Psalms:Chapter 147


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聖詠集 Psalms
1亞肋路亞!讚美上主,因他是美善的,歌頌我主,因他是甘甜的,我主上主是應受讚美的! 1Alleluia! How good it is to sing to our God, how sweet and befitting to praise him!
2上主重建了耶路撒冷城,完聚了四散的以色列民。 2The Lord rebuilds Jerusalem; he gathers the exiles of Israel;
3他醫治了心靈破碎的人,也親自包紮了他的傷痕。 3he heals their broken hearts and binds up their wounds.
4星辰的數目,全由上主制定,星辰的稱號,也都由他命名。 4He determines the number of stars, he calls each of them by name.
5我們的偉大上主,威能無比,他所具備的智慧不可估計。 5The Lord is great and mighty in power; his wisdom is beyond measure.
6上主將謙遜的人扶起,將蠻橫的人貶抑於地。 6The Lord lifts up the humble, but casts the wicked to the ground.
7請歌唱謝恩詩稱頌上主,請彈琴咏讚我們的天主! 7Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving, make music on the harp for our God.
8他以雲霧遮蔽高天,他將雨露賜給農田;他使青草生於群山,他造植物供人吃穿。 8With clouds he covers the sky, and provides the earth with rain; he covers the hills with grass, and with plants for man to cultivate.
9他將食物賜給家畜,他養育啼叫的鴉雛。 9He provides food for the cattle, even for the young ravens when they call.
10馬的壯力,他不歡喜,人的快腿,他不中意, 10He is not concerned with the strength of a horse; nor is he pleased in the speed of a runner;
11那敬畏上主的人,他纔歡喜,信賴他慈愛的人,他纔中意。 11The Lord delights in those who fear him and expect him to care for them.
12耶路撒冷,請你讚頌上主!熙雍,請你讚頌你的天主! 12Exalt the Lord, O Jerusalem; praise your God, O Zion!
13他鞏固了你城門的橫閂,祝福你的子女在你中間。 13For he strengthens the bars of your gates and blesses your children within you.
14他使你的地界安靜不亂,用最好的麥麵使你飽餐。 14He grants peace on your borders and feeds you with the finest grain.
15他向大地發出自己的語言,他的聖旨便立即迅速奔傳。 15He sends his command to the earth and swiftly runs his word.
16他降雪像羊毛,他撒霜像塵宵。 16He spreads snow like wool; he scatters frost like ashes.
17他拋下冰雹,有如餅屑,因他的嚴寒,水便凍結; 17He hurls down hail like pebbles; who will stand before his icy blasts?
18他一發出他的語言,凍結即刻消溶,他一吹起他的和風,冰水即刻流動。 18But he sends his word and melts the snow; he makes his breeze blow, and again the waters flow.
19他向雅各伯曉示了自己的言語,他向以色列啟示了自己的誡律。 19It is he who tells Jacob his words, his laws and decrees to Israel.
20他從未如此恩待過其他任何民族,也沒有向他們宣示過自己的法律。 20This he has not done for other nations, so his laws remain unknown to them. Alleluia!




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