編年紀上:Chapter 29


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編年紀上 1 Chronicles
1達味王又對全會眾說:「我的兒子撒羅滿,天主所特選的,尚年輕軟弱,而這工程又浩大,因為這殿宇不是為人,而是為上主天主; 1King David then said to the whole assembly: "My son Solomon, whom alone God has chosen, is still young and immature; the work, however, is great, for this castle is not intended for man, but for the LORD God.
2為此,我竭盡力量為我天主的殿宇,預備了金子作金器,銀子作銀器,銅作銅器,鐵作鐵器,木作木器,且有紅瑪瑙、可鑲嵌的寶石、孔雀石、斑色石、各種玉石,以及很多大理石。 2For this reason I have stored up for the house of my God, as far as I was able, gold for what will be made of gold, silver for what will be made of silver, bronze for what will be made of bronze, iron for what will be made of iron, wood for what will be made of wood, onyx stones and settings for them, carnelian and mosaic stones, every other kind of precious stone, and great quantities of marble.
3此外,因為我愛我天主的殿宇,除了我為建築聖殿所準備的以外,我還將我私蓄的金銀,獻給我天主的殿宇: 3But now, because of the delight I take in the house of my God, in addition to all that I stored up for the holy house, I give to the house of my God my personal fortune in gold and silver:
4就是,敖非爾金子三千『塔冷通』,純銀七千『塔冷通』,為包殿內的牆壁; 4three thousand talents of Ophir gold, and seven thousand talents of refined silver, for overlaying the walls of the rooms,
5金子用來製造金器,銀子用來製造銀器,和匠人所應作的一切巧工。今天誰自願給上主捐獻呢?」 5for the various utensils to be made of gold and silver, and for every work that is to be done by artisans. Now, who else is willing to contribute generously this day to the LORD?"
6於是各族長、以色列各支派的首領、千夫長、百夫長以及掌管君王勞役的主管,都自願捐獻。 6Then the heads of the families, the leaders of the tribes of Israel, the commanders of thousands and of hundreds, and the overseers of the king's affairs came forward willingly
7為了天主殿宇的用途,他們捐獻了五千「塔冷通」金子,一萬「達理克」,一萬「塔冷通」銀子,一萬八千「塔冷通」銅和十萬「塔冷通」鐵。 7and contributed for the service of the house of God five thousand talents and ten thousand darics of gold, ten thousand talents of silver, eighteen thousand talents of bronze, and one hundred thousand talents of iron.
8凡有寶石的,都交入上主殿內府庫裏,由革爾雄人耶希耳保管。 8Those who had precious stones gave them into the keeping of Jehiel the Gershonite for the treasury of the house of the LORD.
9百姓都因這些人甘願捐獻而高興,因為他們都甘心情願向上主捐獻;達味君王也非常高興。 9The people rejoiced over these free-will offerings, which had been contributed to the LORD wholeheartedly. King David also rejoiced greatly.
10達味遂在全會眾面前讚頌上主說:「上主,我們的祖先以色列的天主應受讚美,從永遠直到永遠! 10Then David blessed the LORD in the presence of the whole assembly, praying in these words: "Blessed may you be, O LORD, God of Israel our father, from eternity to eternity.
11上主!偉大、能力、榮耀、壯麗和威嚴都歸於你,因為上天下地所有的一切都是你的。上主!王權屬於你,你應受舉揚為萬有的元首。 11"Yours, O LORD, are grandeur and power, majesty, splendor, and glory. For all in heaven and on earth is yours; yours, O LORD, is the sovereignty; you are exalted as head over all.
12富貴和光榮由你而來,你是一切的主宰;力量和權能在你手中;人強大,人昌盛,都出於你手。 12"Riches and honor are from you, and you have dominion over all. In your hand are power and might; it is yours to give grandeur and strength to all.
13我們的天主,現在我們稱頌你,讚揚你榮耀的名。 13Therefore, our God, we give you thanks and we praise the majesty of your name."
14我算什麼?我的百姓又算什麼?竟有能力如此甘願捐獻?其實一切是由你而來,我們只是將由你手中得來的,再奉獻給你。 14"But who am I, and who are my people, that we should have the means to contribute so freely? For everything is from you, and we only give you what we have received from you.
15我們在你面前是外方人,是旅居作客的,一如我們的祖先;我們在世上的時日有如陰影,不能持久。 15For we stand before you as aliens: we are only your guests, like all our fathers. Our life on earth is like a shadow that does not abide.
16上主,我們的天主!我們為建築敬拜你聖名的殿宇所預備的這一切財物,都是由你而來,也完全是你的。 16O LORD our God, all this wealth that we have brought together to build you a house in honor of your holy name comes from you and is entirely yours.
17我的天主!我知道你考驗人心,你喜愛正直,我即以正直的心自願獻上這一切,並且我現在很喜歡看見你在這裏的百姓,都自願向你捐獻。 17I know, O my God, that you put hearts to the test and that you take pleasure in uprightness. With a sincere heart I have willingly given all these things, and now with joy I have seen your people here present also giving to you generously.
18上主,我們祖先亞巴郎、依撒格、以色列的天主!求你永遠使你的人民保存這種心思意願,令他們的心靈堅定於你。 18O LORD, God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, keep such thoughts in the hearts and minds of your people forever, and direct their hearts toward you.
19求你賜給我兒撒羅滿一顆純全的心,遵守你的誡命、你的法律和你的典章,一一實行,用我所準備的來建築殿宇。」 19Give to my son Solomon a wholehearted desire to keep your commandments, precepts, and statutes, that he may carry out all these plans and build the castle for which I have made preparation."
20達味對全會眾說:「你們應該讚頌上主,你們的天主!」全會眾便讚頌了上主,他們祖先的天主,向上主,及君王俯首下拜。 20Then David besought the whole assembly, "Now bless the LORD your God!" And the whole assembly blessed the LORD, the God of their fathers, bowing down and prostrating themselves before the LORD and before the king.
21次日,他們向上主獻了犧牲,向上主獻了全燔祭:牛犢一千,公山羊一千,羔羊一千,以及同獻的奠祭,並為以色列民眾獻了許多犧牲。 21On the following day they offered sacrifices and holocausts to the LORD, a thousand bulls, a thousand rams, and a thousand lambs, together with their libations and many other sacrifices for all Israel;
22那天,他們在上主面前,歡天喜地地吃喝,以後,他們二次立達味的兒子撒羅滿為王,給他傅油,為上主作人君;又給匝多克傅油,立他為大司祭。 22 and on that day they ate and drank in the LORD'S presence with great rejoicing. Then for a second time they proclaimed David's son Solomon king, and they anointed him as the LORD'S prince, and Zadok as priest.
23於是撒羅滿坐在上主的寶座上,代他父親達味為王;他非常順利,全以色列都服從他。 23Thereafter Solomon sat on the throne of the LORD as king in place of his father David; he prospered, and all Israel obeyed him.
24所有的首領、勇士以及達味王所有的兒子,都屬撒羅滿王權下。 24All the leaders and warriors, and also all the other sons of King David, swore allegiance to King Solomon.
25上主在全以色列民眾面前,特別高舉了撒羅滿,賜予他君王的威嚴,勝過以前所有的以色列君王。 25And the LORD exalted Solomon greatly in the eyes of all Israel, giving him a glorious reign such as had not been enjoyed by any king over Israel before him.
26葉瑟的兒子達味統治了全以色列, 26Thus David, the son of Jesse, had reigned over all Israel.
27統治以色列為時凡四十年:在赫貝龍為王七年,在耶路撒冷為王三十三年。 27The time that he reigned over Israel was forty years: in Hebron he reigned seven years, and in Jerusalem thirty-three.
28他死時年紀很大,享了高壽和榮華富貴;他的兒子撒羅滿繼位為王。 28He died at a ripe old age, rich in years and wealth and glory, and his son Solomon succeeded him as king.
29達味王的前後事蹟,都記載在《先見者撒慕爾言行錄》、《先知納堂言行錄》和《先見者加得言行錄》上。 29Now the deeds of King David, first and last, can be found written in the history of Samuel the seer, the history of Nathan the prophet, and the history of Gad the seer,
30他與國家有關的大事、他的武功,以及他與以色列和四鄰各國所經歷的史事,全都記載在這些書上。 30together with the particulars of his reign and valor, and of the events that affected him and all Israel and all the kingdoms of the surrounding lands.