編年紀下:Chapter 31



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編年紀下 2 Chronicles
1這一切完成以後,所有在場的以色列人就都出去,到猶大各城,將石柱搗碎,將木偶砍倒,將猶大、本雅明、厄弗辣因和默納協各地的高丘和香壇完全拆除;以後,所有的以色列子民各回了本城,各歸己業。 1After all this was over, those Israelites who had been present went forth to the cities of Judah and smashed the sacred pillars, cut down the sacred poles, and tore down the high places and altars throughout Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim and Manasseh, until all were destroyed. Then the Israelites returned to their various cities, each to his own possession.
2希則克雅又整編了司祭和肋未人的班次,使司祭和肋未人各照自己的班次,各照自己的任務,獻全燔祭與和平祭,或服務於上主的營幕門口,稱謝讚頌上主。 2Hezekiah reestablished the classes of the priests and the Levites according to their former classification, assigning to each priest and Levite his proper service, whether in regard to holocausts or peace offerings, thanksgiving or praise, or ministering in the gates of the encampment of the LORD.
3君王又由自己的產業中劃出一分,作為早晚的全燔祭,安息日、新月和節期的全燔祭,如上主法律上所規定的; 3From his own wealth the king allotted a portion for holocausts, those of morning and evening and those on sabbaths, new moons and festivals, as prescribed in the law of the LORD.
4又吩咐住在耶路撒冷的百姓,交出司祭和肋未人所應得的一分,令他們堅守上主的法律。 4He also commanded the people living in Jerusalem to provide the support of the priests and Levites, that they might devote themselves entirely to the law of the LORD.
5這道諭旨一出,以色列子民便獻了許多初熟的五穀、新酒、油、蜜,以及田地的出產;同時將所有物的十分之一,也大批的送了來, 5As soon as the order was promulgated, the Israelites brought, in great quantities, the best of their grain, wine, oil and honey, and all the produce of the fields; they gave a generous tithe of everything.
6連住在猶大各城的以色列和猶大子民,也將牛羊的十分之一,並應獻於上主,他們天主的聖物的十分之一,都送了來,堆積成堆; 6Israelites and Judahites living in other cities of Judah also brought in tithes of oxen, sheep, and things that had been consecrated to the LORD, their God; these they brought in and set out in heaps.
7由三月開始堆積,至七月纔完畢。 7 It was in the third month that they began to establish these heaps, and they completed them in the seventh month.
8希則克雅和首領們前來,看見這些堆積之物,便稱讚了上主和他的百姓以色列。 8When Hezekiah and the princes had come and seen the heaps, they blessed the LORD and his people Israel.
9希則克雅向司祭和肋未人問及這些堆積之物, 9Then Hezekiah questioned the priests and the Levites concerning the heaps,
10匝多克家的司祭之長阿匝黎雅答說:「自從人民將供物獻入上主的殿內以來,我們不但可以飽食,而且還有許多剩餘,因為上主祝福了他的百姓;這一大堆全是剩餘的。」 10and the priest Azariah, head of the house of Zadoc, answered him, "Since they began to bring the offerings to the house of the LORD, we have eaten to the full and have had much left over, for the LORD has blessed his people. This great supply is what was left over."
11希則克雅吩咐在上主殿內預備倉房;人便預備了, 11Hezekiah then gave orders that chambers be constructed in the house of the LORD. When this had been done,
12細心將供物和什一之物,以及奉獻的聖物,都搬入倉內。肋未人苛納尼雅為總管,他的兄弟史米為副。 12the offerings, tithes and consecrated things were deposited there in safekeeping. The overseer of these things was Conaniah the Levite, and his brother Shimei was second in charge.
13耶希耳、阿匝齊雅、納哈特、阿撒耳、耶黎摩特、約匝巴得、厄里耳、依斯瑪基雅、瑪哈特和貝納雅,在苛納尼雅和他兄弟史米之下作督察,全是由君王希則克雅和上主殿宇的主席阿匝黎雅所委任的。 13Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismachiah, Mahath and Benaiah were supervisors subject to Conaniah and his brother Shimei by appointment of King Hezekiah and of Azariah, the prefect of the house of God.
14守東門的肋未人,依默納的兒子科勒,掌管自願捐獻於天主的禮品,發放獻於上主的供物和至聖之物; 14Kore, the son of Imnah, a Levite and the keeper of the eastern gate, was in charge of the free-will gifts made to God; he distributed the offerings made to the LORD and the most holy of the consecrated things.
15他以下有厄登、本雅明、耶叔亞、舍瑪雅、阿瑪黎雅和舍加尼雅,在各司祭城內,按照班次,不分老幼,將物品細心分發給他們的弟兄。 15Under him in the priestly cities were Eden, Miniamin, Jeshua, Shemaiah, Amariah and Shecaniah, who faithfully made the distribution to their brethren, great and small alike, according to their classes.
16此外,又登記了每日進上主殿,依照班次盡職,三十歲以上的男子: 16There was also a register by ancestral houses of males thirty years of age and over, for all priests who were eligible to enter the house of the LORD according to the daily rule to fulfill their service in the order of their classes.
17司祭依照家族登記;二十歲以上的肋未人,依照職分班次登記。 17The priests were inscribed in their family records according to their ancestral houses, and the Levites of twenty years and over according to their various offices and classes.
18登記時,他們全家妻子兒女,都應包括在內,因為他們都應自潔成聖。 18A distribution was also made to all who were inscribed in the family records, for their little ones, wives, sons and daughters--thus for the entire assembly, since they were to sanctify themselves by sharing faithfully in the consecrated things.
19至於那住在各城郊外作司祭的亞郎子孫,在各城內有指定的人,給司祭中的男子及登記的肋未人,發放應得的一分。 19The sons of Aaron, the priests who lived on the lands attached to their cities, had in every city men designated by name to distribute portions to every male among the priests and to every Levite listed in the family records.
20希則克雅在全猶大行事都是如此:行了上主他的天主視為善,視為正,視為義的事。 20This Hezekiah did in all Judah. He did what was good, upright and faithful before the LORD, his God.
21凡他著手所行的,不論是關於上主殿內的敬禮,或關於法律和誡命,都是為了尋求他的天主;凡他誠心所行的,無不順利。 21Everything that he undertook, for the service of the house of God or for the law and the commandments, was to do the will of his God. He did this wholeheartedly, and he prospered.