Wisdom:Chapter 10


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智慧篇 Wisdom
1智慧保護了最初受造,世界上惟一的原祖, 1Wisdom protected the father of the world, the first man to be formed, who was created alone.
2救他脫離了本身的罪過,給了他統治萬物的能力。 2She delivered him from his fault and gave him power to govern all things.
3但當不義者在憤怒中背棄了智慧,遂怒殺兄弟而自取滅亡。 3When a violent man turning in anger strayed from Wisdom, he perished in his fratricidal fury.
4因他的緣故,洪水淹沒了世界,仍是智慧指引義人,藉着賤價的木材,拯救了世界。 4Because of the violent, the earth was submerged by the flood, but Wisdom again saved it by piloting an upright man on a frail piece of wood.
5當列國同謀作惡而混亂時,智慧又辨別出義人來,加以保護,使他在天主前無瑕可指;當他痛惜兒子時,又堅強了他。 5Again when the nations, united in evil, had been thrown into confusion, it was Wisdom who singled out a righteous man, keeping him blameless before God and steadfast, despite his pity for his child.
6當不虔敬的人被毀滅時,智慧救了義人,逃脫了那降在五城的天火; 6It was she who, when the godless perished, saved the righteous man and let him flee from the fire pouring down on the Five Cities.
7為證明他們的邪惡,這塊荒地還在冒煙;樹木結果,卻不成熟;鹽柱留在那裏,以作那無信的靈魂的紀念碑。 7To this day the arid land, a smoking waste, witnesses to their perversity, for plants there bear unripe fruit and a pillar of salt stands as a monument to an unbelieving woman.
8因為他們離棄了智慧,不但害得自己不認識善事,而且還給世人留下了他們愚妄的紀念,致使他們的過犯一點也不能隱瞞。 8For having ignored Wisdom, not only were they kept from knowing what is good, but their ruins were left as a monument to their foolishness so that their failure might never be forgotten.
9但是,智慧卻從因難中拯救了崇拜她的人。 9But Wisdom rescued her servants from their trials.
10智慧引導逃避長兄憤怒的義人,走上了正路;將天主的國指示給他,叫他明白神聖的事;在困苦之中使他順利,令他的勸勞效果豐滿。 10Along straight paths she led the upright man who fled from his brother's anger. She showed him God's kingdom and let him know the holy angels; she made him prosperous and successful in his toil.
11有人由於貪婪,窘迫他時,智慧又在旁協助,使他致富。 11Wisdom stood by him against the greed of oppressors and made him rich.
12智慧保護他脫離仇敵,使他安全,不受暗算;在他搏鬥時,使他獲勝,叫他明瞭虔敬的能力,高於一切。 12She protected him from his enemies and saved him from the traps they set for him; with Wisdom he triumphed in an arduous struggle, learning in this way that nothing is as strong as piety.
13智慧沒有離棄被賣的義人,反而救他免於罪惡; 13She did not abandon the righteous man when he was sold; still more she kept him free from sin.
14與他同入坑獄,在縲絏之中,也沒有捨棄他,直到令他取得王權,統治欺壓他的人們,證明誣謗他的人說的盡是謊言;賞給了他永垂不朽的光榮。 14She went down into the cistern with him; she did not leave him in chains, but made him the ruler of a kingdom, giving him authority over his oppressors. She denounced as liars those who accused him falsely and gave him everlasting honor.
15智慧拯救了聖潔的民族,使無瑕可指的種族,脫離壓迫他們的異民。 15It was she who rescued an innocent and holy people from a nation of oppressors.
16她進入了上主僕人的靈魂,藉異能和奇跡,對抗可畏的君王。 16She entered the soul of God's servant and through him withstood terrible kings with signs and wonders.
17她酬報了聖徒的勞苦,領他們走上了奇妙的道路:日間作他們的蔭涼,夜裏作他們的星光; 17To the holy people she gave the wages of their labor, leading them in a wonderful way, giving them shade during the day and the light of the stars at night.
18領他們走過了紅海,引他們穿過了洪濤, 18She brought them across the Red Sea, but drowned their enemies
19卻淹沒了他們的仇敵,又將他們從海底拋出;因此,義人反奪得了不虔敬者的戰利品。 19and later washed them ashore from the depth of the abyss.
20上主!他們遂稱頌了你的聖名,同心讚美了你施展衛護的手臂; 20So the righteous looted the godless, singing hymns, Lord, to your holy Name, and one in heart, they gave thanks for your saving hand.
21因為,智慧開了啞巴的口,使嬰兒的舌伶俐善言。 21Wisdom gives speech to the dumb and makes infants speak clearly.




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