Revelation:Chapter 11


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若望默示錄 Revelation
1然後給了我一根長蘆葦,當作測量杖說:「你起來,去測量天主的聖殿和祭壇,計算在殿內朝拜的人! 1Then I was given a staff like a measuring stick, and I was told, "Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, and count those who worship there.
2聖殿外面的庭院要除外,不要測量,因為已交給了異民;他們必要踐踏聖城,共四十二個月。 2Do not bother to measure the outer courtyard, for this has been given to the pagans who will trample over the Holy City for forty-two months.
3可是,我要打發我的兩位見證人,穿著苦衣,做先知勸人,共一千二百六十天。」 3Meanwhile, I will entrust my Word to my two witnesses who will proclaim it for one thousand two hundred and sixty days, dressed in sackcloth."
4這兩位就是立在大地的主宰前的那兩棵橄欖樹,和那兩座燈台。 4These are the two olive trees and the two lamps which are before the Lord of the earth.
5假使有人想謀害他們,必有火從他們的口中射出,吞滅他們的仇人;所以誰若想謀害他們,必定這樣被殺。 5If anyone intends to harm them, fire will come out of their mouths to devour their enemies: this is how whoever intends to harm them will perish.
6他們具有關閉上天的權柄,以致在他們盡先知任務的時日內,不叫雨下降;對水也有權柄,能使水變血;幾時他們願意,就能以各種災禍打擊大地。 6They have the power to close the sky and hold back the rain during the time of their prophetic mission; they also have the power to change water into blood, and punish the earth with a thousand plagues, any time they wish.
7當他們一完成了自己作見證的職分,那從深淵中上來的巨獸,要同他們作戰,且戰勝他們,殺死他們。 7But when my witnesses have fulfilled their mission, the beast that comes up from the abyss will make war upon them, and will conquer and kill them.
8他們的屍體要被拋棄在大城的街上──這城的寓意名字叫作索多瑪和埃及,他們的主子也曾在此地被釘在十字架上── 8Their dead bodies will lie in the square of the Great City which the believers figuratively call Sodom or Egypt, where their Lord was crucified.
9由各民族、各支派、各異語、各邦國來的人,要觀看他們的屍體三天半之久,且不許把他們安葬在墳墓裡。 9And their dead bodies will be exposed for three days and a half to people of all tribes, races, languages and nations who will be ordered not to have them buried.
10地上的居民必要因他們的死而高興歡樂,彼此送禮,因為那兩位先知實在磨難了地上的居民。 10Then the inhabitants of the earth will rejoice, congratulate one another and exchange gifts among themselves because these two prophets were a torment to them.
11過了三天半,由天主來的生氣進入了他們身內,他們就立足站了起來,凡看見的人,都起了大恐怖。 11But after those three and a half days, a spirit of life coming from God entered them. They then stood up, and those who looked at them were seized with great fear.
12以後,他們二人聽見從天上來的大聲音向他們說:「上這裡來罷!」他們遂乘著雲彩升了天,他們的仇人也看見了。 12A loud voice from heaven called them, "Come up here." So they went up to heaven in the midst of the clouds in the sight of their enemies.
13正在那個時辰,發生了大地震,那城倒塌了十分之一,因地震而死的人就有七千名;其餘的人都害怕起來,就歸光榮於天上的天主。 13At that moment, there was a violent earthquake which destroyed a tenth of the city and claimed seven thousand victims. The rest were overcome with fear, and acknowledged the God of heaven.
14第二個災禍過去了;看,第三個災禍快要來了。 14The second woe has passed. The third is coming soon.
15第七位天使一吹號角,天上就發出大聲音說:「世上的王權已歸屬我們的上主,和他的基督,他要為王,至於無窮之世!」 15The seventh angel blew his trumpet, then loud voices resounded in heaven: "The world has now become the Kingdom of our God and of his Christ. He will reign for ever and ever."
16那在天主前坐在自己寶座上的二十四位長老,遂俯伏在地,朝拜天主, 16The twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones before God bowed down to worship God,
17說:「上主,全能的天主!今在,昔在者!我們稱謝你,因為你取得了你的大權,登上了王位。 17saying, We thank you, Lord God, Master of the universe, who are and who were, for you have begun your reign, making use of your invincible power.
18異民發了怒,可是你的震怒也到了,就是審判死者,賞報你的眾僕先知、聖徒,以及敬畏你名字的大者小者的時候到了,並且也到了消滅那毀壞大地之人的時候。」 18The nations raged but your wrath has come, the time to judge the dead and reward your servants the prophets, the saints and those who honor your Name - whether great or small - and destroy those who destroy the earth.
19那時,天主在天上的聖殿敞開了,天主的約櫃也在他的聖殿中顯出來了;緊接著便有閃電、響聲、雷霆、地震和大冰雹。 19Then the sanctuary of God in the heavens was opened, and the Ark of the Covenant of God could be seen inside the sanctuary. There were flashes of lightning, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a violent hail-storm.




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