Revelation:Chapter 16
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若望默示錄 | Revelation |
1我聽見由殿裏發出一個大聲音,向那七位天使說:「你們去,把那滿盛天主義怒的七個盂倒在地上!」 | 1I heard a loud voice calling from the sanctuary to the seven angels, "Go and empty on the earth the seven cups of the wrath of God." |
2第一位天使便去,把他的盂倒在地上,逐在那些帶有獸印和朝拜獸像的人身上,生出了一種惡毒而劇痛的瘡。 | 2The first angel went to empty his cup on the earth, and malignant and painful sores appeared on the people who bore the mark of the beast and had bowed before its image. |
3第二位天使把他的盂倒在海裏,海水就變成好似死人的血,因而海中的一切活物都死了。 | 3The second angel emptied his cup into the sea which turned into blood like that of the dead, and every living thing in the sea died. |
4第三位天使把他的盂倒在河流和水泉上,水就變成了血。 | 4The third angel emptied his cup into the rivers and springs which turned into blood. |
5那時,我聽見掌管水的天使說:「今在和昔在的聖善者,你這樣懲罰,真是公義, | 5And I heard the angel of the waters say, "You who are and who were, O Holy One, you are just in punishing them in this way; |
6因為他們曾傾流了聖徒和先知們的血,你如今給他們血喝,這是他們應得的。」 | 6since they have shed the blood of your holy ones and the prophets, you have made them drink blood; they rightly deserved it." |
7我又聽見從祭壇有聲音說:「是的,上主,全能的天主!你的懲罰,真實而公義。」 | 7I heard another cry from the altar, "Yes, Lord and God, Master of the universe, your judgments are true and just." |
8第四位天使把他的盂倒在太陽上,致使太陽以烈火炙烤世人。 | 8The fourth angel poured out his cup on the sun and its heat began to scorch people. |
9世人因被劇熱所炙烤,便褻瀆掌管這些災禍的天主的名號,沒有悔改將光榮歸於天主。 | 9They were severely burned and began to insult God who has power over those plagues, instead of acknowledging him. |
10第五位天使把他的盂倒在那獸座上,牠的王國就陷入黑暗,人痛苦的咬自己的舌頭; | 10The fifth angel emptied his cup on the throne of the beast, and suddenly his kingdom was in darkness and the people bit their tongues in agony. |
11他們因自己的痛苦和瘡痍,便褻瀆天上的天主,沒有悔改自己的行為。 | 11They insulted the Most High God for their pain and wounds, but they did not repent. |
12第六位天使把他的盂倒在幼發拉的大河中,河水就乾涸了,為給那些由日出之地要來的諸王,準備了一條道路。 | 12The sixth angel poured out his cup on the great river Euphrates; then its water was dried up, leaving a free passageway for the kings of the east. |
13我又看見從龍口、獸口和假先知口中出來了三個不潔的神,狀如青蛙; | 13I saw coming from the mouths of the monster, the beast and the false prophet, three unclean spirits which looked like frogs. |
14他們是邪魔之神,施行奇跡,往全世界的諸王那裏去,召集他們,為在全能天主的那偉大日子上交戰。 | 14They are, in fact, spirits of demons that perform marvelous things and go to the kings of the whole world to gather them for battle on the great day of God, the Master of the universe. |
15「看,我來有如盜賊一樣;那醒着並保持自己的衣服,不至於赤身行走,而叫人看見自己的恥辱的,纔是有福的!」 | 15"Beware! I come like a thief; happy is the one who stays awake and does not take off his clothes; so he will not have to go naked and his whole body be exposed for all to see." |
16那三個神就把諸王聚集到一個地方,那地方希伯來文叫「阿瑪革冬」。 | 16Then they assembled them at the place called Armageddon in Hebrew (or the Hills of Megiddo). |
17第七位天使把他的盂倒在空氣中,於是就由【天上的】殿裏,從寶座那裏發出了一個巨大聲音說:「成了!」 | 17The seventh angel emptied his cup into the air. Then a voice came forth from the throne and was heard outside the sanctuary, saying, "It is done." |
18遂有閃電、響聲和雷霆,又發生了大地震,是自從在地上有人類以來,從未有過這樣大的地震。 | 18And there were flashes of lightning, peals of thunder and a violent earthquake. No, never has there been an earthquake so violent since people existed on earth. |
19那大城分裂為三段,異民的城也都傾覆了;天主想起了那偉大的巴比倫,遂遞給她那盛滿天主烈怒的酒杯。 | 19The Great City was split into three, while the cities of the nations collapsed. For the time had come for Babylon the Great to be remembered before God and to be given the cup of the foaming wine of his anger. |
20各島嶼都消失了,諸山嶺也不見了。 | 20Then the continents withdrew and the mountain ranges hid. |
21又有像「塔冷通」般的大冰雹,從天上落在世人的身上;世人因冰雹的災禍便褻瀆天主,因為那災禍太慘重了。 | 21Great hailstones from heaven, as heavy as stones, dropped on the people, and the people insulted God because of this disastrous hailstorm, for it was truly a terrible plague. |
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