瑪加伯上 |
1 Maccabees |
1一百六十年,安提約古兒子亞歷山大厄丕法乃上去,佔領了仆托肋買,人民歡迎他在那裏為王。 |
1 In the year one hundred and sixty, Alexander, who was called Epiphanes, son of Antiochus, came up and took Ptolemais. He was accepted and began to reign there. |
2德默特琉王聽說這事,就集合大軍,去與他交戰。 |
2When King Demetrius heard of it, he mustered a very large army and marched out to engage him in combat. |
3同時,德默特琉致書約納堂,言辭溫和,且提高他的權位, |
3Demetrius sent a letter to Jonathan written in peaceful terms, to pay him honor; |
4因為德默特琉說:「我們要趕快與他締結和好,免得他先與亞歷山大聯合,反抗我們, |
4for he said: "Let us be the first to make peace with him, before he makes peace with Alexander against us, |
5又恐怕他還記念我們對他的兄弟及他的百姓所行的惡事。」 |
5since he will remember all the wrongs we have done to him, his brothers, and his nation." |
6於是,便將調集軍隊及準備軍械的權柄交給約納堂,將他看作自己的同盟,又下令將堡壘裏的人質,交還給他, |
6So Demetrius authorized him to gather an army and procure arms as his ally; and he ordered that the hostages in the citadel be released to him. |
7約納堂來到耶路撒冷,當着百姓及住在堡壘裏的人面前,宣讀了這封書信。 |
7Accordingly Jonathan went up to Jerusalem and read the letter to all the people. The men in the citadel |
8堡壘裏的人一聽王給了他調集軍隊的權柄,都很害怕。 |
8were struck with fear when they heard that the king had given him authority to gather an army. |
9他們便將人質交還給約納堂,約納堂再轉交給各人的父母。 |
9They released the hostages to Jonathan, and he gave them back to their parents. |
10以後約納堂住在耶路撒冷,開始重修京城,使恢復舊觀。 |
10Thereafter Jonathan dwelt in Jerusalem, and began to build and restore the city. |
11他命令工人,用方石修築垣牆和熙雍山的四周,以作防禦;他們就這樣作了。 |
11He ordered the workmen to build the walls and encircle Mount Zion with square stones for its fortification, which they did. |
12住在巴基德所修建的堡壘裏的外方人,都已逃走, |
12The foreigners in the strongholds that Bacchides had built, took flight; |
13各人都離開崗位,回到本國, |
13each one of them left his place and returned to his own country. |
14只在貝特族爾,還留下幾個背棄法律,不守誡命的人,因為那裏是避難藏身的地方。 |
14Only in Beth-zur did some remain of those who had abandoned the law and the commandments, for they used it as a place of refuge. |
15那時,亞歷山大王聽到德默特琉允許給的約納堂的事,同時還有人將約納堂及他弟兄們的作戰,英勇事跡和遭遇的打擊等,給他述說了, |
15King Alexander heard of the promises that Demetrius had made to Jonathan; he was also told of the battles and valiant deeds of Jonathan and his brothers and the troubles that they had endured. |
16就說:「難道我們還能找到這樣的一個人嗎?我們要使他作為我們的朋友,作我們的同盟!」 |
16He said, "Shall we ever find another man like him? Let us now make him our friend and ally." |
17遂寫信給約納堂,信上說: |
17So he sent Jonathan a letter written in these terms: |
18「亞歷山大王祝約納堂兄安好! |
18"King Alexander sends greetings to his brother Jonathan. |
19聽說你是英勇有為之士,適合作我們的朋友。 |
19We have heard of you, that you are a mighty warrior and worthy to be our friend. |
20現今我委任你作你百姓的大司祭,並稱你是君王的朋友,──同時給他送來紫袍和金冠──願你關心我們的事,與我們保持友誼。」 |
20We have therefore appointed you today to be high priest of your nation; you are to be called the King's Friend, and you are to look after our interests and preserve amity with us." He also sent him a purple robe and a crown of gold. |
21一百六十年七月帳棚節日,約納堂乃穿上聖服,調集軍隊,並準備了大批武器。 |
21 Jonathan put on the sacred vestments in the seventh month of the year one hundred and sixty at the feast of Booths, and he gathered an army and procured many arms. |
22德默特琉一聽說了這事,便憂悶地說: |
22When Demetrius heard of these things, he was distressed and said: |
23「我們怎麼竟讓亞歷山大在我們之先與猶太人結為友好,作為後盾? |
23"Why have we allowed Alexander to get ahead of us by gaining the friendship of the Jews and thus strengthening himself? |
24我也要用委婉的言辭,許以地位和禮品,給他們寫信,誘導他們也作我的助手。」 |
24I too will write them conciliatory words and offer dignities and gifts, so that they may be an aid to me." |
25於是給猶太人寫了以下的信說:「德默特琉王祝猶太民族安好! |
25So he sent them this message: "King Demetrius sends greetings to the Jewish nation. |
26由於你們持守以前與我們訂立的條約,保持了我們之間的友誼,沒有與我們的仇敵聯合,我們聽了很高興。 |
26We have heard how you have kept the treaty with us and continued in our friendship and not gone over to our enemies, and we are glad. |
27現在,若你們繼續忠於我們,你們為我們作的一切,我們必破格還報: |
27Continue, therefore, to keep faith with us, and we will reward you with favors in return for what you do in our behalf. |
28給你們種種豁免,贈與你們各種禮品。 |
28We will grant you many exemptions and will bestow gifts on you. |
29現在豁免你們全猶太人丁稅、鹽稅和王冠金。 |
29"I now free you, as I also exempt all the Jews, from the tribute, the salt tax, and the crown levies. |
30由猶太本地,及劃歸猶太的撒瑪黎雅和加里肋亞的三個地區,我所得出產的三分之一和樹上果實的一半,今日都一概豁免,由今日起直到永遠。 |
30 Instead of collecting the third of the grain and the half of the fruit of the trees that should be my share, I renounce the right from this day forward: Neither now nor in the future will I collect them from the land of Judah or from the three districts annexed from Samaria. |
31耶路撒冷應是聖的,所以這城及其四郊,免交什一之物和賦稅。 |
31Let Jerusalem and her territory, her tithes and her tolls, be sacred and free from tax. |
32對於耶路撒冷堡壘的權利,我也放棄,讓與大司祭,他可任意委任自己揀選的人,駐在那裏護守。 |
32I also yield my authority over the citadel in Jerusalem, and I transfer it to the high priest, that he may put in it such men as he shall choose to guard it. |
33凡從猶太地擄至我國的猶太人,我都恢復他們的自由,毫無代價,而且還豁免他們的賦稅和牲畜稅。 |
33Every one of the Jews who has been carried into captivity from the land of Judah into any part of my kingdom I set at liberty without ransom; and let all their taxes, even those on their cattle, be canceled. |
34凡一切的節日、安息日、朔日、指定的慶日,以及各慶節前後三日,為住在我國內的一切猶太人,都成為享有特權與免役的日子: |
34Let all feast days, sabbaths, new moon festivals, appointed days, and the three days that precede each feast day, and the three days that follow, be days of immunity and exemption for every Jew in my kingdom. |
35為一切事件,誰也無權干涉及騷擾他們中任何一人。 |
35Let no man have authority to exact payment from them or to molest any of them in any matter. |
36可招募三萬猶太人加入王家軍隊,所給軍餉,與一切王家軍隊同。 |
36"Let thirty thousand Jews be enrolled in the king's army and allowances be given them, as is due to all the king's soldiers. |
37從這些人中,抽調一部分,分駐在國王的主要堡壘裏;再由這些人中,選拔一部分,出任國家信託的職位;還可將自己的人派作他們的官員和將領,按照自己的法律行事,正如王從前在猶太地命令過一樣。 |
37Let some of them be stationed in the king's principal strongholds, and of these let some be given positions of trust in the affairs of the kingdom. Let their superiors and their rulers be taken from among them, and let them follow their own laws, as the king has commanded in the land of Judah. |
38由撒瑪黎雅境內,劃歸猶太的三區,應與猶太合併為一,全受一人統治,除大司祭外,不應聽從別人。 |
38"Let the three districts that have been added to Judea from the province of Samaria be incorporated with Judea so that they may be under one man and obey no other authority than the high priest. |
39我將仆托肋買及其所屬,贈予耶路撒冷的聖所,其收入作為聖所需要的經費。 |
39Ptolemais and its confines I give as a present to the sanctuary in Jerusalem for the necessary expenses of the sanctuary. |
40我每年由豐富之地納入王庫的銀錢,撥出一萬五千『協刻耳』。 |
40I make a yearly personal grant of fifteen thousand silver shekels out of the royal revenues, from appropriate places. |
41凡前幾年,官員們所沒有繳納的銀錢,從現在起,他們都得交還,以作聖殿的經費。 |
41All the additional funds that the officials did not hand over as they had done in the first years, shall henceforth be handed over for the services of the temple. |
42此外,每年由聖所的收入內,徵收的五千銀錢也一概豁免,因為這筆錢,應歸那些盡聖職的司祭所有。 |
42Moreover, the dues of five thousand silver shekels that used to be taken from the revenue of the sanctuary every year shall be canceled, since these funds belong to the priests who perform the services. |
43凡到耶路撒冷聖殿,或殿院內逃避國債與私債的,都一律赦免;至於他在我國內的一切所有,仍歸他所有。 |
43Whoever takes refuge in the temple of Jerusalem or in any of its precincts, because of money he owes the king, or because of any other debt, shall be released, together with all the goods he possesses in my kingdom. \ |
44為建築及修理聖所的工程,花費也由王庫支付。 |
44The cost of rebuilding and restoring the structures of the sanctuary shall be covered out of the royal revenue. |
45凡為修築耶路撒冷的城牆,及其四周的堡壘,以及猶太各地的城牆,所用的經費,都由王庫支付。」 |
45Likewise the cost of building the walls of Jerusalem and fortifying it all around, and of building walls in Judea, shall be donated from the royal revenue." |
46約納堂與百姓聽了這些話,既不相信,也不接受,因為都還記得:他加給以色列的一切災難,及怎樣虐待了他們。 |
46When Jonathan and the people heard these words, they neither believed nor accepted them, for they remembered the great evil that Demetrius had done in Israel, and how sorely he had afflicted them. |
47何況亞歷山大首先與他們和談,於是他們擁護他,與他永結同盟。 |
47They therefore decided in favor of Alexander, for he had been the first to address them peaceably, and they remained his allies for the rest of his life. |
48那時,亞歷山大王集合大軍,出發攻打德默特琉。 |
48King Alexander gathered together a large army and encamped opposite Demetrius. |
49兩王互相交鋒,亞歷山大的軍隊敗退,德默特琉追趕,大獲勝利。 |
49The two kings joined battle, and when the army of Demetrius fled, Alexander pursued him, and overpowered his soldiers. |
50但亞歷山大仍繼續苦戰,直到日落,德默特琉竟在這天陣亡。 |
50He pressed the battle hard until sunset, and Demetrius fell that day. |
51亞歷山大於是派遣使者,到埃及王仆托肋米前,這樣說: |
51Alexander sent ambassadors to Ptolemy, king of Egypt, with this message: |
52「自從我回到祖國,便坐上了我祖先的寶座,我戰勝德默特琉,得掌握主權,且佔據我們的土地。── |
52"Now that I have returned to my realm, taken my seat on the throne of my fathers, and established my rule by crushing Demetrius and gaining control of my country-- |
53原來我與他宣戰,打敗他和他的軍隊,就坐上他的王位;── |
53for I engaged him in battle, defeated him and his army, and recovered the royal throne-- |
54現在,讓我們彼此結好,請將女兒嫁給我為妻,我做你的女婿,且將相稱於你的禮物,送給你和她。」 |
54let us now establish friendship with each other. Give me your daughter for my wife; and as your son-in-law, I will give to you and to her gifts worthy of you." |
55仆托肋米王回答說:「你回歸祖國,登上你祖先王位的那一天,真是個好日子! |
55King Ptolemy answered in these words: "Happy the day on which you returned to the land of your fathers and took your seat on their royal throne! |
56如今我要按你所寫的實行,可是請你親到仆托肋買,我們好彼此會面,我要按你說的,使你作我的女婿。」 |
56I will do for you what you have written; but meet me in Ptolemais, so that we may see each other, and I will become your father-in-law as you have proposed." |
57一百六十二年,仆托肋米和他的女兒克婁帕達,離開埃及,來到仆托肋買。 |
57 So Ptolemy with his daughter Cleopatra set out from Egypt and came to Ptolemais in the year one hundred and sixty-two. |
58亞歷山大王來歡迎他,他就把女兒克婁帕達給亞歷山大為妻,並在仆托肋買,按王禮隆重的舉行了婚禮。 |
58There King Alexander met him, and Ptolemy gave him his daughter Cleopatra in marriage. Their wedding was celebrated at Ptolemais with great splendor according to the custom of kings. |
59那時,亞歷山大王也給約納堂寫信,請他來與自己會面。 |
59King Alexander also wrote to Jonathan to come and meet him. |
60約納堂便堂堂正正地來到了仆托肋買,與二王會面,也給他們和他們的朋友,送來金銀並許多禮品,深得他們的歡心。 |
60So he went with pomp to Ptolemais, where he met the two kings and gave them and their friends silver and gold and many gifts and thus won their favor. |
61那時,以色列有些歹徒,即違背法律人,聚集起來控告他,無如國王置之不理, |
61Some pestilent Israelites, transgressors of the law, united against him to accuse him, but the king paid no heed to them. |
62王反命人脫去約納堂的衣服,給他穿上紫袍。人就照樣作了。 |
62He ordered Jonathan to be divested of his ordinary garments and to be clothed in royal purple; and so it was done. |
63王又叫他坐在自己身邊,向官員說:「你們陪着他往城裏去,宣佈說:無論因為什麼事,不得控告他;在一切事上,不得干擾他。」 |
63The king also had him seated at his side. He said to his magistrates: "Go with him to the center of the city and make a proclamation that no one is to bring charges against him on any grounds or be troublesome to him in any way." |
64那時,控告他的人,一見他身披紫袍,享受的光榮如所宣佈的一樣,就都逃走了。 |
64When his accusers saw the honor paid to him in the proclamation, and the purple with which he was clothed, they all fled. |
65國王為光榮他,又將他列入一等朋友中,並且封他為統帥,為總督。 |
65The king also honored him by numbering him among his Chief Friends and made him military commander and governor of the province. |
66約納堂然後平安回到耶路撒冷,非常喜歡。 |
66So Jonathan returned in peace and happiness to Jerusalem. |
67一百六十五年,德默特琉的兒子德默特琉,由克里特回到祖國。 |
67 In the year one hundred and sixty-five, Demetrius, son of Demetrius, came from Crete to the land of his fathers. |
68亞歷山大王聽說這消息,很是憂愁,就回到安提約基雅去。 |
68When King Alexander heard of it he was greatly troubled, and returned to Antioch. |
69德默特琉立阿頗羅尼為切肋敘利亞總督。阿頗羅尼遂集合大軍,在雅木尼雅紮營,且派人去見大司祭約納堂說: |
69Demetrius appointed Apollonius governor of Coelesyria. Having gathered a large army, Appollonius pitched his camp at Jamnia. From there he sent this message to Jonathan the high priest: |
70「只有你起來攻擊我們,因為你的緣故,我為人恥笑,受人非難,你為什麼在山上向我們示威呢? |
70"You are the only one who resists us. I am laughed at and put to shame on your account. Why are you displaying power against us in the mountains? |
71所以現在,如果你仗恃兵力,就請下到平原,到我們這裏,彼此較量一下,因為我有許多城池可倚恃。 |
71If you have confidence in your forces, come down now to us in the plain, and let us test each other's strength there; the city forces are on my side. |
72你要查詢一下我是誰,其他作我們後盾又是誰。人都說,你們決不能抵抗我們,因為你的祖先,曾在自己的土地上,逃跑過兩次。 |
72Inquire and learn who I am and who the others are who are helping me. Men say that you cannot make a stand against us because your fathers were twice put to flight in their own land. |
73現在這平原裏沒有石頭,也沒有磐石,更沒有逃避的地方,你決不能抵抗騎兵,和這麼多的軍隊。」 |
73Now you too will be unable to withstand our cavalry and such a force as this in the plain, where there is not a stone or a pebble or a place to flee." |
74約納堂一聽阿頗羅尼的這些話,勃然大怒,挑選了一萬人,從耶路撒冷出發,他哥哥息孟也與他會合,給他助戰。 |
74When Jonathan heard the message of Apollonius, he was roused. Choosing ten thousand men, he set out from Jerusalem, and Simon his brother joined him to help him. |
75他便在約培對面紮了營。城裏的人關了城門,因為約培城內有阿頗羅尼的軍隊。猶太人於是攻城, |
75He pitched camp near Joppa, but the men in the city shut him out because Apollonius had a garrison there. When the Jews besieged it, |
76城中人心裏害怕,就開了門,約納堂遂佔領了約培。 |
76 the men of the city became afraid and opened the gates, and so Jonathan took possession of Joppa. |
77阿頗羅尼聽說這事,遂即動員三千騎兵,一隊龐大的步兵,假作過路的樣式,向阿左托進發,卻突然開往平原,因為那裏有他所依仗的一大隊騎兵。 |
77When Apollonius heard of it, he drew up three thousand horsemen and an innumerable infantry. He marched on Azotus as though he were going on through the country, but at the same time he advanced into the plain, because he had such a large number of horsemen to rely on. |
78那時,約納堂尾隨阿頗羅尼,也趕到阿左托,雙方軍隊於是交鋒, |
78Jonathan followed him to Azotus, and they engaged in battle. |
79阿頗羅尼曾留下一千騎兵,在他們背後埋伏。 |
79Apollonius, however, had left a thousand cavalry in hiding behind them. |
80約納堂也知道自己背後有埋伏;軍隊遂被包圍,從早到晚,受敵箭射擊。 |
80When Jonathan discovered that there was an ambush behind him, his army was surrounded. From morning until evening they showered his men with arrows. |
81但軍人遵從約納堂的命令,堅持不動,敵人的戰馬終於疲乏。 |
81But his men held their ground, as Jonathan had commanded, whereas the enemy's horses became tired out. |
82息孟於是引軍隊出擊,加入陣線,敵軍終因騎兵都已疲憊,大敗逃走。 |
82When the horsemen were exhausted, Simon attacked the phalanx, overwhelmed it and put it to flight. |
83騎兵在平原裏四散奔逃,逃到阿左托,進入他們的達貢廟逃命。 |
83The horsemen too were scattered over the plain. The enemy fled to Azotus and entered Beth-dagon, the temple of their idol, to save themselves. |
84但是,約納堂焚毀了阿左托及其四周村鎮,得了其中的戰利品,又將達貢廟和逃到裏面的人,都放火燒了。 |
84But Jonathan burned and plundered Azotus with its neighboring towns, and destroyed by fire both the temple of Dagon and the men who had taken refuge in it. |
85這次死在刀下和燒死的,約有八千人。 |
85Those who fell by the sword, together with those who were burned alive, came to about eight thousand men. |
86約納堂離開那裏,又在阿市刻隆紮營,城裏的人都出來熱烈地歡迎他。 |
86Then Jonathan left there and pitched his camp at Ashkalon, and the people of that city came out to meet him with great pomp. |
87約納堂然後率領部下,帶着許多戰利品,回了耶路撒冷。 |
87He and his men then returned to Jerusalem, laden with much booty. |
88亞歷山大王一聽說這事,就更加光榮約納堂: |
88When King Alexander heard of these events, he accorded new honors to Jonathan. |
89就是將按習慣應賜給君王貴戚的金釦,送給他;並且還將厄刻龍及其屬地,賜給他作為產業。 |
89 He sent him a gold buckle, such as is usually given to King's Kinsmen; he also gave him Ekron and all its territory as a possession. |