Titus:Chapter 2


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弟鐸書 Titus
1至於你,你所講的,該合乎健全的道理; 1Let your words strengthen sound doctrine.
2教訓老人應節制、端莊、慎重,在信德、愛德和忍耐上,要正確健全。 2Tell the older men to be sober, serious, wise, sound in faith, love and perseverance.
3也要教訓老婦在舉止上要聖善,不毀謗人,不沉湎於酒,但教人行善, 3The older women in like manner must behave as befits holy women, not given to gossiping or drinking wine,
4好能教導青年婦女愛丈夫,愛子女, 4but as good counselors, able to teach younger women to love their husbands and children,
5慎重,貞節,勤理家務,良善,服從自己的丈夫,免得使人詆毀天主的聖道。 5to be judicious and pure, to take care of their households, to be kind and submissive to their husbands, lest our faith be attacked.
6你也要教訓青年人在一切事上要慎重。 6Encourage the young men to be self-controlled.
7你該顯示自己為行善的模範,在教導上應表示純正莊重, 7Set them an example by your own way of doing. Let your teaching be earnest and sincere,
8要講健全無可指摘的話,使反對的人感到羞愧,說不出我們什麼不好來。 8and your preaching beyond reproach. Then your opponents will feel ashamed and will have nothing to criticize.
9教訓奴隸在一切事上要服從自己的主人,常叫他們喜悅,不要抗辯, 9Teach slaves to be subject to their masters, and to give satisfaction in every respect, instead of arguing.
10不要竊取,惟要事事表示自己實在忠信,好使我們的救主天主的聖道,在一切事上獲得光榮。 10They must not steal from them but be trustworthy. In this way they will draw everyone to admire the doctrine of God our Savior.
11的確,天主救眾人的恩寵已經出現, 11For God Savior has revealed his loving plan to all,
12教導我們棄絕不虔敬的生活,和世俗的貪慾,有節地、公正地、虔敬地在今世生活, 12teaching us to reject an irreligious way of life and worldly greed, and to live in this world as responsible persons, upright and serving God,
13期待所有希望的幸福,和我們偉大的天主及救主耶穌基督光榮的顯現。 13while we await our blessed hope - the glorious manifestation of our great God and Savior Christ Jesus.
14他為我們捨棄了自己,是為救贖我們脫離一切罪惡,洗淨我們,使我們能成為他的選民,叫我們熱心行善。 14He gave himself for us, to redeem us from every evil and to purify a people he wanted to be his own and dedicated to what is good.
15你要宣講這些事,以全權規勸和指摘,不要讓任何人輕視你。 15Teach these things, encourage and reprove with all authority. Let no one despise you.




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