Luke:Chapter 5
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路加福音 | Luke |
1有一次,耶穌站在革乃撒勒湖邊,群眾擁到他前要聽天主的道理。 | 1One day, as Jesus stood by the Lake of Gennesaret, with a crowd gathered around him listening to the word of God, |
2他看見兩隻船在湖邊停着,漁夫下了船正在洗網。 | 2he caught sight of two boats left at the water's edge by the fishermen now washing their nets. |
3他上了其中一隻屬於西滿的船,請他把船稍微划開,離開陸地;耶穌就坐下,從船上教訓群眾。 | 3He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to pull out a little from the shore. There he sat and continued to teach the crowd. |
4一講完了,就對西滿說:「划到深處去,撒你們的網捕魚罷!」 | 4When he had finished speaking he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch." |
5西滿回答說:「老師,我們已整夜勞苦,毫無所獲;但我要遵照你的話撒網。」 | 5Simon replied, "Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing. But if you say so, I will lower the nets." |
6他們照樣辦了,網了許多魚,網險些破裂了。 | 6This they did and caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. |
7他們遂招呼別隻船上的同伴來協助他們。他們來到,裝滿了兩隻船,以致船也幾乎下沉。 | 7They signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them. They came and filled both boats almost to the point of sinking. |
8西滿伯多祿一見這事,就跪伏在耶穌膝前說:「主,請你離開我!因為我是個罪人。」 | 8Upon seeing this, Simon Peter fell at Jesus' knees, saying, "Leave me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!" |
9西滿和同他一起的人,因了他們所捕的魚,都驚駭起來; | 9For he and his companions were amazed at the catch they had made |
10他的夥伴,即載伯德的兒子雅各伯和若望,也一樣驚駭。耶穌對西滿說:「不要害怕!從今以後,你要做捕人的漁夫!」 | 10and so were Simon's partners, James and John, Zebedee's sons. Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid. You will catch people from now on." |
11他們把船划到岸邊,就捨棄一切,跟隨了他。 | 11So they brought their boats to land and followed him, leaving everything. |
12有一次,耶穌在一座城裏,看,有一個遍體長癩的人,見了耶穌,就俯首至地求他說:「主,你若願意,就能潔淨我。」 | 12One day in another town, a man came to Jesus covered with leprosy. On seeing him he bowed down to the ground, and said, "Lord, if you want to, you can make me clean." |
13耶穌便伸手撫摸他說:「我願意,你潔淨了罷!」癩病就立刻由他身上退去。 | 13Stretching out his hand, Jesus touched the man and said, "Yes, I want it. Be clean." In an instant the leprosy left him. |
14耶穌切切囑咐他不要告訴別人,並說:「但要去叫司祭檢驗你,為你的潔淨,獻上梅瑟所規定的,給他們當作證據。」 | 14Then Jesus instructed him, "Tell this to no one. But go and show yourself to the priest. Make an offering for your healing, as Moses prescribed; that should be a proof to the people." |
15他的名聲更傳揚開了,遂有許多人齊集來聽教,並為治好自己的病症。 | 15But the news about Jesus spread all the more, and large crowds came to him to listen and be healed of their sickness. |
16耶穌卻退入荒野中去祈禱。 | 16As for Jesus, he would often withdraw to solitary places and pray. |
17有一天,耶穌正在施教,幾個法利塞人和法學士也在座,他們是從加里肋亞和猶太各鄉村及耶路撒冷來的;上主的德能催迫他治病。 | 17One day Jesus was teaching and many Pharisees and teachers of the Law had come from every part of Galilee and Judea and even from Jerusalem. They were sitting there while the power of the Lord was at work to heal the sick. |
18看,有人用床抬來一個患癱瘓症的人,設法把他抬進去,放在耶穌跟前; | 18Then some men brought a paralyzed man who lay on his mat. They tried to enter the house to place him before Jesus, |
19但因人眾多,不得其門而入,遂上了房頂,從瓦中間,把他連那小床繫到中間,正放在耶穌面前。 | 19but they couldn't find a way through the crowd. So they went up on the roof and, removing the tiles, they lowered him on his mat into the middle of the crowd, in front of Jesus. |
20耶穌一見他們的信心,就說:「人啊!你的罪赦了。」 | 20When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, "My friend, your sins are forgiven." |
21經師和法利塞人開始忖度說:「這人是誰?竟說褻瀆話!除了天主一個外,誰能赦罪?」 | 21At once the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees began to wonder, "This man insults God! Who can forgive sins but only God?" |
22耶穌看透了他們的心思,就向他們說:「你們心裏忖度什麼呢? | 22But Jesus knew their thoughts and asked them, "Why are you reacting like this? |
23什麼比較容易?是說:你的罪赦了,或是說:起來行走罷! | 23Which is easier to say: 'Your sins are forgiven,' or: 'Get up and walk'? |
24但為叫你們知道人子在地上有權赦罪──便對癱子說:我給你說:起來,拿起你的小床,回家去罷!」 | 24Now you shall know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins." And Jesus said to the paralyzed man, "Get up, take your mat and go home." |
25那人立刻在他們面前站了起來,拿着他躺過的小床,讚頌着天主,回家去了。 | 25At once the man stood before them. He took up the mat he had been lying on and went home praising God. |
26眾人十分驚奇,並光榮天主,滿懷恐懼說:「今天我們看見了出奇的事。」 | 26Amazement seized the people and they praised God. They were filled with a holy fear and said, "What wonderful things we have seen today!" |
27此後,耶穌出去,看見一個稅吏,名叫肋未,在稅關那裏坐着,便對他說:「跟隨我罷!」 | 27After this Jesus went out, and as he noticed a tax collector named Levi sitting in the tax-office, he said to him, "Follow me." |
28他便捨棄一切,起來跟隨了他。 | 28So Levi, leaving everything, got up and followed Jesus. |
29肋未在自己家中為他擺設了盛筵,有許多稅吏和其他的人,與他們一同坐席。 | 29Levi gave a great feast for Jesus, and many tax collectors came to his house and took their place at table with the other people. |
30法利塞人和他們的經師就憤憤不平,對他的門徒說:「你們為什麼同稅吏和罪人一起吃喝?」 | 30Then the Pharisees and their fellow teachers complained to Jesus' disciples, "How is it that you eat and drink with tax collectors and other sinners?" |
31耶穌回答他們說:「不是健康的人需要醫生,而是有病的人。 | 31But Jesus spoke up, "Healthy people don't need a doctor, but sick people do. |
32我不是來召叫義人,而是召叫罪人悔改。」 | 32I have come to call to repentance; I call sinners, not the righteous." |
33他們又對他說:「若翰的門徒屢次禁食,行祈禱;法利塞人的門徒也是這樣;而你的門徒卻又吃又喝。」 | 33Some people asked him, "The disciples of John fast often and say long prayers, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees. Why is it that your disciples eat and drink?" Then Jesus said to them, |
34耶穌回答說:「伴郎與新郎在一起的時候,你們豈能叫他們禁食? | 34"You can't make wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them. |
35但日子將要來到,當新郎從他們中被劫去時,在那些日子,他們就要禁食了。」 | 35But later the bridegroom will be taken from them and they will fast in those days." |
36他又對他們講比喻說:「沒有人從新衣服上撕下一塊作補釘,補在舊衣上的;不然,新的撕破了,而且從新衣上撕下的補釘,與舊的也不相稱。 | 36Jesus also told them this parable, "No one tears a piece from a new coat to put it on an old one; otherwise the new will be torn and the piece taken from the new will not match the old. |
37也沒有人把新酒裝入舊皮囊的;不然,新酒要漲破皮囊,酒要流出來,皮囊也破了。 | 37No one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the new wine will burst the skins and be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed as well. |
38但新酒應裝入新囊。 | 38But new wine must be put into fresh skins. |
39也沒有人喝着陳酒,願意喝新酒的,因為他說:還是陳的好。」 | 39Yet no one who has tasted old wine is eager to get new wine, but says: The old is good." |
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