撒慕爾紀下:Chapter 22


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撒慕爾紀下 2 Samuel
1當上主救達味脫離了仇敵和撒烏耳的毒手時,達味向上主唱了這首詩歌, 1 David sang the words of this song to the LORD when the LORD had rescued him from the grasp of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul.
2說「上主,我的磐石,我的保障,我的避難所; 2This is what he sang: I "O LORD, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer,
3我的天主是我所依靠的磐石,是我的盾牌,我的大能救主,我的堡壘,我的藏身處。我的救主,是你救我脫離了強暴。 3 my God, my rock of refuge! My shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold, my refuge, my savior, from violence you keep me safe.
4我一呼求應受頌揚的上主,我便獲救,脫離了我的仇敵。 4'Praised be the LORD,' I exclaim, and I am safe from my enemies.II
5死亡的波濤圍繞我,凶險的急流驚嚇我, 5 "The breakers of death surged round about me, the floods of perdition overwhelmed me;
6陰府的繩索纏住我,死亡的羅網絆着我; 6The cords of the nether world enmeshed me, the snares of death overtook me.
7在急難中我呼求上主,向我的天主呼號,他由殿中聽了我的聲音,我的呼聲達入他的耳中。 7 In my distress I called upon the LORD and cried out to my God; From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry reached his ears.III
8因他盛怒大作,大地震動戰慄,上天的基礎動盪搖撼, 8 "The earth swayed and quaked; the foundations of the heavens trembled and shook when his wrath flared up.
9由他的鼻孔湧出濃煙,由他的口中噴出烈火,由他的身上射出火炭, 9Smoke rose from his nostrils, and a devouring fire from his mouth; he kindled coals into flame.
10使天低垂親自降下,在他的腳下濃雲密佈。 10He inclined the heavens and came down, with dark clouds under his feet.
11他乘坐革魯賓飛騰,藉着風的翼羽翱翔。 11 He mounted a cherub and flew, borne on the wings of the wind.
12他四周以黑暗做帷幔,以豪雨濃雲為帳幕。 12He made darkness the shelter about him, with spattering rain and thickening clouds.
13閃電在他前閃爍,紅炭發出了火光。 13From the brightness of his presence coals were kindled to flame.
14上主由高天興雷,至高者發出了呼聲。 14"The LORD thundered from heaven; the Most High gave forth his voice.
15他射出羽箭,使敵人四散,發出閃電,使敵人驚擾。 15He sent forth arrows to put them to flight; he flashed lightning and routed them.
16上主的呵斥一發,鼻孔的怒氣一出,蒼海的海底即出現,大地的地基也外露。 16Then the wellsprings of the sea appeared, the foundations of the earth were laid bare, At the rebuke of the LORD, at the blast of the wind of his wrath.
17他由高處伸手將我拉住,由大水中將我提出。 17"He reached out from on high and grasped me; he drew me out of the deep waters.
18救我脫離了我的勁敵,擺脫了強於我的仇人。 18He rescued me from my mighty enemy, from my foes, who were too powerful for me.
19他們在我困厄之日,襲擊了我,然而上主卻作了我的後盾; 19They attacked me on my day of calamity, but the LORD came to my support.
20他引我步入坦途,因喜愛我而救了我。 20He set me free in the open, and rescued me, because he loves me.IV
21上主照我的正義酬報了我,按我雙手的清白報答了我; 21"The LORD rewarded me according to my justice; according to the cleanness of my hands he requited me.
22因我遵行了上主的正道,沒有作惡離棄我的天主。 22For I kept the ways of the LORD and was not disloyal to my God.
23他的一切法令常在我前,我未曾違犯過他的誡命; 23For his ordinances were all present to me, and his statutes I put not from me;
24我在他前常保成全,自知提防各種不義。 24But I was wholehearted toward him, and I was on my guard against guilt.
25因此,上主照我的正義,照我在他眼前的純潔,賞報了我。 25And the LORD requited me according to my justice, according to my innocence in his sight.
26仁慈的人,你待他仁慈;正直的人,你待他正直; 26 "Toward the faithful you are faithful; toward the wholehearted you are wholehearted;
27純樸的人,你待他純樸;乖戾的人,你待他乖戾。 27Toward the sincere you are sincere; but toward the crooked you are astute.
28卑微的人,你必拯救;傲慢的人,你必睥視。 28You save lowly people, though on the lofty your eyes look down.
29上主,你是我的火炬,我的天主,照明我的黑暗。 29 You are my lamp, O LORD! O my God, you brighten the darkness about me.
30仗着你,我衝入了敵營;靠着我的天主,我跳過了牆垣。 30For with your aid I run against an armed band, and by the help of my God I leap over a wall.
31天主的道路是完善的;上主的言語是純淨的;凡投奔他的人,他必作他們的後盾。 31God's way is unerring; the promise of the LORD is fire-tried; he is a shield to all who take refuge in him."V
32上主以外,還有誰是天主?除我們的天主外,還有誰是磐石? 32"For who is God except the LORD? Who is a rock save our God?
33是天主賜我毅力,使我一路順利, 33The God who girded me with strength and kept my way unerring;
34使我的腳快如鹿蹄,使我屹立高地, 34 Who made my feet swift as those of hinds and set me on the heights;
35教導我手作戰,使臂膊能張開銅弓。 35Who trained my hands for war till my arms could bend a bow of brass.VI
36你把你的救生盾賜給了我,你的長甲作了我的掩護。 36"You have given me your saving shield, and your help has made me great.
37你為我的腳步拓寬了路,我的腳從未顛簸。 37You made room for my steps; unwavering was my stride.
38我追趕仇敵,消滅他們;不滅絕他們,決不返回。 38I pursued my enemies and destroyed them, nor did I turn again till I made an end of them.
39我將他們打得一蹶不振,盡都倒斃在我腳下。 39I smote them and they did not rise; they fell beneath my feet.VII
40你賜我毅力奮勇作戰,把我的對手屈伏我下, 40"You girded me with strength for war; you subdued my adversaries beneath me.
41使我的敵人在我前轉背而逃,使我殲滅了一切仇恨我的人。 41My enemies you put to flight before me and those who hated me I destroyed.
42他們呼號,卻無人施救;呼號上主,也不獲應允。 42They cried for help-but no one saved them; to the LORD--but he answered them not.
43我搗碎他們像地上的灰塵,踐踏他們像道上的泥土。 43I ground them fine as the dust of the earth; like the mud in the streets I trampled them down.VIII
44你由百姓的叛亂中救拔了我,立我做了列國的首領;我不認識的人民竟給我服役。 44"You rescued me from the strife of my people; you made me head over nations. A people I had not known became my slaves;
45外邦的子民諂媚奉承我,一聽到是我,即刻服從我; 45as soon as they heard me, they obeyed.
46外方的子民驚惶失色,戰戰兢兢走出自己的堡壘。 46The foreigners fawned and cringed before me; they staggered forth from their fortresses."
47上主萬歲!願我的磐石受讚美,願救我的天主受頌揚! 47"The LORD live! And blessed be my Rock! Extolled be my God, rock of my salvation.
48天主,是你為我報了仇,使萬民屈伏於我, 48O God, who granted me vengeance, who made peoples subject to me
49是你救我脫離了我的仇敵,提拔我凌駕我的對手之上,救我脫免了強暴的人。 49and helped me escape from my enemies, Above my adversaries you exalt me and from the violent man you rescue me.
50為此,上主!我要在異民中稱謝你,歌頌你的聖名。 50Therefore will I proclaim you, O LORD, among the nations, and I will sing praise to your name,
51因為他使自己的君王大獲勝利,對自己的受傅者達味和他的子孫,廣施仁慈,直到永遠。」 51You who gave great victories to your king and showed kindness to your anointed, to David and his posterity forever."