Proverbs:Chapter 3
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箴言 | Proverbs |
1我兒,不要忘了我的法律,該誠心恪守我的誡命, | 1My son,do not forget my instruction, my commands; keep them in your heart. |
2因為這樣能使你延年益壽,也能增加你的康寧。 | 2For they will bring you length of days, years of life and peace. |
3不要讓慈祥和忠實離棄你,要將她們繫在你的頸上,刻在你的心版上; | 3Let loyalty and kindness never leave you; tie them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, |
4這樣,你在天主和世人面前,必獲得寵幸和恩愛。 | 4that you may find favor and a good name in the eyes of God and man. |
5你應全心信賴上主,總不要依賴自己的聰明; | 5Trust in Yahweh with all your heart; do not rely on your own insight. |
6應步步體會上主,他必修平你的行徑。 | 6Let his presence pervade all your ways and he will protect your foot from the snare. |
7不要自作聰明,應敬畏上主,遠避邪惡; | 7Do not consider yourself wise, fear God, and turn away from evil. |
8如此,你的身體必會康健,你的骨骼也會舒適。 | 8This will be a medicine to your body and a relief to your bones. |
9應以你的財物和一切初熟之物,去尊崇上主; | 9Honor Yahweh, giving him from what you have, the first fruits of all your produce. |
10這樣,你的倉廩必充滿糧食,你的榨酒池必盈溢新酒。 | 10Then your barns will be filled to overflowing, your vats will brim over with wine. |
11我兒,不要輕視上主的懲戒,也不要厭惡他的譴責, | 11My son, do not scorn the discipline of Yahweh; do not ignore his correction. |
12因為上主譴責他所愛的,有如父親譴責他的愛子。 | 12For Yahweh corrects those he loves, as a father does his beloved son. |
13尋得智慧和獲取睿智的人是有福的, | 13Happy the one who finds wisdom and gains insight. |
14因為賺得智慧勝於賺得銀錢;智慧的果實勝於純金。 | 14For she is of more value than silver and more useful than gold. |
15智慧比珍珠還要寶貴;凡你所貪求的,都不足以與她倫比。 | 15She is more precious than pearls; nothing you could wish for would compare with her. |
16在她右邊是延年益壽,在她左邊是富貴榮華。 | 16With her right hand she offers you length of days, with her left, riches and glory. |
17她的道路是康樂之道,她的行徑是一片安寧。 | 17She leads you through delightful ways; all her roads are peace. |
18她為掌握她的人,是一株生命樹;凡堅持她的,必將納福。 | 18She is a tree of life for those who clasp her; those who possess her are happy. |
19上主以智慧奠定了大地,以睿智堅定了高天; | 19It is by his wisdom that Yahweh founded the earth; by his understanding that he made firm the heavens. |
20賴他的智識,深淵纔裂口噴水,雲彩纔降下甘露。 | 20By his knowledge the depths were scooped out, and the clouds rained down dew. |
21我兒,你應保持明智和慎重,不要讓她們離開你的視線: | 21My son, hold on to sound judgment and discretion and do not let them out of your sight. |
22二者應是你心靈的生命,是你頸項的華飾; | 22They will give life to your inner self, and adorn your neck. |
23這樣,你走路必感安全,你的腳不致絆倒。 | 23Then you can go your way safely and your foot will not stumble. |
24你若坐下,必無所恐懼;你若躺下,必睡得甘甜。 | 24You will have no fear when you lie down and your sleep will be peaceful. |
25你決不怕驟然而來的恐怖,也不怕惡人突然而至的摧殘, | 25You will not fear sudden terror or the attack of evildoers. |
26因為上主將要護佑你,使你的腳遠離陷阱。 | 26For Yahweh is at your side and he guards your steps from the snare. |
27你若有能力作到,不要拒絕向有求於你的人行善; | 27Do not hold back from those who ask your help, when it is in your power to do it. |
28如果你能即刻作到,不要對你的近人說:「去!明天再來,我纔給你。」 | 28Do not say to your neighbor, "Go away! Come another time; tomorrow I will give it to you!" when you can help him now. |
29幾時你的近人安心與你居住,你不應暗算他。 | 29Do not plot evil against your neighbor who lives trustingly beside you, |
30若他人沒有加害你,你不應與他無端爭辯。 | 30nor fight a man without cause when he has done you no wrong. |
31不要羡慕強暴的人,更不要選擇他的任何行徑, | 31Do not envy the man of violence or follow his example. |
32因為上主厭惡乖戾的人,摯愛正直的人。 | 32For Yahweh hates the wicked but guides the honest. |
33上主詛咒惡人的住宅,祝福義人的寓所。 | 33He curses the house of the evildoer but blesses the home of the upright. |
34上主嘲弄好愚弄的人,卻寵愛謙卑的人。 | 34If there are mockers, he mocks them in turn but he shows his favor to the humble. The wise will possess his glory while the foolish will inherit disgrace. |
35智慧的人必承受尊榮,愚昧的人必蒙受羞辱。 | 35 |
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