Nehemiah:Chapter 4


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厄斯德拉(下) Nehemiah
1當桑巴拉特和托彼雅,以及阿剌伯人、阿孟人和阿市多得人,聽說耶路撒冷城垣正在進行修建中,缺口開始修補,就大發忿怒, 1Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites and the residents of Azotus saw that the repair of the wall was advancing, and that we had begun covering the holes.
2都聯合起來,圖謀來攻打耶路撒冷,擾亂我們。 2They were greatly enraged, and all of them agreed to attack Jerusalem and humiliate me.
3我們一面祈求我們的天主,一面派了衛隊,日夜防守。 3So we prayed to our God, and set a guard day and night.
4有一個猶太人說:「運夫的力量已耗盡,積土又太多,我們不能再修城牆了!」 4The people of Judah said, "The strength of the bearers is already failing, and much debris still remains; we can never rebuild the wall."
5我們的仇敵原已議決說:「不讓他們知道,不讓他們看出,我們直衝入他們中間,將他們殺掉,停止那工程。」 5And our enemies said, "We will take them by surprise before they know it. We will kill them and stop their work."
6那時,有些靠近他們居住的猶太人,十次前來通知我們說:「他們由所住的各方上來,攻打我們, 6But some Jews who lived with them came to notify us about this. Ten times they said to us, "From all the places where they live, they shall set out against us."
7已在城牆下低處的田野中安了營。」我就按照家族分派了人,帶上刀槍和弓。 7So I ordered that people be sta-tioned behind the wall, there in the lowest part. I stationed them by families, with their swords, spears, and bows.
8我巡視之後,就起來對權貴、長官和其餘的人民說:「對他們,你們不可畏縮!要記住吾主是偉大而可畏的;應為你們的兄弟、兒女、妻子、家庭而作戰。」 8They were afraid, but I stood up and said to the nobles, the counselors and the rest of the people, "Remember the Lord, great and magnificent, and fight for your brothers, sons and daughters, wives and homes."
9我們的敵人一聽說我們得了情報,同時天主也破壞了他們的陰謀,他們遂都撤退;我們也都回到城牆那裏,各返自己的工作崗位。 9When our enemies learned that we had been notified, that God willed that their plans be thwarted, we all returned to the wall, each one to his work.
10從那天起,我的僕人一半做工,一半佩帶着刀、矛、盾、弓和鎧甲,立在全猶大家後邊, 10But from that day on, only half of my men worked while the other half, with bows, spears, shields and armor, stood behind all the people of Judah
11即在城牆作工的人後邊。那些搬運的人,也都武裝起來:一手作工,一手拿着武器; 11building the wall. The bearers picked up their loads with one hand because they held a weapon with the other hand.
12修牆的工人,每人腰間都佩着刀工作。吹號筒的站在我身旁。 12Each of the builders had his sword girded at his side as he worked. Beside me was the man assigned to sound the trumpet.
13我向權貴、官長和其餘的人民說:「這工程範圍很大,我們在城牆上彼此分離甚遠, 13I told the nobles, the counselors and the rest of the people, "The extent of the work is great and we are scattered along the wall, far from one another,
14所以你們無論在什麼地方,一聽到號聲,就立時聚集我們身旁;我們的天主必為我們戰爭。」 14so when you hear the sound of the horn, come to our aid at once and our God shall fight for us."
15我們便這樣繼續工作,由旭日初升,直到星辰出現。 15So we scheduled the work from daybreak till the stars came out, half of us with weapons in hand.
16同時我又吩咐眾民眾說:「每人和他的僕人,應在耶路撒冷過夜。如此,在夜間可為我們守衛,白天可以工作。」 16I also said to the people, "Everyone shall spend the night within Jerusalem, with his servants. So we may keep guard by night and work by day."
17至於我和我的兄弟,以及我的僕人和跟隨我、護衛我的人,沒有一人脫過衣服,各人手中常拿着武器。 17Yet my brothers, my men, the men of the guard who followed me, and I did not take off our clothes when we slept. Everyone kept his weapon with him.




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