Romans:Chapter 7


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羅馬書 Romans
1弟兄們!我現在是對明白法律的人說話:難道你們不知道:法律統治人,只是在人活着的時候嗎? 1You, my friends, understand law. The law has power only while a person is alive.
2就如有丈夫的女人,當丈夫還活着的時候,是受法律束縛的;如果丈夫死了,她就不再因丈夫而受法律的束縛。 2The married woman, for example, is bound by law to her husband while he is alive; but if he dies, she is free from her obligations as a wife.
3所以,當丈夫活着的時候,她若依附別的男人,便稱為淫婦;但如果丈夫死了,按法律她是自由的;她若依附別的男人,便不是淫婦。 3If she gives herself to another while her husband is alive, she will be an adulteress; but once the husband dies, she is free and if she gives herself to another man, she is not an adulteress.
4所以,我的弟兄們!你們藉着基督的身體已死於法律了,為使你們屬於另一位,就是屬於由死者中復活的那一位,為叫我們給天主結果實, 4It was the same with you, brothers and sisters: you have died to the Law with the person of Christ, and you belong to another, who has risen from among the dead, so that we may produce fruit for God.
5因為我們還在肉性權下的時候,那藉法律而傾向於罪惡的情慾,在我們的肢體內活動,結出死亡的果實。 5When we lived as humans used to do, the Law stirred up the desires for all that is sin, and they worked in our bodies with fruits of death.
6但是現在,我們已死於束縛我們的勢力,脫離了法律,如此,我們不應再拘泥於舊的條文,而應以新的心神事奉天主。 6But we have died to what was holding us; we are freed from the Law and no longer serve a written law - which was the old; with the Spirit we are in the new.
7那麼,我們能說法律本身有罪嗎?絕對不能!然而藉着法律,我纔知道罪是什麼。如果不是法律說:「不可貪戀!」我就不知道什麼是貪情。 7Then, shall we say that the Law is part of sin? Of course not. However, I would not have known Sin, had it not been through the Law. I would not be aware of greed if the Law did not tell me: Do not covet.
8罪惡遂乘機藉着誡命,在我內發動各種貪情;原來若沒有法律,罪惡便是死的。 8Sin took advantage of the commandment to stir in me all kinds of greed; whereas, without a Law, Sin lies dead.
9從前我沒有法律時,我是活人;但誡命一來,罪惡便活了起來, 9First there was no Law and I lived. Then the commandment came and gave life to Sin:
10我反而死了。那本來應叫我生活的誡命,反叫我死了, 10and I died. It happened that the Law of life had brought me death.
11因為罪惡藉着誡命乘機誘惑了我,也藉着誡命殺害了我。 11Sin took advantage of the commandment: it lured me and killed me through the commandment.
12所以法律本是聖的,誡命也是聖的,是正義和美善的。 12But the Law itself is holy, just and good.
13那麼,是善事使我死了嗎?絕對不是!而是罪惡。罪惡為顯示罪惡的本性,藉着善事為我產生了死亡,以致罪惡藉着誡命成了極端的凶惡。 13Is it possible that something good brings death to me? Of course not. This comes from Sin which may be seen as sin when it takes advantage of something good to kill: the commandment let Sin appear fully sinful.
14我們知道:法律是屬神的,但我是屬血肉的,已被賣給罪惡作奴隸。 14We know that the Law is spiritual; as for me, I am flesh and have been sold to sin.
15因為我不明白我作的是什麼:我所願意的,我偏不作;我所憎恨的,我反而去作。 15I cannot explain what is happening to me, because I do not do what I want, but on the contrary, the very things I hate.
16我若去作我所不願意的,這便是承認法律是善的。 16Well then, if I do the evil I do not want to do, I agree that the Law is good;
17實際上作那事的已不是我,而是在我內的罪惡。 17but, in this case, I am not the one striving toward evil, but it is sin, living in me.
18我也知道,善不在我內,即不在我的肉性內,因為我有心行善,但實際上卻不能行善。 18I know that what is right does not abide in me, I mean, in my flesh. I can want to do what is right, but I am unable to do it.
19因此,我所願意的善,我不去行;而我所不願意的惡,我卻去 作。 19In fact I do not do the good I want, but the evil I hate.
20但我所不願意的,我若去作,那麼已不是我作那事,而是在我內的罪惡。 20Therefore, if I do what I do not want to do, I am not the one striving towards evil, but Sin which is in me.
21所以我發見這條規律:就是我願意為善的時候,總有邪惡依附着我。 21I discover, then, this reality: though I wish to do what is right, the evil within me asserts itself first.
22因為照我的內心,我是喜悅天主的法律; 22My inmost self agrees and rejoices with the law of God,
23可是,我發覺在我的肢體內,另有一條法律,與我理智所贊同的法律交戰,並把我擄去,叫我隸屬於那在我肢體內的罪惡的法律。 23but I notice in my body another law challenging the law of the spirit, and delivering me as a slave to the law of sin written in my members.
24我這個人真不幸呀!誰能救我脫離這該死的肉身呢? 24Alas, for me! Who will free me from this being which is only death?
25感謝天主,藉着我們的主耶穌基督。這樣看來,我這人是以理智去服從天主的法律,而以肉性去服從罪惡的法律。 25Let us give thanks to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! So, with my conscience I am a servant of the law of God, and with my mortal I serve the law of sin.




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