Tobit:Chapter 4
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多俾亞傳 | Tobit |
1那日,托彼特想起了他在瑪待辣傑斯,存放在加貝羅那裏的銀子來, | 1The same day Tobit remembered the money which he had deposited with Gabael at Rages in Media, and he said to himself: |
2便自言自語說:「哎:我已求了死,為什麼不把我的兒子多俾亞叫來,在我死前,給他說明這項銀子的事呢?」 | 2"I have asked for death, had I better not call Tobias and tell him about this money before I die?" |
3他遂叫他兒子多俾亞來到他跟前,對他說:「孩子!我若死了,你要好好安葬我;要孝敬你母親,在她一生的日子裏,不可離開她;要履行她喜歡的事,在一切事上不可使她傷心。 | 3He called Tobias and said to him: "My son, when I die, see to my burial. Look after your mother. Honor her all the days of your life. Do what pleases her and do not cause her any pain. |
4孩子!你要記住:你在母胎時,她為你經歷過種種危險;她死後,你要把她葬在我旁邊,與我埋在一個墳墓裏。 | 4Remember, my son, that she suffered much pain on your account when you were in her womb. When she dies, bury her next to me, in the same tomb. |
5孩子!你要一生想念上主,不可隨意犯罪,違犯他的誡命;你要一生行義,不可走邪僻的路, | 5Always remember the Lord our God. Do not consent to sin or go against his commandments. Act justly all the days of your life, and do not walk in the paths of wrongdoing, |
6因為你若作正直的事,你的事業必順利成功。 | 6for, if you act uprightly, you will be successful in all you do. |
7你當用你的財產,救濟一切行義的人。施捨時,你的眼不可睥視;對一切窮人不要轉面不顧,這樣天主也總不會轉面不顧你。 | 7Give alms from what you have to those who act justly and do good. Do not be grudging when you give alms. Do not turn away your face from anyone who is poor so that God may not turn away his face from you. |
8若你多有,就該多施捨;若你少有,也不要怕少施捨。 | 8Give alms in proportion to the amount you have; if you have little, do not be afraid to give alms according to the little you have. |
9因為這樣作,是為你自己積蓄困厄時日的寶藏, | 9In this way you are storing up treasure against the day of tribulation, because |
10因為施捨能救人脫免死亡,防止人陷於黑暗, | 10almsgiving frees us from death and keeps us from wandering in the darkness. |
11因為,為一切施捨的人,施捨在至高者台前,是一項悅意的禮品。 | 11For, in fact, almsgiving is, for the man who practices it, a precious treasure in the eyes of God. |
12孩子!你應戒絕一切淫行,尤其應從你祖先的後裔中娶妻,不可娶那不是你宗祖支派的外邦女子為妻,因為我們是先知的後裔。孩子,記住!我們的祖先諾厄、亞巴郎、依撒格、雅各伯,一開始都是從自己兄弟中娶妻,因此他們在自己的兒女身上得了祝福,他們的後裔也將繼承福地。 | 12Keep yourself, my son, from all unlawful sexual relations and, above all, take a wife from the tribe of your fathers. Do not take a foreign woman, one who does not belong to the tribe of our fathers, because we are children of the prophets. Remember, my son, that in former times our fathers, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob took wives from among their relatives so that they might be blessed in their children and that their race might possess the land. |
13孩子!現在你要愛你的兄弟,內心不可輕視你的兄弟和你同族的兒女,而不從他們中娶妻,因為驕傲必使人敗壞不睦,好閒必使人窮困破產,因為好閒是饑餓之母。 | 13Love your relatives and do not despise the sons and daughters of your people to the point where you would take a foreign woman as your wife. Pride brings about ruin and your complete downfall; in laziness are found extreme humiliation and indigence; laziness is the mother of want, hunger, famine. |
14一切勞工者的工資,不可在你那裏過夜,要立即付清。你若侍奉天主,他必報答你。孩子!在一切的事情上要謹慎,在一切的舉止上,要表示你受過好教育。 | 14Do not keep back overnight the wages of any man who has worked for you but give them as soon as possible. If you serve God, you will be rewarded. Take care in all your actions and behave correctly in all you do. |
15你厭惡的事,不可對別人做;喝酒不要喝醉;醉酒不可在你的路上與你同行。 | 15Do not do to another what you would hate done to yourself. Do not drink wine to the point of drunkenness; do not let drunkenness be a life-long companion. |
16該把你的食物施與饑餓的人,把你的衣服分給裸體的人。凡是富餘的,都要用來施行哀矜;在行哀矜的時候,你的眼不可睥視。 | 16Give your bread to those who are hungry and your clothes to those who are naked; give alms of everything you have over. |
17把你的酒和食物倒在義人的墳墓上,也不可施與惡人。 | 17Scatter your bread on the tombs of the just; do not give it to those who are sinners. |
18應向一切有智慧的人求教,不要輕視任何有益的忠告。 | 18Take counsel of those who are wise and do not despise any useful advice. |
19你該時時讚美上主天主,求他使你的道路正直,使你的前途與計劃順遂,因為一切的人都沒有善意,惟有上主能賞賜各種恩惠;他願舉揚的就舉揚,他願壓伏的就把他壓伏到陰府的底層。孩子!現今,你要牢記這些勸言,總不可在你心中消失。 | 19In all circumstances bless the Lord and ask him to make your ways upright; and to make your plans and projects succeed because not every nation has true wisdom. It is the Lord who gives everything and he humbles those whom he wishes. My son, remember my advice and do not let it be erased from your heart. |
20孩子!現在我還要告訴你:我曾把十『塔冷通』銀子,寄存在住在瑪待辣傑斯城的加彼黎的兒子加貝羅那裏。 | 20I also wish to mention the ten talents of silver which I placed on deposit with Gabael, son of Gabria, at Rages in Media. |
21孩子!不要害怕我們貧窮;如果你敬畏天主,遠避一切罪惡,在你的上主天主前行善,你必能富有。」 | 21Do not fear, my son, because we have become poor. If you fear God, if you abstain from all sin and if you do what is pleasing in God's sight - in this way you will have great wealth." |
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