Sirach:Chapter 12


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德訓篇 Sirach
1你若施惠,應知道你是向誰施恩;這樣,你纔能因你的恩惠,大得人心。 1If you do good, know to whom you are doing it and you will receive thanks for your kindness.
2對虔敬的人要施恩,這樣,你必會獲得大酬報;若你得不到他的酬報,必會蒙受至高者的酬報。 2Do good to the godly man and you will receive a reward, if not from the man himself, at least from the Most High.
3習慣於行惡,及不肯施捨的人,對自己並無好處,因為至高者憎恨罪人,而憐憫悔改的人。 3Blessings are not for those who persist in evildoing, nor for those who refuse to show compassion.
4你要施恩給虔敬的人,不要幫助罪人;存留不虔敬者和罪人到報復日子的天主,必要報復他們。 4Give to the godly man, do not help the sinner;
5你要施恩與善人,不必收留不虔敬的人。 5do good to the humble, do not give to the ungodly; deny him bread, do not give it to him lest he eventually dominate you. He will repay you with a double evil for all the good that you have done for him.
6你要施恩與謙虛的人,不要施捨不虔敬的人,要拒絕給他食物,怕他因此制勝你; 6For the Most High himself detests sinners and carries out his vengeance on the ungodly.
7因為,在你對他所施的一切恩惠中,你要得到雙重的禍患;原來至高者憎恨罪人,要向不虔敬的人復仇。 7Give to the good man but do not help the sinner.
8幸福時,不能辨別朋友;不幸時,仇人不能隱藏。 8A friend does not become an enemy in the time of prosperity, nor does an enemy remain hidden in the time of adversity.
9人一幸福,他的仇人就悶悶不樂;一遇災難,朋友也要離去。 9When a man is doing well, his enemies are sad; when he is suffering misfortune, even his friends hasten to abandon him.
10總不要信賴你的仇敵,因為他的惡毒有如生銹的銅鐵。 10Never trust an enemy, for his malice is like bronze covered in rust.
11即使他顯示謙和,曲躬而行,你仍要留神,提防他;你對他要像一個擦亮鏡子的人;你將會看見銹的下面有什麼東西。 11Even if he should act as a humble man and walk with head bowed down, watch yourself and be on your guard against him. Behave towards him as a man who polishes a bronze mirror. Know that the rust will not remain until the end.
12不要讓他立在你的身旁,免得他推倒你,而佔據你的位置;不要任他坐在你的右邊,免得他圖佔你的座位,你終究會明白我的話,對我的話,你會感到心疚。 12Do not place him near you lest he overthrow you and take your place. Do not make him sit on your right hand lest he covet your seat. Let it not be that in the end you understand my words and regret not having listened to my advice.
13誰同情被蛇咬傷的術士?誰同情親近野獸的人?與惡人同行,而陷入他邪惡的人,亦無人憐惜。 13Who will have pity on the snake-charmer bitten by a snake or on those who go near wild beasts?
14他一時與你相處,但你一落魄,他決不扶持你。 14It is the same for the man who joins company with a sinner and finds himself involved in his wrongdoing.
15仇敵的口舌出言甜蜜,但心裡卻打算將你推入陷阱; 15The sinner will remain quietly with you for an hour but when you are distracted he will throw away his mask.
16他眼中流淚,但時機一到,就是流你的血,還嫌不夠。 16The enemy is all sweetness in his speech, but in his heart he is planning to throw you in the ditch. The enemy has tears in his eyes but, if he finds an opportunity, he cannot have enough of your blood.
17若你遇著災難,首先到你面前的,就是他; 17If misfortune comes to you, you will find him there before you; pretending to help you, he will be scheming to get rid of you.
18他眼中流淚,彷彿是來扶助你,其實,他是來絆你的腳; 18He will wag his head in mockery and clap his hands, he will whisper unceasingly and will show his true face.
19那時,他就要搖頭鼓掌,出言不遜,現出他原來的面目。 19




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