友弟德傳 |
Judith |
1那時,有人向亞述軍隊的統帥敖羅斐乃報告說:「以色列子民已準備應戰,封鎖山地隘口,在高山上修築了防禦工事,平原中已設下埋伏。」 |
1It was reported to Holofernes, commander-in-chief of the Assyrian army, that the Israelites were ready for battle, and had blocked the mountain passes, fortified the summits of all the higher peaks, and placed roadblocks in the plains. |
2他遂勃然大怒,召集所有摩阿布的公侯,阿孟的司令,及沿海一帶的長官來, |
2In great anger he summoned all the rulers of the Moabites, the generals of the Ammonites, and all the satraps of the seacoast |
3對他們說:「客納罕的子民!請告訴我,這山地裏住的是什麼民族?他們住的是什麼城池?部隊的人數究有多少?他們的力量和勇氣,究在什麼事上?作他們的君王,率領他們軍隊的是誰? |
3and said to them: "Now tell me, you Canaanites, what sort of people is this that dwells in the mountains? Which cities do they inhabit? How large is their army? In what does their power and strength consist? Who has set himself up as their king and the leader of their army? |
4為什麼在西方諸民族中,只有他們不屑於前來歡迎我?」 |
4Why have they refused to come out to meet me along with all the other inhabitants of the West?" |
5於是全阿孟子民的統帥阿希約爾便對他說:「我主!請聽你僕人一言,我要向你說明,這住在山地離你不遠的民族,是什麼情形;你僕人口中所說的,決沒有一句虛話。 |
5Then Achior, the leader of all the Ammonites said to him: "My lord, hear this account from your servant; I will tell you the truth about this people that lives near you (that inhabits this mountain region); no lie shall escape your servant's lips. |
6這民族原是加爾底亞人的後裔, |
6 "These people are descendants of the Chaldeans. |
7原先僑居在美索不達米亞,因為不願隨從自己祖先所居加爾底亞地的神祇, |
7They formerly dwelt in Mesopotamia, for they did not wish to follow the gods of their forefathers who were born in the land of the Chaldeans. |
8就離棄了自己祖先的途徑,而崇拜天上的大主,一位自己所承認的神。所以他們被那裏的神祇所驅逐,逃到美索不達米亞,僑居在那裏很久。 |
8Since they abandoned the way of their ancestors, and acknowledged with divine worship the God of heaven, their forefathers expelled them from the presence of their gods. So they fled to Mesopotamia and dwelt there a long time. |
9後來他們的天主,吩咐他們離開僑居的地方,往客納罕地方去,就住在那裏,積蓄了大批金銀和很多家畜。 |
9Their God bade them leave their abode and proceed to the land of Canaan. Here they settled, and grew very rich in gold, silver, and a great abundance of livestock. |
10後又因客納罕地方連年饑荒,便下到埃及,居留在那裏,直到他們能自養自足;在那裏竟成了一個大族,子孫眾多,不可勝數。 |
10Later, when famine had gripped the whole land of Canaan, they went down into Egypt. They stayed there as long as they found sustenance, and grew into such a great multitude that the number of their race could not be counted. |
11但埃及王卻苛待他們,逼令他們作做磚的苦工,壓迫他們,當作奴隸。 |
11The king of Egypt, however, rose up against them, shrewdly forced them to labor at brickmaking, oppressed and enslaved them. |
12於是他們向自己的天主哀號,天主就以不治之症,打擊了埃及全境;埃及人就將他們趕走。 |
12But they cried to their God, and he struck the land of Egypt with plagues for which there was no remedy. When the Egyptians expelled them, |
13天主使紅海在他們面前乾涸, |
13God dried up the Red Sea before them, |
14引他們沿着西乃和卡德士巴爾乃亞的路前進,他們將曠野中的居民完全驅逐, |
14and led them along the route to Sinai and Kadesh-barnea. First they drove out all the inhabitants of the desert; |
15住在阿摩黎人的境內,以武力消滅了一切赫市朋人,繼而渡過約但河,佔領了整個山地,據為己有, |
15then they settled in the land of the Amorites, destroyed all the Heshbonites by main force, crossed the Jordan, and took possession of the whole mountain region. |
16將客納罕人、培黎齊人、耶步斯人、舍根人與一切基爾加史人,都由自己的面前趕走,住在那裏很久。 |
16They expelled the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Shechemites, and all the Gergesites; and they lived in these mountains a long time. |
17當他們不犯罪得罪自己的天主時,便常享幸福,因為有一位嫉惡的天主,與他們同在。 |
17"As long as the Israelites did not sin in the sight of their God, they prospered, for their God, who hates wickedness, was with them. |
18但當他們離開天主給他們所指示的道路時,便在戰爭中受到殲滅,被擄到異鄉,他們天主的殿宇也被毀為平地,城市都為敵人所佔據。 |
18But when they deviated from the way he prescribed for them, they were ground down steadily, more and more, by frequent wars, and finally taken as captives into foreign lands. The temple of their God was razed to the ground, and their cities were occupied by their enemies. |
19可是現在,自從他們歸向天主以來,就由散居的地方回來,收復了他們的聖殿的所在地耶路撒冷,住在已變為荒蕪的山地。 |
19But now that they have returned to their God, they have come back from the Dispersion wherein they were scattered, and have repossessed Jerusalem, where their sanctuary is, and have settled again in the mountain region which was unoccupied. |
20主帥!假使這個民族作惡,得罪他們的天主,如果我們發覺他們有這『致命傷』,就可上去進攻,必能戰勝。 |
20"So now, my lord and master, if these people are at fault, and are sinning against their God, and if we verify this offense of theirs, then we shall be able to go up and conquer them. |
21若是這民族沒有什麼不法的事,請我主放過他們,免得他們的上主天主庇護他們,使我們在全世界成為人的笑柄。」 |
21But if they are not a guilty nation, then your lordship should keep his distance; otherwise their Lord and God will shield them, and we shall become the laughing stock of the whole world." |
22阿希約爾一說完這些話,站在營幕周圍的眾人,怨聲四起,敖羅斐乃的軍官和一切住在沿海與摩阿布一帶的人,都聲言要將他碎屍萬段: |
22Now when Achior had concluded his recommendation, all the people standing round about the tent murmured; and the officers of Holofernes and all the inhabitants of the seacoast and of Moab alike said he should be cut to pieces. |
23「我們不應該怕以色列子民!這個民族決沒有勇氣和能力,與勁旅相對抗。 |
23"We are not afraid of the Israelites," they said, "for they are a powerless people, incapable of a strong defense. |
24敖羅斐乃主帥!我們應上前進攻,他們必能為你的全軍所撲滅。」 |
24Let us therefore attack them; your great army, Lord Holofernes, will swallow them up." |