友弟德傳 |
Judith |
1敖羅斐乃令人領她到佈滿銀具的餐廳內,吩咐人給她吃他自己的食品,給她喝他自己的酒。 |
1Then he ordered them to lead her into the room where his silverware was kept, and bade them set a table for her with his own delicacies to eat and his own wine to drink. |
2但友弟德回答說:「我不願吃這些東西,怕有什麼防礙;我帶來的東西,已足夠我吃用的了。」 |
2But Judith said, "I will not partake of them, lest it be an occasion of sin; but I shall be amply supplied from the things I brought with me." |
3敖羅斐乃問她說:「假使你帶來的東西用完了,從那裏能拿同樣的東西來給你呢?我們這裏沒有你同族的人。」 |
3Holofernes asked her: "But if your provisions give out, where shall we get more of the same to provide for you? None of your people are with us." |
4友弟德答應他說:「我主萬歲!直到上主藉着我的手,完成他所願意的事以前,我帶來的東西,你的婢女是不會用盡的。」 |
4Judith answered him, "As surely as you, my lord, live, your handmaid will not use up her supplies till the Lord accomplishes by my hand what he has determined." |
5以後,敖羅斐乃的僕從領她進入一座帳幕。她睡到半夜,晨更前便起來了, |
5Then the servants of Holofernes led her into the tent, where she slept till midnight. In the night watch just before dawn, she rose |
6打發人到敖羅斐乃那裏說:「請我主下令,准你的婢女出外祈禱。」 |
6and sent this message to Holofernes, "Give orders, my lord, to let your handmaid go out for prayer." |
7敖羅斐乃就吩咐侍衛,不要阻止她。她在營中住了三天,每夜都出去,往拜突里雅山谷中,哨兵佈防的水泉旁沐浴; |
7So Holofernes ordered his bodyguard not to hinder her. Thus she stayed in the camp three days. Each night she went out to the ravine of Bethulia, where she washed herself at the spring of the camp. |
8然後上來,哀求上主以色列的天主,指給她一條拯救自己同族子民的正路。 |
8After bathing, she besought the Lord, the God of Israel, to direct her way for the triumph of his people. |
9她取潔回去後,留在帳幕裏,直到晚上吃飯的時候。 |
9Then she returned purified to the tent, and remained there until her food was brought to her toward evening. |
10到了第四天,敖羅斐乃設宴,只邀請自己的侍衛,軍官中一個也沒有邀請。 |
10 On the fourth day Holofernes gave a banquet for his servants alone, to which he did not invite any of the officers. |
11他對自己的總管巴哥阿宦官說:「你去勸說住在你旁邊的那個希伯來婦女到我們這裏來,同我們一起宴飲。 |
11And he said to Bagoas, the eunuch in charge of his household: "Go and persuade this Hebrew woman in your care to come and to eat and drink with us. |
12如果有這樣一個美人在跟前,而不與她交結,這真是掃興的事!如果我們不引她來,人反會恥笑我們。」 |
12It would be a disgrace for us to have such a woman with us without enjoying her company. If we do not entice her, she will laugh us to scorn." |
13巴哥阿離開敖羅斐乃去見她說:「你這美麗的女郎!不要躊躇到我主上那裏去,當面受他的尊敬,與我們飲酒取樂。今日你要變作拿步高宮內亞述的公主。」 |
13So Bagoas left the presence of Holofernes, and came to Judith and said, "So fair a maiden should not be reluctant to come to my lord to be honored by him, to enjoy drinking wine with us, and to be like one of the Assyrian women who live in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar." |
14友弟德回答他說:「我是誰,膽敢違背我主上的意思?凡他喜歡的事,我必趕快去作。這是我一生至死最大的喜悅。」 |
14She replied, "Who am I to refuse my lord? Whatever is pleasing to him I will promptly do. This will be a joy for me till the day of my death." |
15遂立即前來,穿上錦衣,佩帶了婦女所佩帶的裝飾品;叫她的婢女先去,把巴哥阿給她每日坐着吃飯的皮墊拿去,給友弟德鋪在敖羅斐乃對面的地上。 |
15Thereupon she proceeded to put on her festive garments and all her feminine adornments. Meanwhile her maid went ahead and spread out on the ground for her in front of Holofernes the fleece Bagoas had furnished for her daily use in reclining at her dinner. |
16友弟德進來,就了位,敖羅斐乃一看她,即心不守舍,神魂顛倒,貪其美色;原來自從見了她那一天起,就想乘機勾引她。 |
16Then Judith came in and reclined on it. The heart of Holofernes was in rapture over her, and his spirit was shaken. He was burning with the desire to possess her, for he had been biding his time to seduce her from the day he saw her. |
17此時敖羅斐乃對她說:「喝罷,大家一同歡樂!」 |
17Holofernes said to her, "Drink and be merry with us!" |
18友弟德說:「是,我主!我願喝,因為我有生以來,我的生活沒有像今天再有價值的了!」 |
18Judith replied, "I will gladly drink, my lord, for at no time since I was born have I ever enjoyed life as much as I do today." |
19就在他面前,將自己婢女預備好的,拿來吃喝。 |
19She then took the things her maid had prepared, and ate and drank in his presence. |
20敖羅斐乃見她如此,喜極狂歡,遂開懷暢飲;有生以來,沒有一天,喝過這麼多的酒。 |
20Holofernes, charmed by her, drank a great quantity of wine, more than he had ever drunk on one single day in his life. |