to them saying, "Here is the head of Holofernes, general-in-chief of the Assyrian army, and here are the hangings under which he was lying in his drunkenness. The Lord has struck him down by the hand of a woman.
16上主永在!他在我行的路上保護了我,因為我的容貌迷惑了他,叫他趨於喪亡;他未曾與我犯罪,玷污羞辱我。」 16As truly as the Lord lives, it was my face that seduced him to his undoing, but the Lord has protected me. This man could not sin with me to disgrace or dishonor me."
17民眾聽了,不勝驚奇,都俯伏在地,朝拜天主,同聲說道:「今日使你民族的敵人化為烏有的,我們的天主啊!你是應受讚美的!」 17All the people were greatly amazed, so they bowed down and worshiped God, saying with one voice, "Blessed are you, our God, who today have crushed the enemies of your people."
18敖齊雅對她說:「我女!全世界婦女中,你分外應受至高者天主的祝福!創造天地的上主,領你割取我們的敵人統帥頭顱的天主,應受讚美! 18Uzziah said to her, "My daughter, may the Most High God bless you more than all women on earth. And blessed be the Lord God, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has led you to behead the leader of our enemies.
19在永遠記得天主能力的人心中,不會忘記你的信心。 19Never will people forget the confidence you have shown; they will always remember the power of God.
20你不忍見我們民族所受的屈辱,竟不顧惜你的性命,出去挽救我們的危亡,在我們的天主面前,履行正道;希望天主永遠使你獲得光榮,賜與你幸福!」民眾答說:「但願如此!但願如此!」 20May God ensure your everlasting glory, and may he reward and bless you for you have risked your life when your race was humiliated. You chose instead to do the best before God in order to prevent our downfall." And all the people said, "Amen! Amen!"




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