Sirach:Chapter 15


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德訓篇 Sirach
1敬畏上主的;必如此而行;謹守法律的,必獲得智慧。 1Such is the one who fears the Lord; whoever embraces the Law will obtain wisdom.
2智慧有如一位榮耀的母親去迎接他,又如一位童貞的新娘收留他, 2She will come out to meet him like a mother and greet him like a virgin bride;
3要用生命和明智的食物養育他,用有益的智慧之水,給他當飲料。他依靠智慧,便不致動搖; 3she will feed him with the bread of understanding and give him the water of wisdom to drink.
4他信賴智慧,就不致受辱。智慧要舉揚他,超越他的同伴; 4He will rely on her and will not waver; he will lean on her and will not be let down.
5在集會中,使他開口發言,使他充滿上智聰敏之神,叫他穿上光榮的長袍, 5Wisdom will make him greater than his friends and he will be able to speak in the full assembly.
6使他獲得喜樂和愉快的冠冕,叫他承受名垂千古的基業。 6He will be crowned with happiness and joy. He will inherit an everlasting name.
7愚昧人不會接受智慧,明智人卻去迎接她,罪人決不會見到她,因為,智慧遠離驕傲和欺詐。 7The fool will never possess her, and sinners will never set eyes on her.
8說謊的人不會思念她;但誠實的人必能尋見她,直到天主來視察時,他們必有所成就。 8She is far away from pride, and liars will know nothing of her.
9讚頌在罪人口裡,是不適宜的,因為不是來自上主; 9Praise is not fitting on the lips of sinners since it does not come from the Lord.
10原來讚頌須本於智慧,具有智慧的人,纔能教給人智慧。因為智慧來自天主,天主的讚頌常伴隨智慧;忠信人的口,必洋溢著這樣的讚頌,主宰也必賜給他這樣的讚頌。 10Praise must come from the wise man; so the Lord himself inspires it.
11你不要說:「是上主使我沒有智慧。」因為,上主不作自己憎惡的事。 11Do not say, "It was God who made me sin." God does not cause what he hates.
12你也不要說:「他迷惑了我。」因為,他用不著罪人。 12Do not say, "He made me do wrong," for he has nothing to do with a sinner.
13凡是可惡的事,上主都憎恨,也不許敬畏他的人遇著這些事。 13The Lord hates all evil and those who fear him hate it as well.
14上主在起初就造了人,並賦給他自決的能力; 14When he created man in the beginning, he left him free to make his own decisions.
15又給他定了法律和誡命。 15If you wish, you can keep the commandments and it is in your power to remain faithful.
16假使你願意,就能遵守他的誡命;成為一個忠信的人,完全在於你自願。 16He has set fire and water before you; you stretch out your hand to whichever you prefer.
17他在你面前安放了火與水,你可任意伸手選取; 17Life and death are set before man: whichever a man prefers will be given him.
18生死善惡,都在人面前;人願意那樣,就賜給他那樣。 18How magnificent is the wisdom of the Lord! He is powerful and all-seeing.
19因為,上主的智慧是廣大的,他強而有力,不斷在察看著萬物。 19His eyes are on those who fear him. He knows all the works of man.
20他的眼睛注視敬畏他的人,他洞悉人的一切行為。 20He has commanded no one to be godless and has given no one permission to sin.
21他從未吩咐人作惡,他從未准許人犯罪。 21
22不要渴望有許多不忠實而無用的子女,也不要因不虔敬的兒子而喜歡。 22




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