Wisdom:Chapter 3


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智慧篇 Wisdom
1義人的靈魂在天主手裏,痛苦不能傷害他們。 1The souls of the just are in the hands of God and no torment shall touch them.
2在愚人看來,他們算是死了,認為他們去世是受了懲罰, 2In the eyes of the unwise they appear to be dead. Their going is held as a disaster;
3離我們而去,彷彿是歸於泯滅;其實,他們是處於安寧中; 3it seems that they lose everything by departing from us, but they are in peace.
4雖然在人看來,他們是受了苦;其實,卻充滿着永生的希望。 4Though seemingly they have been punished, immortality was the soul of their hope.
5他們受了些許的痛苦,卻要蒙受絕大的恩惠,因為天主試驗了他們,發覺他們配作自己的人: 5After slight affliction will come great blessings, for God has tried them and found them worthy to be with him;
6他試煉了他們,好像爐中的黃金;悅納了他們,有如悅納全燔祭。 6after testing them as gold in the furnace, he has accepted them as a holocaust.
7他們蒙眷顧時,必要閃爍發光,有如禾稭間往來飛馳的火花。 7At the time of his coming they will shine like sparks that run in the stubble.
8他們要審判萬國,統治萬民,上主要永遠作他們的君王。 8They will govern nations and rule over peoples, and the Lord will be their king forever.
9倚恃上主的人,必明白真理;忠信於上主之愛的人,必與他同住,因為恩澤與仁慈,原歸於他所選拔的人。 9Those who trust in him will penetrate the truth, those who are faithful will live with him in love, for his grace and mercy are for his chosen ones.
10但是不虔敬的人,必因他們的思念而遭受懲罰,因為他們蔑視了義人,離棄了上主。 10But the godless who have ignored the upright and deserted the Lord, will meet the punishment their evil thoughts deserve.
11輕視智慧和教訓的人是有禍的:他們的希望只有落空,勞苦只有徒勞,工作只有失敗; 11Unhappy are those who put no value on wisdom and instruction, their hope is vain, their efforts useless, their work without profit;
12他們的妻子愚蠢,子女邪惡,後裔可咒罵。 12their wives are foolish, their children evil, their posterity cursed.
13荒胎無罪,而又不知床笫罪惡的婦女,是有福的;到靈魂受眷顧的時候,她必富有果實。 13Happy the childless wife if she is blameless and has not been guilty of adultery; she will be found fruitful on the day of judgment.
14同樣,不生育的男人,手若不作非法的行為,心不思念相反上主的惡事,是有福的;天主見他忠貞,必賜給他特賞,在上主的聖殿中,賜給他更稱心的一份。 14And happy the impotent man who has done no evil or harbored resentful thoughts against the Lord. His fidelity will be richly rewarded with a special place in the Lord's heavenly sanctuary.
15因為高尚的勞苦必結榮譽的果實,智慧的根蒂絕不會中斷。 15The toil of the righteous bears choice fruit; and wise discernment is a tree that does not wither.
16淫亂的兒子長不到成年,苟合而生的子孫必將滅絕。 16But the children born of adultery die young and the offspring of an unlawful union disappear.
17他們縱使長命,也不值一文;就是到了高年,也無人尊敬; 17If they live long, they count for nothing and are finally despised in their old age.
18假若他們早死,也沒有什麼希望,在審判之日,也沒有安慰。 18If they die young, it is without hope, and they cannot comfort themselves with thinking of the Judgment.
19惡人後裔的結局實在悲慘。 19Cruel is the fate of an evil race.




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