Psalms:Chapter 115
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聖詠集 | Psalms |
1上主,光榮不要歸於我們,不要歸於我們!只願那個光榮完全歸於你的聖名,那是為了你的慈愛,為了你的忠誠。 | 1Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name be the glory, for the sake of your love and faithfulness. |
2為什麼讓外邦人們常說:他們的天主在何處居住? | 2Why should the pagans say, "Where is their God?" |
3我們的天主在天上居住,他創造了所喜愛的萬物。 | 3There in heaven is our God; whatever he wishes, he does. |
4外邦人的偶像無非金銀,不過是人手中的製造品: | 4Not so the hand-made idols, crafted in silver and gold. |
5偶像有口,而不能言,偶像有眼,而不能看, | 5They have mouths that cannot speak, eyes that cannot see, |
6有耳,而不能聽,有鼻,而不能聞, | 6ears that cannot hear, noses that cannot smell. |
7有手,而不能動,有腳,而不能行,有喉,而不發聲。 | 7They have hands but cannot feel, feet, but cannot walk; neither can they make a sound in their throat. |
8鑄造偶像的人,將與偶像同亡;凡信賴偶像的人,也將是一樣。 | 8Their makers will be like them, so will all who trust in them. |
9以色列家族卻信賴上主,他是他們的助佑和盾護; | 9O Israel, trust in the Lord; he is your help and your shield! |
10亞郎的家族也信賴上主,他是他們的助佑和盾護; | 10You, family of Aaron, trust in the Lord; he is your help and your shield! |
11敬畏上主的人信賴上主,他是他們的助佑和盾護。 | 11You who fear the Lord, trust in him; he is your help and your shield! |
12上主眷念我們,也必給我們祝福,祝福以色列家族,祝福亞郎家族; | 12The Lord remembers us and will bless us; he will bless the family of Israel; he will bless the family of Aaron; |
13他向敬畏上主的人祝福,不拘貴賤都要獲得祝福, | 13he will bless those who fear the Lord, both the small and the great. |
14願上主使你們的人口繁昌,使你們和你們的子孫興旺! | 14May the Lord shower blessings, on you and your children as well. |
15願你們蒙受上主的祝福,他是上天下地的造化主! | 15May you be blessed by the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth. |
16蒼天確實是上主的蒼天,上主給世人賞賜了塵寰。 | 16Heaven belongs to the Lord, but the earth he has given to humans. |
17死人們不能夠讚美上主,降入陰府的人也不能夠, | 17It is not the dead who praise the Lord, for they have gone down to silence; |
18而是我們讚頌上主,從現今一直到永久。 | 18but it is we, the living, who bless the Lord, from now on and forever. |
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