Proverbs:Chapter 1


  Proverbs:Chapter 1 Next
箴言 Proverbs
1以色列王達味之子撒羅滿的箴言: 1These are proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel:
2是為教人學習智慧和規律,叫人明瞭哲言, 2for you to obtain wisdom and instruction, to penetrate words of significance,
3接受明智的教訓─仁義、公平和正直, 3to acquire well-ordered knowledge, and become just with discernment and integrity.
4使無知者獲得聰明,使年少者獲得知識和慎重, 4Simple people will become clever and the young will acquire understanding and foresight.
5使智慧者聽了,增加學識;使明達人聽了,汲取智謀, 5Let the wise man listen: he will add to his learning, and the man of sound judgment will acquire skill,
6好能明瞭箴言和譬喻,明瞭智者的言論和他們的隱語。 6to understand the proverbs and sayings, the words of the wise and their riddles.
7敬畏上主是智慧的肇基;只有愚昧人蔑視智慧和規律。 7The beginning of knowledge is the fear of Yahweh, only fools have contempt for wisdom and discipline.
8我兒,你應聽你父親的教訓,不要拒絕你母親的指教, 8Listen, my son, to the teaching of your father, do not ignore your mother's instruction:
9因為這就是你頭上的冠冕,你頸上的珠鏈。 9for they will be your graceful crown, a precious chain around your neck.
10我兒,如果惡人勾引你,不要聽從; 10My son, if sinners try to tempt you, do not give in.
11如果他們說;「來跟我們去暗算某人,無故地陷害無辜。 11They will invite you, "Come with us, let us spill blood, let us ambush the innocent without a second thought.
12我們要像陰府一樣活活地吞下他們,把他們整個吞下去,有如墮入深坑裏的人; 12We will engulf them as does the netherworld and snatch them suddenly as does death.
13這樣,我們必獲得各種珍寶,以贓物充滿我們的房屋。 13We will help ourselves to many riches and fill our houses with booty.
14你將與我們平分秋色,我們將共有同一錢囊。」 14Join forces with us; one purse will be shared between us!"
15我兒,你不要與他們同流合污,該使你的腳遠離他們的道路, 15My son, do not go with them, do not set foot along their way.
16因為他們雙腳趨向兇惡,急於傾流人血。 16See how they speed on to evil! How they hasten to spill blood!
17在一切飛鳥眼前,張設羅網,盡屬徒勞。 17What bird would fall into a trap if you set it up in its sight?
18其實,他們不外是自流己血,自害己命。 18But these men stalk themselves and set a trap for their own lives.
19就是謀財害命者的末路︰他必要送掉自己的性命。 19Such is the lot of all who live by plunder: plunder will rob them of their own lives.
20智慧在街上吶喊,在通衢發出呼聲; 20Wisdom shouts aloud in the streets, she raises her voice in the marketplace;
21在熱鬧的街頭呼喚,在城門和市區發表言論︰ 21at street corners she cries; she delivers her speeches at the city gates:
22「無知的人,你們喜愛無知;輕狂的人,你們樂意輕狂;愚昧的人,你們憎恨知識,要到何時呢﹖ 22"You ignorant people, how long will you continue to cling to your foolishness? How long will mockers revel in their mockery, and fools have contempt for knowledge?
23你們應回心聽我的勸告。看,我要向你們傾吐我的心意,使你們瞭解我的言詞。 23Listen to my warning. I will now pour my spirit upon you and make you know my words.
24但是,我呼喚了,你們竟予以拒絕;我伸出了手,誰也沒有理會。 24Indeed if I cry out and you refuse to listen, if I offer my hand and no one cares,
25你們既蔑視了我的勸告,沒有接受我的忠言; 25if you ignore my advice and reject my warning,
26因此,你們遭遇不幸時,我也付之一笑;災難臨到你們身上時,我也一笑置之。 26I, in turn, will laugh at your disaster, I will sneer when terror grips you;
27當災難如暴風似的襲擊你們,禍害如旋風似的捲去你們,困苦憂患來侵襲你們時,我也置之不顧。 27when terror comes down on you like a hurricane, and distress and anxiety befall you.
28那時,他們呼求我,我必不答應;他們尋找我,必尋不著我; 28Then people will cry to me but I will not respond. They will seek me but will not find me,
29因為他們憎恨知識,沒有揀選敬畏上主, 29because they despised knowledge and did not choose the fear of Yahweh;
30沒有接受我的勸告,且輕視了我的一切規諫。 30they would not listen to any advice and they rejected all my warnings.
31所以他們必要自食其果,飽嘗獨斷獨行的滋味。 31They will harvest the fruit of their evil ways and have their fill of their own designs.
32的確,無知者的執迷不悟殺害了自己;愚昧人的漠不關心斷送了自己。 32For the error of the ignorant leads to death, the idleness of fools brings about their ruin.
33但是,那聽從我的,必得安居,不怕災禍,安享太平。」 33But whoever listens to me will feel secure and at ease, without fear of evil."




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