編年紀下:Chapter 9


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編年紀下 2 Chronicles
1舍巴女王聽見了撒羅滿的聲譽,就來到耶路撒冷,考問撒羅滿一些難題;陪從她的人很多,駱駝馱着許多香料、黃金和寶石;進見撒羅滿時,便將所有的心思都對他說了出來。 1When the queen of Sheba heard of Solomon's fame, she came to Jerusalem to test him with subtle questions, accompanied by a very numerous retinue and by camels bearing spices, much gold, and precious stones. She came to Solomon and questioned him on every subject in which she was interested.
2撒羅滿對她所問的一切難題,一一給她解答了,沒有一樣可難住撒羅滿,而不能給她解答的。 2Solomon explained to her everything she asked about, and there remained nothing hidden from Solomon that he could not explain to her.
3舍巴女王看見了撒羅滿的智慧和所建造的宮殿, 3When the queen of Sheba witnessed Solomon's wisdom, the palace he had built,
4筵席上的餚饌,群臣的坐次,僕從的侍候和服裝,酒正與酒正的服裝,和在上主殿內的全燔祭,驚訝得出神, 4the food at his table, the seating of his ministers, the attendance of his servants and their dress, his cupbearers and their dress, and the holocausts he offered in the house of the LORD, it took her breath away.
5遂對君王說:「關於你的作為和智慧,我在我國內所聽到的,的確是真的。 5"The account I heard in my country about your deeds and your wisdom is true," she told the king.
6以前我原不相信這些傳聞,及至我來親眼見了,纔知人告訴我的還不及你偉大智慧的一半;你實在超越了我所聽聞的。 6"Yet I did not believe the report until I came and saw with my own eyes. I have discovered that they did not tell me the half of your great wisdom; you have surpassed the stories I heard.
7你的妻妾是有福的,你的臣僕是有福的,能常侍立在你面前,聆聽你的智慧。 7Happy are your men, happy these servants of yours, who stand before you always and listen to your wisdom.
8上主,你的天主應受讚美!他喜愛你,使你坐他的王位,代上主你的天主為王;因為你的天主愛慕以色列,要永遠保持他們,所以使你作他們的王,來秉公行義。」 8Blessed be the LORD, your God, who has been so pleased with you as to place you on his throne as king for the LORD, your God. Because your God has so loved Israel as to will to make it last forever, he has appointed you over them as king to administer right and justice."
9舍巴女王遂將一百二十「塔冷通」黃金,大批香料和寶石,贈送給君王:舍巴女王贈給撒羅滿王的香料這樣多,是從來未有過的。 9Then she gave the king one hundred and twenty gold talents and a very large quantity of spices, as well as precious stones. There was no other spice like that which the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.
10從敖非爾運金子的希蘭的僕人和撒羅滿的僕人,也運來了檀香木和寶石。 10The servants of Huram and of Solomon who brought gold from Ophir also brought cabinet wood and precious stones.
11君王用檀香木為上主的殿和王宮製造了欄杆,為歌詠者製造了琴瑟;像這樣的東西,在猶大地方從來沒有見過。 11With the cabinet wood the king made stairs for the temple of the LORD and the palace of the king; also lyres and harps for the chanters. The like of these had not been seen before in the land of Judah.
12凡舍巴女王所願所求的,撒羅滿都奉送給她;此外,尚有君王為酬謝她贈送的禮品;以後她和她的僕人回了本國。 12King Solomon gave the queen of Sheba everything she desired and asked him for, more than she had brought to the king. Then she returned to her own country with her servants.
13撒羅滿每年收入的金子,重量有六百六十「塔冷通」, 13The gold that Solomon received each year weighed six hundred and sixty-six gold talents,
14商人小販所運來的,以及阿剌伯的諸王和本國太守給撒羅滿所進獻的金銀,尚不計算在內。 14in addition to what was collected from travelers and what the merchants brought. All the kings of Arabia also, and the governors of the country, brought gold and silver to Solomon.
15撒羅滿王又用鎚打的金子,作了二百個盾牌,每個用鎚打的金子六百「協刻耳」。 15Moreover, King Solomon made two hundred large shields of beaten gold, six hundred shekels of beaten gold going into each shield,
16又用鎚打的金子,作了三百小盾牌,每個用金三百「協刻耳」;君王把這些盾牌都懸在黎巴嫩林宮。 16and three hundred bucklers of beaten gold, three hundred shekels of gold going into each buckler; these the king put in the hall of the Forest of Lebanon.
17君王又用象牙製造了一個大寶座,用純金包鑲。 17King Solomon also made a large ivory throne which he overlaid with fine gold.
18寶座有六級台階,座背後有一隻金羔羊,座位兩邊有扶手,扶手兩旁立着兩隻獅子。 18The throne had six steps; a footstool of gold was fastened to it, and there was an arm on each side of the seat, with two lions standing beside the arms.
19六級台階上立有十二隻獅子,每級兩個,一左一右;在任何國家從沒有過這樣的製造法。 19Twelve other lions also stood there, one on either side of each step. Nothing like this had ever been produced in any other kingdom.
20撒羅滿王所有的飲器,都是金的;黎巴嫩林宮的器具,都是純金的;撒羅滿時代,銀是不值什麼的。 20Furthermore, all of King Solomon's drinking vessels were of gold, and all the utensils in the hall of the Forest of Lebanon were of pure gold; silver was not considered of value in Solomon's time.
21原來君王的船隻與希蘭的僕人一同去塔爾史士;去塔爾史士的船隻,每三年往返一次,運來金銀象牙,猿猴和孔雀。 21For the king had ships that went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram. Once every three years the fleet of Tarshish would return with a cargo of gold and silver, ivory, apes and monkeys.
22這樣,撒羅滿王的富貴和智慧,超過了世上所有的君王。 22Thus King Solomon surpassed all the other kings of the earth in riches as well as in wisdom.
23世上所有的君王都想見撒羅滿的面,聽聽天主賦予他心中的智慧; 23All the kings of the earth sought audience with Solomon, to hear from him the wisdom which God had put in his heart.
24各人帶來自己的禮物:銀器、金器、衣服、兵器、香料、騾馬,年年都是如此。 24Year in and year out, each one would bring his tribute-silver and gold articles, garments, weapons, spices, horses and mules.
25撒羅滿有四千廐,為養馬存車,有一萬二千騎兵,駐紮在屯車城和耶路撒冷君王左右。 25Solomon also had four thousand stalls of horses, chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen, which he assigned to the chariot cities and to the king in Jerusalem.
26撒羅滿統轄列王,由大河到培肋舍特人領域,直到埃及邊陲。 26He was ruler over all the kings from the River to the land of the Philistines and down to the border of Egypt.
27君王在耶路撒冷有的銀子,多如石頭,香柏木多如平原的桑樹。 27The king made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones, while cedars became as numerous as the sycamores of the foothills.
28撒羅滿所有的馬,都是由慕茲黎和各地運來的。 28 Horses were imported for Solomon from Egypt and from all the lands.
29撒羅滿其餘的前後事蹟,都記載在先知納堂的《言行錄》,史羅人阿希雅的《預言書》和先見者依多論及乃巴特之子雅洛貝罕的《啟示錄》上。 29The rest of the acts of Solomon, first and last, are written, as is well known, in the acts of Nathan the prophet, in the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite, and in the visions of Iddo the seer which concern Jeroboam, son of Nebat.
30撒羅滿在耶路撒冷作全以色列王凡四十年。 30Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel for forty years.
31撒羅滿與他的列祖同眠,葬在他父親達味城內;他的兒子勒哈貝罕繼位為王。 31He rested with his ancestors; he was buried in his father's City of David, and his son Rehoboam succeeded him as king.