Psalms:Chapter 37
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聖詠集 | Psalms |
1達味作。不要因作惡的人而忿怒,也不要對歹徒心生嫉妒; | 1Do not be annoyed with evil people nor be envious of wrongdoers. |
2因為他們有如青草,快要枯槁,他們有如綠葉,行將零凋。 | 2For they will fade as any green herb and soon be gone like withered grass. |
3你該信賴上主,致力善行,你必安居樂土,享受康寧。 | 3Trust in the Lord and do good, dwell in the land and live on it. |
4你只管在上主內喜歡,他必滿全你心的意願。 | 4Make the Lord your delight, and he will grant your heart's desire. |
5將你的行徑委託於上主,寄望於他,他必使之成就。 | 5Commit your way to the Lord; put your trust in him and let him act. |
6他必使你的義德如光出現,他必使你的仁義如日中天。 | 6Then will your revenge come, beautiful as the dawn, and the justification of your cause, bright as the noonday sun. |
7你應該在上主面前安心依靠,不要因萬事順當的人而煩惱,不要因圖謀不軌的人而暴燥; | 7Keep calm before the Lord, wait for him in patience; do not fret if others succeed when they carry out evil schemes. |
8你應控制憤恨,消除怒火,不要動怒,免得再犯罪過。 | 8Refrain from anger, turn away from wrath; fret not, for it only leads to evil. |
9因為作惡犯罪的人必被剷除;惟有仰望上主的人繼承樂土。 | 9Remember this: the wicked will perish, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land. |
10再過片刻惡人就不知所在,詳察他的住所,也不復存在。 | 10Wait a moment: the wicked are no more. Though you look for them, they cannot be found; |
11但善人將繼承樂土,必將樂享平安幸福。 | 11but the humble will inherit the land and enjoy peace in abundance. |
12惡徒設計謀害忠義,常朝着他咬牙切齒。 | 12The wicked plot against the virtuous and gnash their teeth at them; |
13上主卻朝着惡人發笑,因見他的時日已來到。 | 13but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he sees their day coming. |
14惡人拔劍張弓,想毀滅貧困微弱的人,想屠殺操行正直的人; | 14The wicked draw their swords and bend their bows; they aim at the poor and the afflicted, they get ready to slay the righteous. |
15他們的劍反刺穿他們的心肝,他們的弓將被折得破爛不堪。 | 15But their bows will be shattered; the sword thrust into their own heart. |
16義人佔有的幸福雖少,但卻勝於惡人的富饒。 | 16The little that the righteous possess is better than the abundance of the wicked. |
17因為惡人的手臂將被折斷,義人卻有上主作支援。 | 17For the arms of the wicked will be broken, and the righteous will be upheld by the Lord. |
18上主眷顧善人的歲月,他們的產業永遠常在。 | 18The Lord watches over the lives of the upright; forever will their inheritance abide. |
19在患難之時,他們必不蒙羞,在饑饉之日,他們必得飽飫。 | 19They are not crushed in times of calamity; when famine strikes, they still are satisfied. |
20惡人和上主的仇人必要沉淪,必要像沃野的鮮花一樣凋零,必要像煙霧一般消散得無影。 | 20But the wicked will perish; the enemies of the Lord will vanish like smoke, disappear like the wild flowers. |
21惡人借貸總不償還,義人卻常好施樂善。 | 21The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous have mercy and share. |
22的確蒙上主祝福的人將繼承福地,受上主咒罵的人將被除滅跡。 | 22They will inherit the land - those whom the Lord blesses; but those whom the Lord curses he will cut off. |
23上主穩定善人的腳步,上主欣賞義人的道路: | 23The Lord is the one who makes people stand, he gives firmness to those he likes. |
24他縱或失足,也不致顛仆,因為上主扶持着他的手。 | 24They may stumble, but they will not fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. |
25我作過幼童,現今已經年老,從未見過正義的人被棄掉。也未見過他的後裔行乞討。 | 25From my youth to old age, I have yet to see the righteous forsaken or their children begging for alms. |
26他既終生施惠憐恤,他的子孫必蒙祝福。 | 26He lends and gives, and his children are blessed. The whole day he succeeds. |
27你若避惡行善,你必存留永遠。 | 27Do good and shun evil, so that you will live secure forever. |
28因為上主愛慕正義,必不拋棄自己的聖徒,乖戾歹徒必被消滅,惡人的子孫必被剷除, | 28For the Lord loves justice and right, and never forsakes his faithful ones. The wicked instead will perish and their breed will be cut off. |
29義人將要承受樂土,必在那裏永遠居住。 | 29The righteous will possess the land; they will make it their home forever. |
30義人的口傾吐智慧,他的舌頭講論公義。 | 30The mouth of the virtuous utters wisdom and his tongue speaks of what is right. |
31天主的法律在他心田,他的腳步必堅定不偏。 | 31His steps have never faltered, for the law of God is in his heart. |
32惡者窺伺義者,設法將他殺害; | 32The wicked spies on the just man and lies in wait to slay him. |
33上主絕不將義人棄於惡人手中,上主審判時,也決不判義人受刑。 | 33But the Lord does not hand him over, or let him be condemned when he is tried. |
34你當仰望上主,遵循他的道路:他必要舉揚你,使你承受樂土;當剷除惡人時,你將欣然目睹。 | 34Hope in the Lord and follow his way, for he will exalt you and give you the land. You will see how the wicked perish. |
35我曾見過惡人橫極一時,像茂盛的綠樹滋長不息。 | 35I have seen an oppressor mighty, towering like a cedar of Lebanon. |
36當我再經過時,竟已不在眼前,我雖到處尋覓,再也沒有尋見。 | 36But when I passed by again, he was no longer there. I looked for him but could not find him. |
37求你對正人注視,對君子觀看,愛好和平的人,子嗣必定連綿。 | 37Mark the blameless, watch the upright, and you will see that there is a future for the person of peace. |
38行兇的人必盡數滅亡,惡人的後裔必全淪喪。 | 38But all sinners will be destroyed; the future of the wicked will be shattered. |
39義人的救護是來自上主,他是他們困厄時的護守; | 39The Lord is the salvation of the righteous; in time of distress, he is their refuge. |
40上主必扶持助佑,解救他們脫離惡人,上主必予以挽救,因他們曾向他投奔。 | 40The Lord helps them, and rescues them from the oppressor; he saves them for they sought shelter in him. |
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