Judith:Chapter 3
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友弟德傳 | Judith |
1他們遂派遣使者同他商談和平說: | 1They therefore sent messengers to Holofernes offering him terms of peace: |
2「看,我們是拿步高大王的奴僕,俯伏在你面前,你看怎樣好,就怎樣處置我們罷! | 2"See, we consider ourselves as servants of Nebuchadnezzar, the great king, do with us as you will. |
3看,我們的住宅、所有的土地和麥田,以及羊群牛群,帳幕旁所有的羊圈,都擺在你面前,你可任意取用。 | 3All our farms, our whole territory, all our wheatfields, our oxen and our sheepfolds lie before you - use them as you please. |
4看,我們的城與城中的居民,都是你的奴僕,你來,看着怎樣好,就怎樣對待他們罷!」 | 4See, our towns and all their inhabitants are yours, deal with them as you wish." |
5使者來到敖羅斐乃前,就向他說了這些話。 | 5These men went to Holofernes and repeated these words. |
6他便同他的軍隊,下到沿海一帶,派兵據守設防的城,又在他們中選拔壯丁,作後備兵。 | 6Then Holofernes moved down to the seacoast with his army. He stationed garrisons in the hill cities and took from them men whom he chose as auxiliaries. |
7城中的居民,及其附近境內的人民,都帶着花冠,跳着舞,敲着鼓,出來迎接他。 | 7The people of these cities received him, as did all the people of the surrounding countryside, with garlands, singing and dancing to the music of tambourines. |
8但是,他還是要破壞他們的聖地,砍伐他們的神林,因為他曾受命,要剷除地上所有的神祇,使萬國一致崇拜拿步高一人,萬民異口同聲稱他為神。 | 8Nevertheless, he still laid waste all their land, cut down their sacred woods and destroyed all their gods, that all people of all languages and nations might worship Nebuchadnezzar alone and proclaim him as god. |
9隨後來到厄斯得隆對面,即猶太平原前的多堂附近, | 9Then he arrived opposite Esdraelon, near Dothan, facing the great chain of Judean hills. |
10安營在革巴與史托頗里之間,在那裏駐紮了一個月,為把自己部隊的輜重集合起來。 | 10He encamped between Geba Scythopolis, and remained there a month in order to reorganize the provisions of his army. |
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