Psalms:Chapter 7


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聖詠集 Psalms
1達味有感於本雅明族人古士的話,向上主唱的流離之歌。 1O Lord, my God, in you I take shelter; deliver me and save me from all my pursuers,
2上主,我的天主!我一心投奔你;求你助我逃脫一切追逐我的人,求你救拔我; 2lest lions tear me to pieces with no one to rescue me.
3免得有人像獅子一般撕裂我時,無人搭救我。 3O Lord, my God, if my hands are stained with guilt -
4上主!如果我真作了這事,我主!在我手中就真有罪! 4if with evil I have repaid good, if I have plundered unjustly my opponent,
5我若真加害過我的友好,或無故把我的仇敵劫掠; 5let the enemy hound me, let him crush me to the ground and lay down my glory in the dust.
6就讓敵人追逐我,擒獲我,把我的性命踐踏在污地,將我的光榮歸諸於泥灰。(休止) 6Arise, O Lord, in your wrath; rise up against the fury of my foes. Awake, O my God and judge the nations, for the time of judgment has come.
7上主,求你震怒奮起,前來克制我仇的暴慢。我的天主,求你醒起助我,施行你定的斷案。 7Let the nations gather around you; and you take your seat high above them.
8願萬民聚齊環繞着你。願你回駕由高處鑒視。 8Proclaim, O Lord, my righteousness; you see that I am blameless.
9上主,萬民的審判者!上主,請照我的正義,請按我的無罪,護衛我的權利。 9Bring to an end the power of the wicked, but affirm the just, O righteous God, searcher of mind and heart.
10公義的天主!惟你洞察肺腑和人心,願惡人的毒害停止,求你堅固義人! 10You cover me as a shield, Oh God, for you protect the upright.
11天主是我的護盾,給心正的人助陣。 11A righteous judge is God, his anger ever awaiting those who refuse to repent.
12天主是公義的審判者,對怙惡的人終日怒嚇。 12God has his sword ready and sharpened, his bow bent and arrows aimed.
13仇人雖然磨刀擦劍,開弓拉弦準備射箭; 13He has in hand, always ready, his deadly weapons and fiery darts.
14那只是為自己預備死亡的武器,為自己製造帶火的箭矢。 14Look at the one who conceived iniquity and is pregnant with mischief: miscarriage will result.
15試看,他既孕惡懷毒,自然就要產生虛無, 15He digs a pit and makes it deep, he will fall into the trap he made.
16他挖掘坑穴,擺佈陷阱,勢必落在自備的窖中。 16His evil intent recoils upon his head; his wicked design comes back in his face.
17他的兇惡必反轉到自己頭上,他的橫暴必降落在自己的頂上。 17I will rejoice in the Lord for his justice, and sing to the Most High in gratitude and praise.
18我要稱謝上主的公道,歌頌至高上主的名號。 18




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