Wisdom:Chapter 1
Wisdom:Chapter 1 | Next |
智慧篇 | Wisdom |
1統治世界的人,你們應愛正義,對上主應有正確的觀念,應以誠樸的心尋求上主, | 1Love justice, you who rule over the world. Think rightly of God, seek him with simplicity of heart, |
2因為,凡不試探上主的,都可以尋到上主;對上主不失信的,上主必向他顯示。 | 2for he reveals himself to those who do not challenge him and is found by those who do not distrust him. |
3邪曲的思想,使人離開天主;愚人試探全能者,只有使自己蒙羞, | 3Crooked thinking distances you from God, and his Omnipotence, put to the test, confounds the foolish. |
4因為,智慧不進入存心不良的靈魂裏,也不住在一個屈服於罪惡的身體內。 | 4Wisdom does not enter the wicked nor remain in a body that is enslaved to sin. |
5實在,施訓的聖神,遠避欺詐,遠離無知的思念;不義一到,即刻退去。 | 5The Holy Spirit who instructs us shuns deceit; it keeps aloof from foolishness and is ill at ease when injustice is done. |
6智慧是愛人的神,口出咒語的人,她必懲罰;因為天主洞悉他的內心,確切監視他的心靈,聽聞他的言語; | 6Wisdom is a spirit, a friend to man, and will not leave the blasphemous unpunished, because God knows his innermost feelings, truly sees his thoughts and hears what he says. |
7實在,上主的神充滿了世界,包羅萬象,通曉一切語言。 | 7For God's spirit has filled the whole world and he who holds together all things, knows each word that is spoken. |
8為此,談論不義之事的,無不終被識破;執行報復的正義,也決不會將他放過。 | 8So whoever speaks unjustly will not escape; the irrefutable sentence will reach him. |
9因為惡人的思念,必將受審訊;上主聽到他的言語,必懲罰他的罪行。 | 9The intentions of the unholy will be examined; what he has said will reach the Lord and his wickedness will be confounded. |
10原來天主嫉惡的耳朵,能聽萬事;連低聲的怨言,也隱藏不住。 | 10Remember that a jealous ear hears everything; even whispers are recorded. |
11所以,你們要謹防無益的怨言,禁止口舌,別說毀謗的話;因為暗中的言語,決不會空空過去;說謊的口舌,必殺害靈魂。 | 11Beware then, of empty complaints and keep your tongue from faultfinding, since your most secret word will have consequences; a lying tongue brings death to the soul. |
12不要因生活墮落而自招喪亡,也不要因你們雙手的作為而自取滅亡, | 12Do not bring about your own death by your wrong way of living. And do not let the work of your hands destroy you. |
13因為天主並未造死亡,也不樂意生靈滅亡。 | 13God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living. |
14他造了萬物,為叫它們生存;世上的生物都有生命力,本身都沒有致命的毒素,陰府在地上也沒有權勢; | 14Since he has created everything, all creatures of the universe are for our good; there is no deadly poison in them and the netherworld has no dominion over the earth, |
15因為正義是不死不滅的。 | 15because justice is not submitted to death. |
16但是,不義的人,因自己的言行自招死亡,與死亡相愛相戀,結立盟約,實堪作死亡的伴侶。 | 16It is the godless that consider death a friend and call for it in every way. They have made a pact with it and they shall justly belong to it. |
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