友弟德傳:Chapter 14


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友弟德傳 Judith
1友弟德對他們說:「兄弟們,請聽我說:把這人頭掛在城垛上。 1Then Judith said to them: "Listen to me, my brothers. Take this head and hang it on the parapet of your wall.
2天亮,太陽上升照耀大地時,你們各拿武器,所有的壯丁,都應出城;並且立一個首領率領他們,彷彿要下到平原,攻擊亞述人的前哨,但是不必下去。 2At daybreak, when the sun rises on the earth, let each of you seize his weapons, and let all the able-bodied men rush out of the city under command of a captain, as if about to go down into the plain against the advance guard of the Assyrians, but without going down.
3亞述人一見,必拿起武器,走到營裏,叫醒亞述軍隊的官長,官長必跑進敖羅斐乃帳幕;若找不着他,必驚慌失措,從你們面前逃走。 3They will seize their armor and hurry to their camp to awaken the generals of the Assyrian army. When they run to the tent of Holofernes and do not find him, panic will seize them, and they will flee before you.
4此時,你們以及住在以色列全境內的人民,應去追趕他們,在他們潰退的路上,沿途截擊。 4Then you and all the other inhabitants of the whole territory of Israel will pursue them and strike them down in their tracks.
5不過在作這事以前,請你們給我將阿孟人阿希約爾叫來,叫他看看,並辨認那輕視以色列家,打發他到我們這裏來等死的人!」 5But before doing this, summon for me Achior the Ammonite, that he may see and recognize the one who despised the house of Israel and sent him here to meet his death."
6人就由敖齊雅家裏將阿希約爾叫來。他一來到,看見會集的人群中,有人手提着敖羅斐乃的頭,就立即暈倒在地。 6 So they called Achior from the house of Uzziah. When he came and saw the head of Holofernes in the hand of one of the men in the assembly of the people, he fell forward in a faint.
7人將他扶起,他就跪在友弟德腳前,叩拜她說:「在所有猶太帳幕裏,在所有聽到你名字而恐懼的萬民中,你是應受讚美的! 7Then, after they lifted him up, he threw himself at the feet of Judith in homage, saying: "Blessed are you in every tent of Judah; and in every foreign nation, all who hear of you will be struck with terror.
8如今請告訴我,你在這幾天內做了什麼!」友弟德就當着民眾,把她從出城那天,直到現今與他們談話時為止的所作所為,都一一告訴了他。 8But now, tell me all that you did during these days." So Judith told him, in the presence of the people, all that she had been doing from the day she left till the time she began speaking to them.
9她一說完,民眾就大聲呼喊,全城歡聲雷動。 9When she finished her account, the people cheered loudly, and their city resounded with shouts of joy.
10阿希約爾看見以色列天主所作的這一切,就堅信了天主,受了割損,歸依以色列家,直到今日。 10Now Achior, seeing all that the God of Israel had done, believed firmly in him. He had the flesh of his foreskin circumcised, and he has been united with the house of Israel to the present day.
11天一發亮,人們就將敖羅斐乃的頭掛在城垛上,各人拿着武器,一隊一隊地,走向山坡的路。 11At daybreak they hung the head of Holofernes on the wall. Then all the Israelite men took up their arms and went to the slopes of the mountain.
12亞述子民一看見,就打發人通知自己的頭目;頭目去見長官、千夫長和眾將領。 12When the Assyrians saw them, they notified their captains; these, in turn, went to the generals and division leaders and all their other commanders.
13他們來到敖羅斐乃帳幕前,對總管說:「請叫醒我們的主上,因為那些奴才竟敢下來向我們挑戰,他們要下來送死。」 13They came to the tent of Holofernes and said to the one in charge of all his things, "Waken our master, for the slaves have dared come down to give us battle, to their utter destruction."
14巴哥阿就進去,敲了帳幕的門簾,以為他還與友弟德同睡未起。 14Bagoas went in, and knocked at the entry of the tent, presuming that he was sleeping with Judith.
15但沒有聽到什麼聲音,就揭開門簾,走進寢室,發現敖羅斐乃橫臥在腳凳上死了,頭已被砍去, 15As no one answered, he parted the curtains, entered the bedroom, and found him lying on the floor, a headless corpse.
16便大聲呼喊、哭泣、呻吟、尖叫、撕裂了衣服, 16He broke into a loud clamor of weeping, groaning, and howling, and rent his garments.
17立即跑進友弟德住的帳幕裏,也沒有找着她,就跑到人們前喊說: 17Then he entered the tent where Judith had her quarters; and, not finding her, he rushed out to the troops and cried:
18「這些奴才造反了!一個希伯來女人給拿步高王朝帶來了恥辱。看,敖羅斐乃死在地上,頭不見了!」 18"The slaves have duped us! A single Hebrew woman has brought disgrace on the house of King Nebuchadnezzar. Here is Holofernes headless on the ground!"
19亞述軍隊的眾官長一聽這話,都撕裂了衣服,心慌意亂;此時營中哭聲喊聲混成一片。 19When the commanders of the Assyrian army heard these words, they rent their tunics and were seized with consternation. Loud screaming and howling arose in the camp.