Leviticus:Chapter 15


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肋未紀 Leviticus
1上主訓示梅瑟和亞郎說: 1Yahweh spoke to Moses and Aaron; he said,
2「你們告訴以色列子民說:幾時一個男人身患淋病,淋病使他不潔。 2"Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them:
3淋病使人不潔的光景是這樣:不論他身體常流淋液,或有時止住,他總是不潔的。 3When a man has a discharge from his body, that discharge makes him unclean. The rules about his uncleanness are: Whether his body allows the discharge to flow or whether it retains it, he is unclean.
4凡有淋病的人睡過的床,即染上不潔;凡他坐過之物,即染上不潔。 4Any bed the man lies on and any seat he sits on shall be unclean.
5凡人摸了他的床,這人應洗滌自己的衣服,用水洗澡,直到晚上是不潔的。 5Anyone who touches his bed must wash his clothing and take a bath and will be unclean until evening.
6誰坐了淋病人坐過之物,該洗自己的衣服,用水洗澡,直到晚上是不潔的; 6Anyone who sits on a seat where the man has sat must wash his clothing and take a bath and will be unclean until evening.
7誰摸了淋病人的身體,該洗滌自己的衣服,用水洗澡,直到晚上是不潔的。 7Anyone who touches the body of a man so affected must wash his clothing and take a bath and will be unclean until evening.
8若有淋病的人,在潔淨人身上吐了唾沫,這人就應洗滌自己的衣服,用水洗澡,直到晚上是不潔的。 8If the sick man spits on someone who is clean, that person must wash his clothing and take a bath and will be unclean until evening.
9凡有淋病的人坐過的鞍子,即染上不潔。 9Any saddle the sick man travels on will be unclean.
10誰摸了他身下的任何東西,直到晚上是不潔的;誰攜帶了這些東西,該洗滌自己的衣服,用水洗澡,直到晚上是不潔的。 10All those who touch any object that may be under him will be unclean until evening. Anyone who picks up such an object must wash his clothing and take a bath and will be unclean until evening.
11若有淋病的人,沒有用水洗手接觸了人,這人就應洗滌自己的衣服,用水洗澡,直到晚上是不潔的。 11All those whom the sick man touches without washing his hands must wash their clothing and take a bath and will be unclean until evening.
12凡有淋病的人摸過的陶器,都應打破,任何木具,都應用水洗淨。 12Any clay pot the sick man touches must be broken and any wooden utensil must be rinsed.
13幾時有淋病的人治好不流了,他應計算七天為取潔期,洗滌自己的衣服,用活水洗身,然後就潔淨了。 13When the man suffering from a discharge is cured, he must allow seven days for his purification. He must wash his clothing and take a bath in running water and he will be clean.
14到第八天,應拿兩隻斑鳩或兩隻雛鴿,來到上主面前,在會幕門口,交給司祭。 14On the eighth day he must take two turtledoves or two young pigeons and come before Yahweh at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, and give them to the priest.
15司祭應奉獻一隻作贖罪祭,另一隻作全燔祭。這樣司祭就替他在上主面前,為他的淋病行了贖罪禮。 15The priest is to offer a sacrifice for sin with one of them, and with the other a burnt offering. So the priest will perform the rite of atonement before Yahweh for the man's discharge.
16人若遺精,應用水洗淨全身,直到晚上是不潔的。 16When a man has a seminal discharge, he must bathe his whole body with water and he shall be unclean until evening.
17凡沾有精液的衣服或皮物,應用水洗淨,直到晚上是不潔的。 17Any clothing or leather touched by a seminal discharge must be washed and it will be unclean until evening.
18男女同房媾精,兩人都應用水洗澡,直到晚上是不潔的。 18When a woman has slept with a man, both of them must take a bath and they will be unclean until evening.
19女人幾時行經,有血由她體內流出,她的不潔期應為七天;誰接觸了她,直到晚上不潔。 19When a woman has a discharge of blood, and blood flows from her body, this uncleanness of her monthly periods shall last for seven days. Anyone who touches her will be unclean until evening.
20她不潔期內,凡她臥過之處,都染上不潔;凡她坐過的地方,也染上不潔; 20Any bed she lies on will be unclean; any seat she sits on will be unclean.
21凡摸過她床榻的,應洗滌自己的衣服,用水洗澡,直到晚上是不潔的; 21Anyone who touches her bed must wash his clothing and take a bath and will be unclean until evening.
22凡摸過她坐過之物的,應洗滌自己的衣服,用水洗澡,直到晚上是不潔的; 22Anyone who touches any seat she has sat on must wash his clothing and take a bath and will be unclean until evening.
23誰若摸了她床上,或她坐過之物上的東西,直到晚上是不潔的; 23If there is anything on the bed or the chair on which she sat, anyone who touches it will be unclean until evening.
24若男人與她同房,也沾染上她的不潔,七天之久,是不潔的;凡他臥過的床,也染上不潔。 24If a man sleeps with a woman who is unclean because of her monthly period, he shall be unclean for seven days. Any bed he lies on will be unclean.
25女人若在經期外,多日流血;或者,她流血超過了她月經的日期,在流不潔之物的整個時期內,她如在經期內一樣不潔。 25If a woman has a flow of blood for several days outside her period, or if her period is prolonged, during the time this flow lasts she shall be unclean as during her monthly periods.
26凡她流血期內所臥過的床,就如在經期臥過的床一樣染上不潔;凡她坐過之物,就如她經期內所坐之物一樣,染上不潔。 26Any bed she lies on during the time this flow lasts will be unclean as during her monthly period. Any seat she sits on will be unclean; as it would be during her monthly periods.
27誰若摸了,就染上不潔,應洗滌自己的衣服,用水洗澡,直到晚上不潔。 27Anyone who touches them will be unclean; he must wash his clothing and take a bath and will be unclean until evening.
28幾時她治好不流了,她應計算七天,為取潔期。 28When she is cured of her flow, she will let seven days pass; then she will be clean.
29到第八天,應拿兩隻斑鳩或兩隻雛鴿,來到會幕門口交給司祭; 29On the eighth day she is to take two turtledoves or two young pigeons and bring them to the priest at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.
30司祭應奉獻一隻作贖罪祭,另一隻作全燔祭:這樣司祭就替她在上主面前,為她所流的不潔之物行了贖罪禮。 30With one of them the priest is to offer a sacrifice for sin and with the other a burnt offering. This is the way in which the priest will perform the rite of atonement over her before Yahweh for the flow that made her unclean.
31你們應叫以色列子民戒避他們的不潔,免得他們因不潔,玷污了我在他們中的住所,而遭受死亡。 31Make the sons of Israel aware of everything unclean, lest they die because of defiling the Tent of my presence among them.
32這是有關因淋病,或遺精沾染不潔的人, 32Such is the law concerning a man with a discharge, anyone made unclean by a seminal discharge,
33和行經的婦女,即有關有任何遺漏的男女,以及與不潔的女人同房的男人的法律。」 33a woman unclean because of her monthly periods, a man or a woman with discharge, a man who sleeps with an unclean woman."




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