多俾亞傳:Chapter 1


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多俾亞傳 Tobit
1托彼特的言行錄:托彼特出自納斐塔里支派的阿息耳族。他是托彼耳的兒子,阿納尼耳的孫子,阿杜耳的曾孫,加巴耳的玄孫,辣法耳的四世孫,辣古耳的五世孫。 1 This book tells the story of Tobit, son of Tobiel, son of Hananiel, son of Aduel, son of Gabael of the family of Asiel, of the tribe of Naphtali,
2當亞述王厄乃默撒在位時,他從提斯貝被擄去。提斯貝是在加里肋亞山區,位於納斐塔里的刻德士之南,哈祚爾之西,缶哥爾之北偏西。 2who during the reign of Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, was taken captive from Thisbe, which is south of Kedesh Naphtali in upper Galilee, above and to the west of Asser, north of Phogor.
3我托彼特一生歲月常遵循正義的路,時常大方賙濟與我一同被擄到亞述國尼尼微城的兄弟和同胞。 3I, Tobit, have walked all the days of my life on the paths of truth and righteousness. I performed many charitable works for my kinsmen and my people who had been deported with me to Nineveh, in Assyria.
4當我幼年在我故鄉以色列地時,我的宗族全納斐塔里支派離棄了達味家和耶路撒冷城;這城本是由以色列眾支派中選出,為叫以色列眾支派獻祭的地方,在那裏為世世代代建有祝聖於天主的居所聖殿。 4When I lived as a young man in my own country, Israel, the entire tribe of my forefather Naphtali had broken away from the house of David and from Jerusalem. This city had been singled out of all Israel's tribes, so that they all might offer sacrifice in the place where the temple, God's dwelling, had been built and consecrated for all generations to come.
5我所有的兄弟和我的宗族納斐塔里全家,都向以色列王雅洛貝罕,在靠近加里肋亞山區的丹所建立的牛犢舉行祭獻。 5 All my kinsmen, like the rest of the tribe of my forefather Naphtali, used to offer sacrifice on all the mountains of Galilee as well as to the young bull which Jeroboam, king of Israel, had made in Dan.
6惟有我一人按照給以色列所規定的永久法律,每逢慶節,常到耶路撒冷去。我帶着初熟的田產,頭胎的畜牲,什一的牲畜和初剪的羊毛,急速前往耶路撒冷, 6 I, for my part, would often make the pilgrimage alone to Jerusalem for the festivals, as is prescribed for all Israel by perpetual decree. Bringing with me the first fruits of the field and the firstlings of the flock, together with a tenth of my income and the first shearings of the sheep, I would hasten to Jerusalem
7交給亞郎的後裔司祭們,以作祭品。我又把十分之一的麥子、酒、油、石榴、無花果,以及其餘的硬殼果實,送給在耶路撒冷供職的肋未後裔;又將六年內應繳納的第二種什一稅變為金錢,作我每年在耶路撒冷時的費用。 7and present them to the priests, Aaron's sons, at the altar. To the Levites who were doing service in Jeusalem I would give the tithe of grain, wine, olive oil, pomegranates, figs, and other fruits. And except for sabbatical years, I used to give a second tithe in money, which each year I would go and disburse in Jerusalem.
8此外,我還帶去第三種什一之物,施捨給孤兒寡婦和那些依附以色列子民的外方人。我每三年施捨一次,並且我們還一起聚餐:這是梅瑟法律規定的命令,也是家父的母親,阿納尼耳的妻子德波辣的吩咐;因為我父親去了世,遺下了我作孤兒。 8The third tithe I gave to orphans and widows, and to converts who were living with the Israelites. Every third year I would bring them this offering, and we ate it in keeping with the decree of the Mosaic law and the commands of Deborah, the mother of my father Tobiel; for when my father died, he left me an orphan.
9及至成年,我由同族中娶了一個名叫亞納的女子,她生了一個兒子,給他起名叫多俾亞。 9When I reached manhood, I married Anna, a woman of our own lineage. By her I had a son whom I named Tobiah.
10我被擄到亞述作俘虜時,曾流徙到尼尼微。那時,我的眾兄弟和同胞都吃異民的食物, 10Now, after I had been deported to Nineveh, all my brothers and relatives ate the food of heathens,
11但是,我卻自律,總不吃異民的食物, 11but I refrained from eating that kind of food.
12因為我全心想念我的天主。 12Because of this wholehearted service of God,
13所以至高者賜我在厄乃默撒面前,得到恩愛和榮幸,我竟成了他的買辦,給他買辦各種用品。 13the Most High granted me favor and status with Shalmaneser, so that I became purchasing agent for all his needs.
14因此,我常到瑪待去為他購買貨物,直到他死去為止。我在瑪待國辣傑斯,加彼黎的兒子加貝羅兄弟那裏,存放了幾袋錢,共計十「塔冷通」銀子。 14 Every now and then until his death I would go to Media to buy goods for him. I also deposited several pouches containing a great sum of money with my kinsman Gabael, son of Gabri, who lived at Rages, in Media.
15厄乃默撒死後,他的兒子散乃黑黎布繼位為王的時候,與瑪待的交通斷絕了,因此,我再不能到瑪待那裏去。 15 But when Shalmaneser died and his son Sennacherib succeeded him as king, the roads to Media became unsafe, so I could no longer go there.
16在厄乃默撒年間,我對同族的兄弟常大方施捨。 16During Shalmaneser's reign I performed many charitable works for my kinsmen and my people.
17我把我的食物分送給飢餓的人,把我的衣服施捨給裸體的人;我若看見同族的屍體,被拋在尼尼微城牆外,我便一一埋葬。 17 I would give my bread to the hungry and my clothing to the naked. If I saw one of my people who had died and been thrown outside the walls of Nineveh, I would bury him.
18當散乃黑黎布因說了詛咒的褻語,在上天大主懲罰他之日,由猶太逃回之後,無論殺了誰,我都予以埋葬,因為他在盛怒之下,殺了許多以色列子民,我便把他們的屍體收藏起來,予以埋葬。因此,散及黑黎布尋找屍首,一個也沒有找到。 18I also buried anyone whom Sennacherib slew when he returned as a fugitive from Judea during the days of judgment decreed against him by the heavenly King because of the blasphemies he had uttered. In his rage he killed many Israelites, but I used to take their bodies by stealth and bury them; so when Sennacherib looked for them, he could not find them.
19有一個尼尼微人前去報告君王,說是我埋葬了,我便隱藏起來。當我聽說君王知道了我的下落,正在追捕我來處死時,我很害怕,就逃跑了。 19But a certain citizen of Nineveh informed the king that it was I who buried the dead. When I found out that the king knew all about me and wanted to put me to death, I went into hiding; then in my fear I took to flight.
20但是,我所有的一切財產,除了我的妻子亞納和我的兒子多俾亞外,都毫不留情地沒收了去,歸入王庫。 20Afterward, all my property was confiscated; I was left with nothing. All that I had was taken to the king's palace, except for my wife Anna and my son Tobiah.
21然而還沒有過四十天,他的兩個兒子把他殺死,逃到阿辣辣特山裏去了。他另一個兒子厄撒哈冬繼位為王,並且任命我的兄弟阿納耳的兒子阿希加,總理他全國的財務,有權掌管一切事務。 21 But less than forty days later the king was assassinated by two of his sons, who then escaped into the mountains of Ararat. His son Esarhaddon, who succeeded him as king, placed Ahiqar, my brother Anael's son, in charge of all the accounts of his kingdom, so that he took control over the entire administration.
22那時阿希加為我求情,我纔得以回到尼尼微,因為阿希加曾在亞述王散乃黑黎布執政時,作過酒正,又掌過指璽,當過家宰和財政等職,而厄撒哈冬又重用他;他是我的侄子,又是我的血親。 22Then Ahiqar interceded on my behalf, and I was able to return to Nineveh. For under Sennacherib, king of Assyria, Ahiqar had been chief cupbearer, keeper of the seal, administrator, and treasurer; and Esarhaddon reappointed him. He was a close relative-in fact, my nephew.