Sirach:Chapter 22


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德訓篇 Sirach
1懶惰人彷彿一塊污穢的石頭,對他的醜行,人人發出唏噓聲。 1The idler is like a dirty stone, his disgrace is laughed at.
2懶惰人好比一堆牛糞,摸着的人,都將它從手中抖掉。 2The idler is like a heap of dung, all who touch it shake it off their hands.
3一個不受管教的兒子,是父親的恥辱;生了這樣的女兒,是父親的損失。 3Badly brought up sons are the shame of their father, and daughters, a humiliation.
4明智的女兒,是丈夫的寶藏;無恥的女兒,是父親的憂傷。 4A sensible daughter is a treasure to her husband, but the disgraceful one is a burden to her father.
5放蕩的婦女,羞辱自己的父親和丈夫,並不次於不虔敬的人:父親和丈夫都要輕視她。 5A shameless daughter brings disgrace on her father as well as her husband; both hate her.
6不合時宜的言論,有如悲哀中的音樂;教鞭和訓誨,無論什麼時候,常是明智的。 6The untimely word is like music at a funeral but beating and correction guided by wisdom are never out of place.
7教訓愚人,無異黏合陶器碎片; 7Teaching a fool is like gluing a broken jar, it is easier to awaken a man from deep sleep.
8向不願聽的人講話,就像喚醒熟睡的人。 8Reasoning with a fool is like reasoning with a drowsy man; in the end, he will ask you, "What is it all about?"
9給愚人講話,等於向睡覺的人講話;話說完了,他還問什麼事? 9Weep for the dead man since the light has deserted him, weep for the fool because understanding has deserted him. Cry less for the dead man; he has found his rest but the fool's life is worse than death.
10要為亡者哀哭,因為他已失去了光明;更要為愚人哀哭,因為他已失去了明悟。 10Mourning the dead lasts seven days, but it lasts a lifetime for the fool and godless man.
11哀悼亡者要有節,因為他已得到了安息; 11Do not waste words on the fool or go with the stupid man; beware of him lest he bring you trouble and his contact leave you contaminated. Stay away from him if you want rest and do not want to be worn out by his requests.
12然而邪惡愚人不幸的生命,比死亡更為可悲。 12What is heavier than lead? What is its name but "Fool"?
13哀悼死者,為期不過七天;悲哭愚人與不虔敬的人,卻是一生。 13Sand, salt and a load of iron are easier to bear than a fool.
14同愚人不要長談,與無知的人要交往。 14The wooden joint in a building is not dislodged by an earthquake; a determined heart, after careful reflection, will not be moved when crises come.
15要謹慎防備他,就不致招惹煩惱;即便他噴唾,你也不至於受玷污。 15A decision based on serious reflection stands like plaster on a firm wall.
16他要遠離他,你就得享安寧,不至於因他的愚蠢而感到厭煩。 16Stakes set on a height do not resist the wind; the fool's heart, frightened by his own imaginings, cannot withstand fear.
17什麼東西比鉛還重?比鉛還重的東西的名字,不是「愚人」麼? 17Striking the eye brings tears; if you strike the heart, lucidity will come forth.
18沙、鹽、鐵堆雖重,但比忍耐一個無知糊塗而不虔敬的人,更容易擔負。 18Whoever throws stones at birds scares them off; reproach a friend and you will kill the friendship.
19用棟梁支持的建築物,在地動時不致倒塌;同樣,深思熟慮而鎮定的心,危險時也不會畏懼。 19If you have drawn your sword against a friend, do not despair, it can be put back;
20以智慧的思想為基礎的心,有如光滑的牆壁上塗的灰泥。 20if you have spoken harshly to a friend, do not fear, reconciliation is possible; but in the event of insult, contempt, betrayal of a confidence or treacherous blow, any friend would desert you.
21高處的籬笆,經不起風吹; 21Win your neighbor's confidence when he is poor so that you may enjoy his goods with him when he grows rich; be loyal in his hour of trouble and you will win, in the end, a share in his inheritance.
22同樣,那因愚昧的思想而恐懼的心,也禁不住任何驚嚇。 22Smoke and fumes precede the fire; so, too, insults herald the blows.
23就如愚人在思慮時心雖游移不定,卻無時感到恐懼,就像常守天主法律的人一樣。 23I will not be ashamed of protecting a friend nor will I avoid him;
24剌激人眼,會引出眼淚;剌激人心,會顯出真情。 24if evil comes to me from him, all who hear of it will beware of him.
25拋石打鳥,會使鳥驚飛;責罵友人會斷絕友情。 25Who will put a guard on my mouth and effectively lock up my lips to prevent me from sinning and my tongue from hastening my ruin?
26若你已向友人拔出利劍,不要失望,因為還可恢復舊交; 26
27若你已對友人開口攻擊,不要害怕,因為還能和好如初;惟有辱罵、責斥、驕傲、洩漏秘密、暗中傷害,能使朋友疏遠。 27
28你的朋友窮困的時候,你要對他忠誠;到他富裕時,你便可以與他共享福利。 28
29他遭難的時候,你要待他始終如一;這樣,你就可以分享他的產業。 29
30火生起以前,爐中冒氣冒煙;同樣,流血以前、也有咒罵、凌辱和威嚇。 30
31我不害羞保護一個朋友,也不躲藏而不與他見面,雖然為了他我要遭遇什麼不幸,我也忍受。 31
32雖然如此,若他還不知恩,凡聽見這事的人,必對他加以防範。 32
33誰能在我的口上派一個守衛,在我的唇上貼上一張穩妥的封條,免得我因口過而跌倒,因我的唇舌而自取滅亡? 33




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