Sirach:Chapter 45


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德訓篇 Sirach
1他就是天主和人所鍾愛的梅瑟,人一提念他,人就都讚揚。 1From Jacob's descendants the Lord brought forth an upright man who won the favor of everyone and was loved by God and men - Moses. Blessed be his memory!
2天主使他享有聖者同樣的光榮,使他成為敵人所怕的偉大人物,藉梅瑟的言語,破除邪術, 2The Lord gave him glory equal to his holy angels and power that terrified his enemies.
3在眾王前光榮了他,命他指揮自己的百姓,使他看見自己的一些光榮; 3At Moses' word he halted disaster; the Lord exalted him in the presence of kings. He gave him commandments for his people and let him glimpse something of his glory.
4因為他忠信謙和,天主就從眾人中揀選了他,祝聖了他; 4He chose him from among the living to become holy by being faithful and humble.
5使他聽到自己的聲音,領他深入雲霧, 5God let him hear his voice and led him into darkness, where face to face he gave him the commandments, the law of life and knowledge, to teach Jacob the covenant and make his decrees known to Israel.
6當面將誡命、生命和智識的法律交給他,叫他把自己的盟約教給雅各伯,將自己的法律教給以色列。 6He raised up Aaron, the brother of Moses, a holy man like Moses, of the tribe of Levi.
7天主又提拔了一位與梅瑟相似的聖人,即他的兄弟,屬於肋未支派的亞郎; 7He made an eternal covenant with him and conferred on him the priesthood of the people. He honored him by giving him majesty and putting a glorious robe upon him.
8與他立定了永久的盟約,將自己百姓的司祭之職賜給他;使他服裝燦然。 8His vestments and ornaments were splendid in their perfection - breeches, cloak and ephod.
9給他束上光榮的腰帶,給他穿上華麗的長衣,戴上莊嚴的徽章, 9As a fringe to his vestment he gave him pomegranates and many golden bells to tinkle as he walked and to be heard in the Temple as a reminder to the sons of his people.
10穿上褲子、長袍和披肩,給他佩帶上許多金製的石榴和金鈴鐺; 10The Lord gave Aaron sacred vestments of gold, blue and purple, the work of artists, the pectoral of judgment, the Urim and Thummim, scarlet yarn spun by a craftsman,
11當他走動時,鐺鐺作響,殿內都可聽到,提醒自己的國民。 11precious stones with engravings in a setting of gold, the work of a jeweler, to serve as a memorial with their graven inscriptions of the tribes of Israel.
12他穿的聖衣,是用金色、藍色、紫色的線繡成的,是繡匠的手工;他又帶着一塊胸牌,即「烏陵」和「突明」; 12He gave him the turban with a golden diadem engraved with the words of his consecration, a superb ornament, expertly crafted and a delight to the eyes.
13這胸牌是工人用捻的朱紅色線作成的;這胸牌如玉璽一樣,鑲有寶石;寶石上由玉工按刻印法,刻有以色列支派的名次,作為紀念; 13Such things had never been seen before Aaron's time; no outsider ever put them on or ever will, only his children and descendants.
14在他的頭巾上有一金冠,上面刻有「祝聖於上主」的文字,是光榮的飾物,是傑出的作品,裝飾得雅緻悅目。 14His sacrifices were to be completely burned twice daily, in perpetuity.
15在他以前,從未有過這樣體面的服裝; 15It was Moses who consecrated him and anointed him with holy oil. It was for him an eternal covenant and for his descendants, for as long as the heavens would last, to serve the Lord as his priests and bless the people in his name.
16外方人總未穿過,只有亞郎的兒子們,和他世代的子孫們,穿了這樣的盛服。 16He chose him from among all the living to offer sacrifice to the Lord and sweet smelling incense as a memorial, to make atonement for the people.
17亞郎奉獻的祭祀,都被焚燒淨盡,每天兩次,從不間斷。 17The Lord gave him authority to interpret his commandments and utter decisions, to teach Jacob the divine words and enlighten Israel with his Law.
18梅瑟祝聖了他,給他傅了聖油。 18Outsiders conspired against him and were jealous of him in the desert - Dathan, Abiram and their followers and the supporters of Korah, all violent men full of hate.
19這為他和他與日俱存的子孫,算是永遠的盟約,使他充任司祭,主持敬禮天主的事,並以天主的名祝福民眾。 19The Lord saw it and was angry; in his wrath he destroyed them. He wrought wonders against them, consuming them in the flames of fire.
20上主從眾生中揀選了他,為向自己奉獻祭品、焚香和悅納的馨香,為獲得紀念;並為自己的百姓,獻贖罪的犧牲。 20He increased Aaron's glory by giving him a heritage. He allotted to him the first fruits and to begin with, bread in abundance.
21賞他有頒發自己的誡命,和審核法規的權柄;將天主的證言教給雅各伯,藉法律光照以色列。 21For their food is the sacrifice offered to the Lord, which he gave to Aaron and his descendants.
22那時,外方人集合起來反對他,達堂阿彼蘭一黨的人,科辣黑的同僚,在曠野嫉妒他,惱恨他,圍攻他。 22But he was to inherit no land as patrimony, no special portion was to be his own, for the Lord himself is his portion and inheritance.
23上主見了這事,很不歡喜,他們遂為上主的盛怒所消滅: 23As for Phinehas, son of Eleazar, he is the third in glory, for he was full of zeal in the fear of the Lord when he stood firm among a rebellious people with noble courage and made atonement for Israel.
24他顯了奇蹟,用火焰吞滅了他們。 24Consequently, a covenant of peace was concluded with him, making him the leader of the sanctuary and of his people. He and his descendants were to have the dignity of high priesthood forever.
25卻增加了亞郎的光榮,賜給他產業,分給他初熟的鮮果; 25It is not like the covenant established with David, the son of Jesse, of the tribe of Judah, for the kingship passes only from father to one of his sons, but the heritage of Aaron passes to all his descendants.
26首先給他們預備了充足的食糧:因為他們要吃上主的祭品,這是上主賞給他和他子孫的。 26May the Lord give them wisdom of heart to judge his people with justice, so that their prosperity may not dwindle and their glory may live on in their descendants!
27但他沒有分得土地為產業,在眾支派中,他沒有分子,因為天主自己就是他的分子和產業。 27
28厄肋阿匝爾的兒子丕乃哈斯,是第三個享有這種光榮的人,他在敬畏上主的事上,非常熱誠。 28
29當百姓墮落的時候,他卻堅定不移,因他心地善良勇敢,為以色列人贖了罪。 29
30因此,天主和他訂立了和平的盟約,派他管理聖所和自己的百姓,並將大司祭的尊位,永遠歸於他和他的子孫。 30
31天主與猶大支派的人,葉瑟的兒子達味王,也訂立了盟約,根據這盟約,王位應由他的一個兒子繼承;而亞郎的職分,卻由他的後裔繼承。現在,你們要讚美賜給你們榮冠的慈善上主。願他賜給你們內心的智慧,好能秉公審判他的百姓,為使祖先的美德不至於消逝無存,並使他們的光榮,傳於他們的一切後代。 31




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