Malachi:Chapter 2


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瑪拉基亞 Malachi
1司祭們!這是向你們提出的警告: 1This warning is also for you, priests. If you do not listen to it
2如果你們不聽從,不把光榮我名的事放在心上──萬軍的上主說──我必使詛咒臨到你們身上,必使你們的祝福變為詛咒。我已詛咒了,因為你們中誰也沒有把這事放在心上。 2or concern yourself to glorify my Name, says Yahweh of hosts, I will send the curse on you and curse even your blessings.
3看,我必要砍斷你們的手臂,把糞污,即你們祭牲的糞污,撒在你們的臉上,使你們滿面羞慚。 3I will curse you for none of you takes his ministry seriously. Right now, I am going to break your arm, throw dung in your face, the very dung of your animals, and sweep you away with them.
4這樣你們便知道:我為你們提出了這警告,是為保存我與肋未所訂立的盟約──萬軍的上主說。 4And you will realize that it was I who threatened to put an end to my covenant with Levi, your ancestor, says Yahweh.
5我與他訂立的盟約,是有關生命及平安的盟約,所以我賜給了他生命和平安;同時又是敬畏的盟約,所以他敬畏我,對我的名有所尊敬; 5My covenant with him spoke of life and peace, and I gave him these; it also spoke of respect and he respected me and reverenced my Name.
6在他口中有真實的教訓,在他唇舌上從不見謊言;他心懷虔誠和正直與我來往,使許多人遠離了罪惡。 6His mouth taught the true doctrine and nothing evil came from his lips; he walked in accord with me, being peaceful and upright, and brought back many people from their wickedness.
7的確,司祭的唇舌應保衛智識,人也應從他的口中得到教訓,因為他是萬軍上主的使者。 7The lips of the priest speak of knowledge, and the Law must be found in his mouth, since he is the messenger of Yahweh of hosts.
8但是,你們卻離棄正道,使許多人在法律上跌倒;你們破壞了我和肋未所立的盟約──萬軍的上主說。 8But you, says Yahweh of hosts, have strayed from my way, and moreover caused many to stumble because of your teaching. You have broken my covenant with Levi.
9為此,我也使你們受全體人民輕賤卑視,因為你們沒有遵行我的道,在施教上觀情顧面。 9Therefore I let all the people despise you and consider you unworthy, because you do not follow my ways and you show partiality in your judgments.
10我們不是共有一個父親嗎?不是一個天主造生了我們嗎?為什麼我們彼此欺騙,褻瀆我們祖先的盟約? 10Do we not all have the same father? Has the same God not created all of us? Why, then, does each of us betray his brother, defiling the Covenant of our ancestors?
11猶大不守信義,在以色列和耶路撒冷行了醜惡的事,因為猶大褻瀆了上主所愛的聖所,娶了供奉異邦神祇的女子。 11Judah has been unfaithful, a grave sin has been committed in Israel and Jerusalem: the people of Judah have defiled the sacred inheritance of Yahweh by loving and marrying the daughters of a foreign god.
12惟願上主將行這事的人,連証婚人和監誓人,從雅各伯的會幕中剷除,由向萬軍的上主奉獻祭物的集會中剷除。 12Let whoever does this be cut off from the homeland of Jacob and let there be no one to defend him in the tribunal or present an offering for him to Yahweh.
13其次,你們還行了這件事:你們向上主的祭壇灑盡了眼淚,哭泣呻吟,因為上主不再垂顧你們的祭祀,不再悅納你們手中的祭品, 13You also commit another offense. As Yahweh refuses to look at your offerings and does not take them into account, you come weeping and wailing and cover the altar with tears.
14而你們還問:「這是為什麼?」是因為上主是你與你青年時所娶的妻子之間的証人。她雖是你的伴侶,是你結盟的髮妻,你竟對她不守信義。 14And then you ask: "Why?" It is because Yahweh has seen how you dealt with your first wife, the wife of your youth. You betrayed her although she was your companion with whom you made a covenant.
15上主不是造了他們成為一體,有一個肉身,一個性命嗎?為什麼要結為一體?是為求得天主的子女;所以應關心你們的性命,對你青年結髮的妻子不要背信。 15Has God not made a single being and given him breath? And what does he seek but a family given by God? Do not betray, then, the wife of your youth.
16上主以色列的天主說:我憎恨休妻,休妻使人在自己的衣服上沾滿了不義,萬民的上主聲明說。所以你們當關心你們的性命,不要不守信義。 16I hate divorce, says Yahweh, the God of Israel, and those who are actually covering their violence. Be very careful, and do not betray.
17你們的言談使上主生厭,你們還問:「我們在什麼事上使他生厭?」即在你們說:「凡作惡的,在天主眼裏都是善的,並且他還喜悅他們」,或說「公義的天主在那裏?」的時候。 17You annoy Yahweh with your discourses and you dare say: "How did we annoy him?" You annoy him whenever you say that Yahweh looks favorably on those who do evil, and lets everything go well with them, or when you ask: "Where is the God who does justice?"




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