Proverbs:Chapter 20
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箴言 | Proverbs |
1清酒令人輕狂,醇酒使人發瘋;凡沉溺於酒的,必不是明智人。 | 1Wine leads to vulgarity and strong drink, to bravado; he who strays in it will never be wise. |
2君王震怒,有如獅子的咆哮;觸怒他的,危害自己的性命。 | 2The angry king is like a roaring lion; whoever provokes him risks his life. |
3平息爭端,是人的光榮;凡是愚人,都喜愛爭論。 | 3It is good for man to avoid quarrels; it is the fool who does not master himself. |
4懶惰人一寒泠,便不耕作;收穫之時,他必一無所獲。 | 4Autumn is over, yet the fool does no work; come the harvest, he searches and finds nothing. |
5人心的謀略,有如深水,惟有聰明人,纔能汲取。 | 5Counsel is like deep water in the heart, the discerning man has only to draw it out. |
6自命為仁者,比比皆是;但有誰找到忠貞的人? | 6Many are called good but where can the trustworthy man be found? |
7正義的人,必然為人正直;他的後代子孫,必然有福。 | 7The upright man who works honestly will make his sons happy after him. |
8君王高坐在判座上,所有邪惡一目了然。 | 8The king who sits in judgment discovers evil at a single glance. |
9有誰能說:「我保持了心靈的潔淨,我是純潔無罪的?」 | 9Who can say, "I have purified my heart, I am cleansed from sin?" |
10不同的衡量,不同的升斗:二者皆為上主同樣厭惡。 | 10The crooked measure and scales - these are the things that Yahweh detests. |
11孩童的行為,潔淨正直與否,由他的舉動便可認出。 | 11The child reveals himself in his deeds: whether his actions are honest and upright. |
12能聽的耳朵,能看的眼睛:二者皆為上主所造。 | 12The ear that hears, the eye that sees, Yahweh has made them both. |
13不要貪睡眠,免得你受窮;兩眼睜開,纔能得飽食。 | 13Do not love sleep lest you become poor; keep your eyes open and you will have your fill of bread. |
14顧客常說:「不好,不好!」但一離去,讚不絕口。 | 14"No good, no good," says the buyer but off he goes congratulating himself. |
15雖有大批黃金寶石,但最寶貴的,還是明智的唇舌。 | 15Although you have gold and abundance of pearls, the most valuable adornment is lips which speak wisely. |
16誰為外方人作保,拿去他的衣服;誰為異邦人作保,以他本人作質。 | 16Get rid of his clothes because he has stood bail for a stranger; arrest him for the profit of those unknown! |
17騙來的食物頗覺香甜,事後口中卻滿是砂礫。 | 17Stolen bread tastes good but later on your mouth is full of sand. |
18運籌帷幄,必先要商討;進行戰事,必該憑智謀。 | 18Plans take shape, thanks to advice; do battle, then, with wise strategies. |
19遊蕩閒談的,必洩漏秘密;張口饒舌的,別與他交結。 | 19The gossiper reveals secrets; have nothing to do with chatterers. |
20凡是辱罵自己父母的人,他的燈必在幽暗中熄滅。 | 20Whoever curses his father and mother will see his lamp extinguished in the midst of darkness. |
21起初容易得來的財物,最後也不會得到祝福。 | 21Advantage hastily gained in the beginning will not be blessed in the long run. |
22你切不可說:「我以惡報惡;」應信賴上主,他必拯救你。 | 22Never say, "I will take revenge." Trust in Yahweh; he will save you. |
23不同的衡量,為上主所惡;不同的天秤,實屬不道德。 | 23Yahweh detests false weights; it does no good to have false scales. |
24世人的腳步,由上主支配;人那能了解自己的道路? | 24Yahweh directs a man's steps, who can know where his way leads? |
25人若冒然說:「聖」,許願後纔反省,這是自投羅網。 | 25It is dangerous to make hasty promises to Yahweh and only then reflect on them. |
26智慧的君王簸揚惡人,且用車輪來壓軋他們。 | 26A king throws evildoers to the wind and runs the thresher over them. |
27人的靈魂是天主的燈,探照肺腑的一切隱密。 | 27Man's spirit is Yahweh's lamp which searches the hidden places of the heart. |
28仁愛和忠誠,是君王的保障;他的寶座,是賴慈愛而支撐。 | 28Goodness and loyalty keep guard over the king; his throne stands due to goodness. |
29少年人的光榮,在於他們的魄力;老年人的榮耀,在於他們的白髮。 | 29Energy is the adornment of youth, white hair the dignity of age. |
30見傷的鞭打能清除邪惡,杖擊能觸及肺腑的深處。 | 30Bleeding wounds purify evil, blows bring healing to the inner self. |
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