Psalms:Chapter 49


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聖詠集 Psalms
1科辣黑後裔歌,用高音,交與樂官。 1Hear this, all you peoples! Listen, all you inhabitants of the world,
2關於這事,請萬民都要靜聽,普世居民,請你們側耳細聽, 2high and low together, rich and poor alike!
3不論貧富無分縉紳百姓,請你們都一一側耳聆聽。 3My mouth will speak wisdom, my deep thoughts will bring discernment.
4我的口要宣講智慧,我的心要思念哲理。 4To a proverb I will incline my ear, and solve my riddle to the rhythm of my lyre.
5我要側耳恭聽諺語,我要鼓琴解釋隱語。 5Why should I fear when evil days come, when wicked deceivers ring me round -
6當陷害我者的毒謀圍困我時,在我困厄的日期,我有何所懼? 6those who trust in their wealth and boast of their great riches?
7因為他們只知依恃財產的富足,他們只會誇耀自己金錢的豐裕; 7For no ransom avails for one's life, there is no price one can give to God for it.
8但是金錢不能使任何人得救,決不能把人的贖價還給天主, 8For redeeming one's life demands too high a price, and all is lost forever.
9因為人命的贖價非常昂貴,任何金錢也決不足以贖回, 9Who can remain forever alive and never see the grave?
10不能使人生存久長,不能使人不見死亡。 10For we see that the wise die, and pass away like the fool and the stupid leaving to others their fortune and wealth.
11你看,智者死去,愚昧者也同樣沉淪,他們都將自己的財產遺留給別人。 11Their graves are their eternal homes, from generation to generation, no matter how big the tracts of land they own.
12他們雖然曾以自己的名號,給一些地方命名,但是他們永久的住宅,萬代的居所卻是墳塋。 12People of wealth have no thought, they will be silenced like the beasts.
13人在富貴中絕不能久長,將與牲畜無異,同樣死亡。 13This is the fate of people trusting themselves, the future of those who rely on their strength.
14這就是自滿昏愚者的終途,這就是自誇幸運者的末路。(休止) 14Like sheep led to the grave, they have death as their shepherd and ruler; quickly their form will be consumed in the world of the dead, which is their home.
15他們就如羊群一般被人趕入深坑,死亡要牧放他們,義人要主宰他們。他們的容貌即刻色衰,陰間將是他們的住宅。 15But God will rescue my soul from the grave by receiving me unto himself.
16但是天主必救我靈脫離陰府,因為他要把我接走。(休止) 16Fear not when someone grows rich, when his power becomes oppressively great,
17不要嫉妒他人變成富翁,不要忌恨他人家產倍增; 17for nothing will he take when he dies; his wealth and pomp he will leave behind.
18因為他死時什麼也不能帶走,他的財產也不能隨着他同去。 18Though he praised himself in his lifetime, "All will say that I have enjoyed life,"
19他在生時雖自我陶醉說:「只要你幸福,人必誇讚你。」 19he will join the generation of his forebears, who will never again see the light.
20他終要回去和他的祖先相逢,永永遠遠他再不能看到光明。 20People of wealth have no thought, they will be silenced like the beasts.
21人在富貴中,不深思遠慮,將與牲畜無異,都要死去。 21




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