Philippians:Chapter 4
Previous | Philippians:Chapter 4 |
斐理伯書 | Philippians |
1為此,我所親愛的和所懷念的弟兄,我的喜樂和我的冠冕,我可愛的諸位!你們應這樣屹立在主內。 | 1Therefore, my brothers and sisters, whom I love and long for, you my glory and crown, be steadfast in the Lord. |
2我奉勸厄敖狄雅和欣提赫,要在主內有同樣的心情。 | 2I beg Evodia and Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord. |
3至於你,我忠誠的同伴,我也求你援助她們,因為她們曾伴隨我為福音而奮鬥,與克肋孟以及我的其他的同事一樣,他們的名字已寫在生命冊上了。 | 3And you, Sycygus, my true companion, I beg you to help them. Do not forget that they have labored with me in the service of the Gospel, together with Clement and my other fellow-workers whose names are written in the Book of Life. |
4你們在主內應當常常喜樂,我再說:你們應當喜樂! | 4Rejoice in the Lord always. I say it again: rejoice |
5你們的寬仁應當叫眾人知道:主快來了。 | 5and may everyone experience your gentle and understanding heart. The Lord is near: |
6你們什麼也不要掛慮,只在一切事上,以懇求和祈禱,懷着感謝之心,向天主呈上你們的請求; | 6do not be anxious about anything. In everything resort to prayer and supplication together with thanksgiving and bring your requests before God. |
7這樣,天主那超乎各種意想的平安,必要在基督耶穌內固守你們的心思念慮。 | 7Then the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. |
8此外,弟兄們!凡是真實的,凡是高尚的,凡是正義的,凡是純潔的,凡是可愛的,凡是榮譽的,不管是美德,不管是稱譽:這一切你們都該思念; | 8Finally, brothers and sisters, fill your minds with whatever is truthful, holy, just, pure, lovely and noble. Be mindful of whatever deserves praise and admiration. |
9凡你們在我身上所學得的,所領受的,所聽見的,所看到的;這一切你們都該實行:這樣,賜平安的天主必與你們同在。 | 9Put into practice what you have learned from me, what I passed on to you, what you heard from me or saw me doing, and the God of peace will be with you. |
10再者,我在主內非常喜歡,因為你們對我的關心又再次表現出來;你們始終是關心我,只不過缺少表現的機會。 | 10I rejoice in the Lord because of your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me before, but you had no opportunity to show it. |
11我說這話,並不是由於貧乏,因為我已學會了,在所處的環境中常常知足。 | 11I do not say this because of being in want; I have learned to manage with what I have. |
12我也知道受窮,也知道享受;在各樣事上和各種境遇中,或飽飫、或饑餓、或富裕、或貧乏,我都得了祕訣。 | 12I know what it is to be in want and what it is to have plenty. I am trained for both: to be hungry or satisfied, to have much or little. |
13我賴加強我力量的那位,能應付一切。 | 13I can do all things in him who strengthens me. |
14但是,你們也實在做得好,因為你們分擔了我的困苦。 | 14However you did right in sharing my trials. |
15你們斐理伯人也知道:當我在傳福音之初,離開馬其頓時,沒有一個教會在支收的事項上供應過我,惟獨只有你們; | 15You Philippians, remember that in the beginning, when we first preached the Gospel, after I left Macedonia you alone opened for me a debit and credit account, |
16就連我在得撒洛尼時,你們不只一次,而且兩次曾給我送來我的急需。 | 16and when I was in Thessalonica, twice you sent me what I needed. |
17我並不是貪求餽贈,我所貪求的,是歸入你們賬內的豐厚的利息。 | 17It is not your gift that I value but rather the interest increasing in your own account. |
18如今我已收到了一切,已富足了;我由厄帕洛狄托收到了你們所送來的芬芳的馨香,天主所悅納中意的祭品,我已滿夠了。 | 18Now I have enough and more than enough with everything Epaphroditus brought me on your behalf and which I received as "fragrant offerings pleasing to God." |
19我的天主必要以自己的財富,在基督耶穌內,豐富滿足你們的一切需要。 | 19God himself will provide you with everything you need, according to his riches, and show you his generosity in Christ Jesus. |
20願光榮歸於天主,我們的父,至於世世。阿們。 | 20Glory to God, our Father, for ever and ever: Amen. |
21你們要在基督耶穌內問候各位聖徒;同我在一起的弟兄都問候你們。 | 21Greet all who believe in Christ Jesus. The brothers and sisters with me greet you. |
22眾位聖徒,特別是凱撒家中的聖徒,都問候你們。 | 22All the believers here greet you, especially those from Caesar's household. |
23願主耶穌基督的恩寵與你們的心神同在。阿們。 | 23The grace of Christ Jesus, the Lord, be with your spirit. |
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