Sirach:Chapter 3
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德訓篇 | Sirach |
1智慧之子,形成義人的集會;他們的家族充滿服從與友愛。 | 1My children, it is your father who speaks, listen to me and follow my advice and so be saved. |
2孩子們,你們應聽從我,你們的父親;你們要這樣作,以便得救。 | 2For the Lord established that children should respect their father; he confirmed the right of the mother over her sons. |
3因為,上主願父親受兒女的尊敬,且確定了母親對子女的權利。 | 3Whoever honors his father atones for his sins; |
4孝敬父親的人,必能補贖罪過;且能戒避罪惡,在祈禱之日,必蒙應允。 | 4he who gives glory to his mother prepares a treasure for himself. |
5孝敬母親的人,就如積蓄珍寶的人。 | 5Whoever honors his father will receive joy from his own children and will be heard when he prays. |
6孝敬父親的人,必在子女身上獲得喜樂;當他祈禱時,必蒙應允。 | 6Whoever glorifies his father will have a long life. Whoever obeys the Lord gives comfort to his mother. |
7孝敬父親的,必享長壽;聽從上主的,必使母親得到安慰。 | 7He serves those who brought him to birth as he would serve the Lord. |
8敬畏上主的人,必孝敬父母;奉事生他的父母,猶如奉事主人。 | 8Honor your father in word and deed so that his blessing may come on you. |
9你當以言以行,以各樣的忍耐,孝敬你的父親, | 9For a father's blessing secures the future of his children, but a mother's curse destroys them at their roots. |
10好使他的祝福,降到你身上,而存留至終。 | 10Do not rejoice at the humiliation of your father because his dishonor is no glory for you. |
11因為父親的祝福,鞏固子女的家庭;反之,母親的詛咒,拔除家庭的基礎。 | 11For a man's glory comes from his father's reputation; a mother who is not respected is a disgrace to her children. |
12不要以你父親的羞辱為榮,因為父親的羞辱,為你不是光榮; | 12My son, take care of your father in his old age, do not cause him sorrow as long as he lives. |
13原來人的光榮,是建在他父親的榮譽上;不名譽的母親,是子女的恥辱。 | 13Even if he has lost his mind, have patience; do not be disrespectful to him while you are in full health. |
14我兒,你父親年老了,你當扶助;在他有生之日,不要使他憂傷。 | 14For kindness done to one's father will never be forgotten, it will serve as reparation for your sins. |
15若他的智力衰弱了,你要對他有耐心,不要因你年富力強就藐視他; | 15In the day of adversity the Lord will remember it to your advantage; for just as ice melts in the heat, so will your sins melt away. |
16因為,對父親所施的憐憫,是不會被遺忘的,天主必要赦免你的罪過,復興你的家庭。因你容忍母親的過失,必獲賞報; | 16The man who abandons his father is like a blasphemer; he who annoys his mother is cursed by the Lord. |
17天主必依公義,建立你的家庭;在你困難之日,要記念你,要消滅你的罪過,有如晴天溶化冰霜。 | 17My son, conduct your affairs with discretion and you will be loved by those who are acceptable to God. |
18背棄父親的,形同褻聖;激怒母親的,已為上主所詛咒。 | 18The greater you are, the more you should humble yourself and thus you will find favor with God. |
19我兒,執行你的工作時,應當謙和;這樣,你會比施惠的人更受人愛戴。 | 19For great is the power of the Lord and it is the humble who give him glory. |
20你越偉大,在一切事上越當謙下;這樣,你纔能在上主面前,獲得恩寵。 | 20Do not seek what is beyond your powers nor search into what is beyond your ability. |
21因為,只有上主的權能是偉大的,為謙遜人所尊崇。 | 21Reflect on what you are commanded to do; there is no need for you to know things that are hidden. |
22為你太難的事,你不要尋找;超乎你能力的事,你不要研究;然而天主給你所規定的,你應時常思念,在他的許多工程上,你不應懷着好奇心去追究。 | 22Do not tire yourself in resolving useless questions since the knowledge you already have goes beyond human understanding. |
23因為,親眼觀察那些隱密的事,為你並不需要。 | 23For many have been led astray by their personal theories and false pretension has undermined reason. |
24在超過你能力的事上,你不要勞神;在他的許多工程上,你不要懷着好奇的心; | 24The obstinate man will eventually fall into evil, and he who loves danger will perish therein. |
25因為,你已見到許多,人類不能理解的事; | 25The obstinate man will be weighed down with sufferings; the sinner heaps up sin upon sin. |
26的確,有許多人受了自己妄想的欺騙,邪惡的幻想迷惑了他們的明悟。 | 26For the sufferings of the proud man there is no remedy, the roots of evil are implanted in him. |
27心裏頑硬的人,終究必有不幸的結局;愛危險的,必死於危險之中。 | 27The wise man reflects on proverbs. What the wise man desires is an attentive ear. Almsgiving |
28徘徊在兩條路上的心,決不會成功;心術不正的人,必要絆倒。 | 28As water extinguishes the burning flames, almsgiving obtains pardon for sins. |
29頑硬的心,必為愁苦所累;罪人必要罪上加罪。 | 29The man who responds by doing good prepares for the future, at the moment of his downfall he will find support. |
30驕傲人們的創傷,無法醫治,因為惡根在他們身上,已根深蒂固,而他們卻不自覺。 | 30 |
31明智人的心,領會寓言;智慧人的心願,是希求熱心的聽眾。 | 31 |
32聰明睿智的心,必戒避罪惡;在正義的工作上,必獲成功。 | 32 |
33水可以消滅烈火,施捨可以補贖罪過。 | 33 |
34天主保佑施捨的人,此後必要記念他,在他跌倒時,要使他獲得扶助。 | 34 |
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