列王紀下:Chapter 23


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列王紀下 2 Kings
1君王於是派人召集猶大和耶路撒冷所有的長老來到他跟前。 1The king then had all the elders of Judah and of Jerusalem summoned together before him.
2君王同所有的猶大人、耶路撒冷的居民、眾司祭、眾先知、全體人民,不分貴賤大小,上了上主聖殿,將在上主殿內尋獲的約書上的一切話,讀給他們聽。 2The king went up to the temple of the LORD with all the men of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem: priests, prophets, and all the people, small and great. He had the entire contents of the book of the covenant that had been found in the temple of the LORD, read out to them.
3君王站在高台上,在上主面前立約,要全心全意跟隨上主,遵守他的誡命、典章和法律,履行這卷書上所記載的盟約的話;全體人民也一致受了這盟約。 3Standing by the column, the king made a covenant before the LORD that they would follow him and observe his ordinances, statutes and decrees with their whole hearts and souls, thus reviving the terms of the covenant which were written in this book. And all the people stood as participants in the covenant.
4君王於是吩咐大司祭希耳克雅和副大司祭以及守門的,將那些為巴耳,為阿舍辣和為天上萬象所製造的祭器,都從上主殿內搬出,在耶路撒冷外克德龍谷的田野中焚燒了,把灰燼帶到貝特耳去。 4Then the king commanded the high priest Hilkiah, his vicar, and the doorkeepers to remove from the temple of the LORD all the objects that had been made for Baal, Asherah, and the whole host of heaven. He had these burned outside Jerusalem on the slopes of the Kidron and their ashes carried to Bethel.
5君王廢除了以前猶大王派定在猶大各城,和耶路撒冷周圍高丘上焚香的僧侶,以及向巴耳、太陽、月亮和黃道帶,並天上萬象焚香的人; 5He also put an end to the pseudo-priests whom the kings of Judah had appointed to burn incense on the high places in the cities of Judah and in the vicinity of Jerusalem, as well as those who burned incense to Baal, to the sun, moon, and signs of the Zodiac, and to the whole host of heaven.
6又將木偶從上主的殿內搬到耶路撒冷城外克德龍谷,在克德龍谷焚燒了,磨碎成灰,將灰撒在平民的墳墓上; 6From the temple of the LORD he also removed the sacred pole, to the Kidron Valley, outside Jerusalem; there he had it burned and beaten to dust, which was then scattered over the common graveyard.
7拆毀了上主殿內廟娼的房舍,婦女們為木偶編織衣服的地方。 7 He tore down the apartments of the cult prostitutes which were in the temple of the LORD, and in which the women wove garments for the Asherah.
8又從猶大各城將所有的司祭召來,破壞了司祭們焚香的高丘,從革巴直到貝爾舍巴;拆毀了城門左邊,市長約叔亞門前的羊神祭壇。 8He brought in all the priests from the cities of Judah, and then defiled, from Geba to Beer-sheba, the high places where they had offered incense. He also tore down the high place of the satyrs, which was at the entrance of the Gate of Joshua, governor of the city, to the left as one enters the city gate.
9無論如何,高丘的司祭,不能上耶路撒冷上主的祭壇,只能在自己的兄弟中間分食無酵餅。 9The priests of the high places could not function at the altar of the LORD in Jerusalem; but they, along with their relatives, ate the unleavened bread.
10約史雅又破壞了本希農山谷中的托斐特,免得再有人火祭子女,獻給摩肋客。 10 The king also defiled Topheth in the Valley of Ben-hinnom, so that there would no longer be an immolation of sons or daughters by fire in honor of Molech.
11又將以前猶大王在上主聖殿門前,靠近太監乃堂默肋客住宅的廊房裏,獻於太陽的駿馬除去;也用火燒掉了奉獻給太陽的車輛。 11 He did away with the horses which the kings of Judah had dedicated to the sun; these were at the entrance of the temple of the LORD, near the chamber of Nathan-melech the eunuch, which was in the large building. The chariots of the sun he destroyed by fire.
12以前猶大王在阿哈次的樓房頂上所建築的祭壇,和默納舍在上主聖殿兩庭院內建築的祭壇,君王也都拆掉搗毀,把碎塊倒在克德龍谷裏。 12He also demolished the altars made by the kings of Judah on the roof (the roof terrace of Ahaz), and the altars made by Manasseh in the two courts of the temple of the LORD. He pulverized them and threw the dust into the Kidron Valley.
13從前以色列王撒羅滿在耶路撒冷東,橄欖山南,為漆冬人的可惡之物阿市托勒特,為摩阿布人的可惡之物革摩士,為阿孟子民的可惡之物米耳公所建立的高丘,君王一概破壞了; 13 The king defiled the high places east of Jerusalem, south of the Mount of Misconduct, which Solomon, king of Israel, had built in honor of Astarte, the Sidonian horror, of Chemosh, the Moabite horror, and of Milcom, the idol of the Ammonites.
14又打碎了石柱,砍斷了木偶,用人骨填滿了那些地方。 14He broke to pieces the pillars, cut down the sacred poles, and filled the places where they had been with human bones.
15此外,那使以色列陷於罪惡的乃巴特的兒子雅洛貝罕,在貝特耳所立的祭壇和高丘,約史雅也將這祭壇和高丘拆毀,將丘壇的石塊打碎成灰,燒了木偶。 15Likewise the altar which was at Bethel, the high place built by Jeroboam, son of Nebat, who caused Israel to sin--this same altar and high place he tore down, breaking up the stones and grinding them to powder, and burning the Asherah.
16約史雅轉身,看見山上有墳墓,就派人掘出墳裏的骨骸,放在祭壇上焚燒,污辱了這祭壇,應驗了天主的人,當雅洛貝罕在慶節日站在這祭壇上時,所說的上主的話。約史雅再轉身遙望,看見了曾預言這些事的天主的人的墳墓, 16When Josiah turned and saw the graves there on the mountainside, he ordered the bones taken from the graves and burned on the altar, and thus defiled it in fulfillment of the word of the LORD which the man of God had proclaimed as Jeroboam was standing by the altar on the feast day. When the king looked up and saw the grave of the man of God who had proclaimed these words,
17就問說:「我看見的是誰的墓碑?」城中的人回答說:「是天主的人的墳墓,他從猶大來,預言了你剛才對貝特耳祭壇所行的事。」 17he asked, "What is that tombstone I see?" The men of the city replied, "It is the grave of the man of God who came from Judah and predicted the very things you have done to the altar of Bethel."
18君王遂說:「讓他安息罷!誰也不要移動他的骨骸!」因此人沒有移動他的骨骸,也沒有移動那位撒瑪黎雅的先知的骨骸。 18 "Let him be," he said, "let no one move his bones." So they left his bones undisturbed together with the bones of the prophet who had come from Samaria.
19從前以色列王在撒瑪黎雅各城內所建築,而激怒上主的高丘廟宇,約史雅也一律除去,對這些廟宇所行的,完全像在貝特耳所行的一樣。 19Josiah also removed all the shrines on the high places near the cities of Samaria which the kings of Israel had erected, thereby provoking the LORD; he did the very same to them as he had done in Bethel.
20凡在那裏所有的高丘司祭,他都在祭壇上殺了,並在祭壇上焚燒了人骨,然後回了耶路撒冷。 20He slaughtered upon the altars all the priests of the high places that were at the shrines, and burned human bones upon them. Then he returned to Jerusalem.
21君王吩咐全體人民說:「你們要按照這約書所記載的,向上主你們的天主舉行逾越節。」 21The king issued a command to all the people to observe the Passover of the LORD, their God, as it was prescribed in that book of the covenant.
22實在,自從民長統治以色列時日以來,和在以色列各君王及猶大王當政期間,從來沒有舉行過像這樣的一個逾越節, 22No Passover such as this had been observed during the period when the Judges ruled Israel, or during the entire period of the kings of Israel and the kings of Judah,
23只有在約史雅王十八年,在耶路撒冷向上主舉行了這樣的逾越節。 23until the eighteenth year of king Josiah, when this Passover of the LORD was kept in Jerusalem.
24此外,凡在猶大地和耶路撒冷所見到的那些招魂的,行邪術的,忒辣芬和偶像,以及可憎惡之物,約史雅一概掃除,履行了司祭希耳克雅在上主殿內,所發現的書上所記載的法律。 24 Further, Josiah did away with the consultation of ghosts and spirits, with the household gods, idols, and all the other horrors to be seen in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, so that he might carry out the stipulations of the law written in the book that the priest Hilkiah had found in the temple of the LORD.
25在他以前沒有一個君王像他這樣依照梅瑟的一切法律,全心全意全力歸向上主;在他以後也沒有興起一個像他一樣的。 25Before him there had been no king who turned to the LORD as he did, with his whole heart, his whole soul, and his whole strength, in accord with the entire law of Moses; nor could any after him compare with him.
26雖然如此,上主仍未平息向猶大所發的盛怒烈火,因為默納舍種種行事,太激怒了上主, 26Yet, because of all the provocations that Manasseh had given, the LORD did not desist from his fiercely burning anger against Judah.
27因此上主說:「我仍要由我面前除去猶大,如同我除去了以色列一樣;我要拋棄我所選擇的這座耶路撒冷城,和我所說我名必留其間的殿。」 27The LORD said: "Even Judah will I put out of my sight as I did Israel. I will reject this city, Jerusalem, which I chose, and the temple of which I said, 'There shall my name be.'"
28約史雅其餘的事蹟,他的一切作為,都記載在《猶大列王實錄》上。 28The rest of the acts of Josiah, with all that he did, are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah.
29約史雅年間,埃及王法郎乃苛上到幼發拉的河,亞述王那裏,約史雅出兵與他對抗,初次會戰,就在默基多陣亡。 29In his time Pharaoh Neco, king of Egypt, went up toward the river Euphrates to the king of Assyria. King Josiah set out to confront him, but was slain at Megiddo at the first encounter.
30他的臣僕將他的屍體,用車從默基多運到耶路撒冷,葬在他自己的墳墓裏;當地的人民推舉約史雅的兒子約阿哈次,給他傅油,繼承父位為王。 30 His servants brought his body on a chariot from Megiddo to Jerusalem, where they buried him in his own grave. Then the people of the land took Jehoahaz, son of Josiah, anointed him, and proclaimed him king to succeed his father.
31約阿哈次登極時年二十三歲,在耶路撒冷為王三個月;他的母親名叫哈慕塔耳,是里貝納人耶勒米雅的女兒。 31Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. His mother, whose name was Hamutal, daughter of Jeremiah, was from Libnah.
32他行了上主視為惡的事,完全像他祖先所行的一樣。 32He did evil in the sight of the LORD, just as his forebears had done.
33法郎乃苛將他幽禁在哈瑪特地的黎貝拉,不要他在耶路撒冷作王,並要那地方繳納一百「塔冷通」銀子和一「塔冷通」金子作賠款。 33 Pharaoh Neco took him prisoner at Riblah in the land of Hamath, thus ending his reign in Jerusalem. He imposed a fine upon the land of a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold.
34以後,法郎乃苛立了約史雅的兒子厄里雅金繼他父親約史雅為王,給他改名叫約雅金;後將約阿哈次帶到埃及去了,約阿哈次就死在那裏。 34Pharaoh Neco then appointed Eliakim, son of Josiah, king in place of his father Josiah; he changed his name to Jehoiakim. Jehoahaz he took away with him to Egypt, where he died.
35約雅金將金銀付給法郎,但為交付法郎要求的款項,只得向國家徵稅,要本國人民每人依照自己的家產,繳納金銀,送給法郎乃苛。 35Jehoiakim gave the silver and gold to Pharaoh, but taxed the land to raise the amount Pharaoh demanded. He exacted the silver and gold from the people of the land, from each proportionately, to pay Pharaoh Neco.
36約雅金登極時年二十五歲、在耶路撒冷為王十一年;他的母親名叫則步達,是魯瑪人培達雅的女兒。 36Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Zebidah, daughter of Pedaiah, from Rumah.
37他行了上主視為惡的事,全像他祖先所行的一樣。 37He did evil in the sight of the LORD, just as his forebears had done.