Psalms:Chapter 56


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聖詠集 Psalms
1達味金詩,交與樂官。作於培肋舍特人在加特捉住他時。調寄「遠方無聲鴿」。 1O God, show your mercy to me, for my foes are in hot pursuit; they press their attack on me all the time.
2天主,求你憐憫我,因為人要謀害我,時時處處有人攻擊我,有人欺壓我。 2My accusers pursue me all day long, many attack me.
3我的仇敵終日謀害我,攻擊我的人實在眾多。 3But when I am afraid, O Mighty One, I put my trust in you,
4至高者!恐惶侵襲我的時日,我只有全心仰賴你。 4In God whose word I praise, in God I trust without fear. What can mortals do against me?
5我全心倚賴天主,並歌頌他的許諾;我決不怕血肉的人,對我要做什麼。 5All day long they hatch their evil plans, plotting mischief to injure my cause.
6他們終日破壞我的生活,千方百計地想加害於我; 6They conspire and lurk around, watching my every move, bent upon taking my life.
7他們群集埋伏,窺伺我的行徑,他們等待時機,謀圖我的性命。 7They must not be allowed to go unpunished; therefore, O God, in your fury bring the nations down.
8天主,求你審判他們的罪行;求你在盛怒中將異民敉平。 8You have a record of my laments; my tears are stored in your wineskin. Are they not written on your scroll?
9我多次流離失所,你都知悉,我的眼淚,聚在你皮囊裏;豈不是也寫在你的書卷內? 9My enemies turn back when I call on you for help; now I know that God is for me.
10我幾時呼號你,我的仇敵便退卻,從此我也全知道,天主常扶助我。 10In God whose word I praise,
11我全心倚賴天主,歌頌他的許諾; 11in God I trust without fear. What can mortals do against me?
12決不怕脆弱的人,對我要做什麼。 12I am bound to you by vows, O God; I shall offer my thanksgiving.
13天主,我必遵守向你所許的願,我必要向你償還頌謝的祭獻。 13For you have rescued my soul from death and my feet from stumbling, that I might walk in God's presence in the light of the living.
14因為你救我脫離死亡,使我的腳免於跌仆,使我能在活人的光明中,在天主面前行走。 14




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